
Corynebacteriosis: a disease associated with infection in sheep

Corynebacteriosis, also known as ovine conjunctivitis or ovine ophthalmia, is an infectious disease that affects sheep. It is caused by a bacterium known as Corynebacterium ovis and usually manifests as eye inflammation and conjunctivitis.

With corynebacteriosis, sheep become susceptible to infection when the bacteria comes into contact with their eyes. This can occur through contact with infected animals, contaminated pasture soil, or through improper use of tools such as hypodermic needles. The disease often spreads in conditions of poor hygiene and dense housing of sheep.

One of the main symptoms of corynebacteriosis is inflammation of the eyes with the release of purulent mucus. The infection can then spread to the conjunctiva, causing conjunctivitis. If the disease continues for a long time, a corneal ulcer may occur, which can lead to visual impairment and even loss of the eye.

To diagnose corynebacteriosis, a veterinarian must take a sample of mucus or discharge from the eye of an affected sheep and send it for laboratory testing. There, microbiological testing will be carried out to isolate and identify the bacterium Corynebacterium ovis.

Treatment of corynebacteriosis involves the use of antibiotics that are active against the bacterium Corynebacterium ovis. Your veterinarian may prescribe topical antibiotic eye drops or ointments, and in severe cases, systemic antibiotic treatment may be required.

In addition to treating individual cases, it is important to take measures to prevent the spread of corynebacteriosis throughout the herd. This includes keeping the farm clean and hygienic, separating infected and healthy animals, and ensuring that tools and equipment are used correctly.

Although corynebacteriosis is a serious disease, proper management and treatment can help prevent its spread and minimize negative impacts on the sheep industry. Regular veterinary visits, good housing conditions and precautions will help reduce the risk of corynebacteriosis in your sheep flock.


Corynebacteriosis is an eye disease caused by the bacteria Corynebacterium pyogenes, which enters the eyes through the mucous membrane of the nose or mouth. This disease is also known as ovine ophthalmia, an allergic inflammation of the conjunctiva that can lead to vision loss.[1]. These bacteria cause pain in the eyes, redness and swelling of the conjunctiva in patients. This is a serious bacterial infection that can occur without visible symptoms, for example, after wearing contact lenses, when treating eye injuries, or when using ophthalmic solutions incorrectly. This bacterial inflammation usually affects only the conjunctiva and not the cornea. But sometimes a complication occurs in the form of keratitis, which can cause blindness.[2].