Cosmetics before birth breast cream

The question of whether it is necessary to fill the entire bathroom space with tubes and jars separately for each part of the body is asked by thousands of women. Why, for example, can’t you just use body cream or balm for your breasts?

Most likely, this is just a trick by cosmetic companies and simply pumping out money - this is what many people think. But there are several nuances, learning about which will change your opinion about these funds. And, most likely, you will still add to your collection in the bathroom.

Our seven good creams for breast tightening will help you with this. These effective products will make the skin elastic and restore a flabby bust.

Do you really need creams for the décolleté area?

The secret is that the use of some special equipment is really necessary. And this is due to the fact that the skin differs in different parts of the body. This depends on the internal characteristics and functions of certain skin integuments, as well as external factors affecting them.

For example, internal mechanisms include:

  1. thickness of adipose tissue;
  2. condition of muscles and small vessels;
  3. individual pore size;
  4. hormonal balance, and as a consequence of its violation - consequences for the skin (rashes, acne, acne, etc.);
  5. functional density and permeability (for example, under the eyes and on the elbows the skin differs significantly - it has different purposes).

External mechanisms include:

  1. influence of temperatures (sun and frost);
  2. physical influences and stress (for example, the skin on the neckline is more stretched by large breasts, and the neck is constantly wrinkled under the influence of numerous and varied movements);
  3. covering with clothes (the skin of the bust dries out more in the cold season due to wearing warm clothes, and, for example, the head, on the contrary, becomes more greasy from wearing hats).

The décolleté area can be called suffering area, especially when it starts to sag due to:

  1. age characteristics;
  2. pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  3. gravitational influences;
  4. bad habits, in particular smoking;
  5. reduction in breast volume due to sudden weight loss or its increase due to weight gain;
  6. permanent poor posture.

To maintain beauty and elasticity, the epidermis of the décolleté area simply needs creams containing vitamin E and fatty acids, kernel oils, placental DNA complexes, stimulating components, and peptides.

A good nourishing cream is useful when you are young, and a stimulating one after 40. Applying the product should be preceded by gentle peeling.

Most ladies who do not take care of their skin get clearly defined wrinkles by the age of Balzac. Therefore, you need to start taking care of your skin as early as possible., and after 25 years, start using separate special products for different areas of the body.

Proper breast care can ensure skin elasticity, which will visually tighten the breasts. And if you choose a product with phytoestrogens (natural extracts of some plants), then you can increase its volume by about a size.

How to choose the right option?

There are a few things to pay attention to:

  1. If you are holding a face cream that says that it is also recommended for use on the décolleté, this is not your story. This option will not work.
  2. The note must specifically indicate: "For the neck and décolleté area." It is these products that support the work of connective tissue cells in this area, helping them produce collagen and elastin for skin elasticity.
  3. Such creams are multifunctional and have a super-light texture, nourishing, moisturizing, tightening and restoring the skin, and blocking the path of free radicals that accelerate aging to cells and thus preventing the appearance of wrinkles and age spots. Therefore, they often contain collagen, elastin, oils rich in antioxidant vitamin E and fluid-retaining hyaluronic acid.
  4. Breast care products are sold in specialized stores or pharmacies. They must have certificates that can only be obtained by passing serious testing.

Attention! Before applying the cream on the décolleté, it would be good to do a soap massage. It should be done in the shower using solid baby soap. Lather your palms with it so that they glide well, and, without pressing too much, move along your arms from the elbows and shoulders to the chest, and also from the center of the bust to the collarbones. This will help cleanse the skin, open pores and improve blood circulation.

Top 7 creams for breast firmness

We offer a short review of creams for the bust and décolleté, which have received the most positive reviews.

1. Guam DUO

Guam Duo is an Italian firming and restoring breast cream, produced in 150 ml tubes. The manufacturer positions it as a biocomplex that moisturizes and nourishes the skin of the bust, fights the signs of aging, stimulates the active growth of fat cells, and in addition has a cooling effect.

The composition includes extracts of brown algae, walnut, Asian centella, as well as menthol, sea water and oils - rice, safflower, shea, etc. At the same time, the cream is light, does not leave greasy stains on clothes, and is absorbed in a couple of minutes. The manufacturer recommends using it twice a day and emphasizes that it is suitable for all skin types.

Among the negative properties, reviews indicate that Guam DUO rolls off when applied. However, this may be due to the fact that the skin was not scrubbed beforehand and dead cells were rolled off.

Peculiarity! Don't forget: any cream is applied to the chest with light circular movements from the center up, to the shoulders, collarbones and armpits. Any product is distributed over the bust, excluding the nipples and areolas around them.

2. “Anti-gravity”

Breast tightening cream-gel from the Russian brand “Organic Shop Rus” is available in black 100 ml jars. Among the natural components included in its composition are: Noteworthy are royal orchid extract and jojoba oil.

These components help tighten and lift the skin of the mammary glands, normalize the metabolic processes occurring in it, moisturize and prevent the aging of epidermal tissue. The skin becomes smooth, soft and toned.

The negative aspects of “Anti-gravity” include: somewhat heavy texture. Because of this, the skin of the décolleté area of ​​those with small pores may react with isolated rashes. In this case, you should add a few drops of geranium oil, which has a drying effect, to the cream gel.

3. "Pregnacare"

Pregnacare cream is a product of the English cosmetic line Vitabiotics, intended for the prevention and treatment of stretch marks during pregnancy and after breastfeeding, as well as to restore breast elasticity. It is sold in 100 ml tubes and has a consistency similar to thick cream.

Promotes skin regeneration and renewal (thanks to primrose oil and allantoin), stimulates the production of collagen and elastin (lemon oil), neutralizes free radicals (vitamins E and C, soy glycine and calendula extract), nourishes the skin (aloe vera) and retains moisture in it , relieving itching and irritation (panthenol).

To get the expected result - tightened skin without stretch marks (striae), the product must be used after a shower, applied to the abdomen and chest throughout the entire period of gestation and lactation. Visible effect occurs after two weeks of use. In those places where the product was applied throughout the specified period, starting from the first trimester of pregnancy, stretch marks do not occur.

The advantages include economical consumption: The tube lasts for several months if used once a week. A minor inconvenience is the cream drying out around the opening of the tube.

4. "Beauty lift"

Cream for body and firm breasts “Beauty Lift” was developed by Belarusian cosmetologists of JV “Belita” LLC. Includes an innovative component - Bio-Bustyl oligopeptide concentrate, which gives tone to the bust and creates an ideal bust contour.

The classic elements of lifting creams - shea butter and wheat germ, collagen and elastin - nourish, saturate with moisture and restore elasticity to the epidermis, tightening the breast tissue. It is also used to reduce stretch marks on the chest and prevent the appearance of new ones. Apply to the entire décolleté area.

A good bust care product at a very affordable price. The disadvantages include a dense consistency (but it is completely absorbed and does not leave greasy stains) and a minimum of natural substances in the formula.

5. "Kanebo"

Elite-class night cream for the neck and chest with a lifting effect “Kanebo Sensai” is a gift from Japanese cosmetologists. It is marked 40+, and its purpose is to fight the first signs of wilting. However, fairly young ladies also use it, because breast decline is not necessarily related to age.

The key ingredients of the cream stimulate a long-lasting tightening effect due to their maximum concentration, activate collagen synthesis and lipolysis. The skin on the décolleté area looks young and well-groomed, its texture is strengthened and the silhouette is visually improved.

Negative sensations include a decrease in skin sensitivity in the first 2-3 days from the start of use, during the period of active accumulation of the active components of the cream in the chest - as if a tooth is frozen. Then everything is restored, the result is elastic, full and silky skin.

6. Gel “Decleor”

Firming breast gel “Bust Beautifying Toning Gel” from the French brand “Decleor” is light and refreshing. Combines the benefits of eight natural essential oils and the Phyto-Firm care complex.

Returns vitality to the top layer of skin, eliminates the causes and consequences of loss of skin tone, moisturizes and nourishes, evens out and provides a beautiful appearance.
The disadvantage is the high price.

7. "Burenka"

Body cream "Burenka" is a cosmetic product of the company "Horse Power". Suitable for arms, body and heels, but also great for combating sagging breasts.

The basis was taken from a veterinary cream for cow udders, adapted and supplemented with the “Fitofloran” complex - a new word of Italian scientists in the science of beauty.

The complex includes oils and extracts of more than 30 medicinal herbs; there are no synthetic preservatives. An effective product for the care of problematic and aging skin, saturating it with vitamins and increasing elasticity. The skin becomes velvety and soft.

For maximum benefit

Do not rush to “pounce” on the cream and use it 2 times a day. The optimal program is:

  1. the first 2 weeks – once every three days;
  2. second 2 weeks – 1 time per week;
  3. third 2 weeks 1 time during this time;
  4. further – 1 time per month.

Look at the result, your characteristics and do not forget to monitor the cosmetics market - it does not stand still. Good luck and beautiful cleavages!

The shape and skin of the breast is affected by pregnancy, the environment, weight gain, or, conversely, rapid weight loss. Due to the influence of all these factors, the breasts need constant care. Manufacturers offer a large selection of products labeled “for the chest area.” We will talk about which cream to choose for care.

Why do you need breast cream?

The skin of the breast is very delicate and sensitive. In addition, this area needs constant hydration and toning. In order to maintain youthful and elastic skin, regular body milk or lotion is indispensable.

Cosmetic products for the breast area are designed to perform several tasks at once:

• stimulate the production of natural elastin and collagen;
• protect skin cells from free radicals;
• slow down the aging process;
• have an antioxidant effect on the epidermis;
• moisturize and nourish the skin.

What to pay attention to

Before purchasing breast cream, experts recommend paying attention to the following points:

• The cream must be marked “for the chest area”. Cosmetics intended for hands and face should not be used.
• The product must have a shelf life of no more than 6 months. Creams with a long shelf life usually contain preservatives that are harmful to the skin.
• It is necessary to select a product depending on the desired effect. Anti-aging creams have one composition, and anti-stretch mark products have a different composition.
• The cream should have a light texture and be quickly absorbed.
• Breast care products must be purchased at pharmacy kiosks or trusted stores.

Breast firming cream

Loss of breast firmness can be a consequence of age-related changes, sudden weight loss, bad habits, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Breast firming cream will help cope with this problem.

This product contains several active components aimed at moisturizing, restoring elasticity and firmness of the skin. Most often this is:

• vitamins A and E;
• fatty acid;
• collagen;
• essential oils (roses, lavender, geranium);
• elastin;
• base oils (peach, grape seed, apricot);
• peptides.

Firming creams for the bust and décolleté are available from many brands. We offer a short overview of the products that have received the most positive reviews.

Cream Beauty Lift “Elastic Breasts” from Belita-Vitex

Cream with aloe juice and plant extracts from the Belarusian company Belita-Vitex:

• improves blood circulation;
• restores skin elasticity;
• deeply moisturizes and nourishes;
• stimulates the synthesis of skin cells;

• accelerates the regeneration process.
Thanks to these properties, most girls in reviews call Body Sculptor the best breast cream among inexpensive products.

Cost of the product - 300 rub.

Cream Milky Piggy Super Elastic Bust from Elizavecca

Korean remedy that fights breast deformation.
Active components included:

• Vitamins A and E. Strengthen the lipid layer of the skin.
• Collagen. Fights age-related changes.
• Olive oil. Nourishes the epidermis.
• Allantoin. Softens and adds velvetiness.

Approximate cost - 1 thousand rubles

Lifting and restoring breast cream DUO from GUAM

Breast lifting cream from the Italian brand GUAM is designed to restore the firmness and elasticity of the skin. The cream contains natural ingredients: shea butter, brown algae extract, olive and rice oil.

The product nourishes and strengthens the skin. Thanks to its moisturizing effect, it prevents the appearance of stretch marks. Effectively fights the first signs of aging.
Has a cooling effect.

Cost of the product - 2 thousand rubles

Kanebo Cellular Performance Firming Cream by Sensai

Kanebo Cellular Performance - night firming cream. Due to the high concentration of substances beneficial to the skin, the product:

• activate collagen synthesis and lipolysis;
• strengthens and tightens;
• visually makes the skin in the décolleté area more youthful and well-groomed;
• breast silhouette improves.

Active ingredients: Koishimaru imperial silk, hyaluronic acid, Japanese hawthorn extract.

Due to the accumulation of cream components in the cells, skin sensitivity may decrease within 3–4 days.

Cost of the product - 6 thousand rubles

Breast enlargement cream

Question “Is it possible to enlarge breasts with cream?” worries girls who are unhappy with their figure. There is an opinion that it is not necessary to go under the surgeon’s knife, since there are alternative methods for solving this problem. One of them is the help of special creams. Most manufacturers promise breast enlargement by 1–2 sizes, subject to regular use.

Despite the assurances of manufacturers, experts say that it is impossible to enlarge breasts with the help of cream. If this were true, then plastic surgery would not be so popular, because the non-surgical method is safer and accessible to every girl. Any cosmetic product designed to enlarge the mammary glands has only a nutritional and caring effect, and the statistics presented by manufacturers are nothing more than an advertising ploy.

All breast enlargement creams contain the following components:

• phytoestrogens (hormones of plant origin);
• substances aimed at improving blood circulation;
• components that provoke an increase in adipose tissue.

Important! You can often hear the statement from cosmetic brands that their product has no contraindications or side effects. Unfortunately, it is not. Since the female body contains a large amount of estrogen, and breast enlargement creams contain phytohormones, girls with hormonal imbalance may experience serious problems (deterioration of the thyroid gland, menstrual cycle disruption). Therefore, before using cosmetics with phytohormones, you should consult a specialist.

Despite the fact that breast enlargement creams do not enlarge them at all, there are several such products that effectively solve other problems.

Upsize Bust Enlargement Cream

This breast cream was originally intended to enlarge the mammary glands, but has other beneficial properties thanks to its components:

• Pueraria mirifica. It has a strengthening and tonic effect, increases the elasticity of the skin.
• Rose oil. Regenerates skin cells, has a tightening effect, restores firmness and elasticity to the skin.
• Shea, jojoba and macadamia oils. Pueraria mirifica enhances the strengthening properties. In addition, base oils restore smoothness, softness and silkiness to the skin.
• Vitamin E. Has a powerful regenerating, anti-inflammatory and tonic effect.

Approximate cost - 2000 rub.

Bust cream Intenso Breast Enhancer from Guam

Intenso Breast Enhancer is an excellent example of how a product designed for breast enlargement can have a caring and restorative effect. The cream is popular among women who have given birth, as it is very effective in reducing breast shape changes after breastfeeding. In addition, Intenso Breast Enhancer fights stretch marks and does not affect the hormonal system. The breasts look firm and toned after the cream.

Active components included:

• anemarrhena root;
• red algae;
• complex of vitamins.

Approximate cost - 2500 rub.

Cream for stretch marks on chest

Stretch marks (striae) on the chest are a defect that can appear in women of any age. Vertical stretch marks appear due to rapid weight gain or, conversely, rapid weight loss, and horizontal stretch marks appear due to hormonal imbalance in the body. Other factors may also cause the appearance of stretch marks. For example, pregnancy or genetic predisposition.

They do not harm your health, but they do not look very aesthetically pleasing and can become a source of complexes. In the fight against this cosmetic defect, a special cream will be a good helper. Good results can be achieved if you start using it immediately after the first stretch marks appear.

Cream for stretch marks Sanosan

Sanosan stretch mark remedy is designed specifically for pregnant and lactating women.
Thanks to jojoba oil and vitamin E, the cream moisturizes the skin, restores its elasticity and prevents the appearance of stretch marks. The product also contains an extract from Hibiscus seeds, which brightens the skin and helps cope with existing stretch marks.
Approximate cost - 350 rubles.

Cream 9 months “Special breast care” from Mustela

A product from the French brand Mustela that helps get rid of stretch marks at any stage.

• avocado extract;
• larch extract;
• beeswax;
• natural jojoba oil.

With regular use, the cream moisturizes the skin, lightens scars and stretch marks, and starts the process of cell regeneration.

Approximate cost - 1200 rub.

Action integrale vergetures by Vichy

A universal remedy for stretch marks, based on thermal water from France. Action Intégrale Vergetures cream deeply moisturizes and nourishes the epidermis. The skin becomes more elastic and better resists stretching.

• silicon;
• nourishing oils;
• hydroxyproline.

The product does not contain dyes, fragrances or synthetic components, so it can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Approximate cost - 1500 rub.

Anti-aging breast cream

High-quality anti-aging breast creams have a nourishing and moisturizing effect. In addition, they lighten age spots on the skin, stimulate cell regeneration and natural collagen production.

Creams for mature age should include the following components:
• peptides;
• amino acids;
• collagen;
• elastin;
• vitamins A and E.

To achieve the best effect, the anti-aging cream is used together with a tightening agent.

Cream for bust and décolleté Pharma Bust-Lift from Green Pharma

A product that restores skin tone, smoothes out fine wrinkles and slows down the aging process.

• Complex of hazelnut oligopeptides. Has a strengthening and tightening effect.
• Depigmenting extract of Japanese mandarin. Smoothes the skin in the décolleté area and lightens age spots.
• Hyaluronic acid. Moisturizes, softens and increases skin elasticity.

Approximate cost - 990 rub.

Rejuvenating lifting cream Slidissime from Premium

A tightening cream that fights signs of skin aging in the décolleté area. The product contains a balanced complex of vitamins, minerals, fruit acids and oils. Namely:

• Corn oil. Prevents photoaging and lightens age spots. Suitable for any skin type.
• Jojoba oil. It has a protective, softening, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and regenerating effect.
• Glycerin. Smoothes out fine wrinkles.
• Shea Butter. Softens, restores skin elasticity and fights age-related changes.
• Collagen. Increases skin elasticity and promotes cell regeneration.
• Glycolic acid. Renews the skin, exfoliates dead cells.

Approximate cost - 1450 rub.

Bio-reinforcing lipophilic bust Mezolux from Librederm

A rejuvenating night treatment that is suitable even for sensitive skin. Does not contain parabens, fragrances, artificial colors or hormones. With daily use, it restores the elasticity of skin cells, smoothes wrinkles and creases on the skin, prevents the appearance of new age-related changes, and improves microrelief.

Active components included:

• Anemarrhena root extract;
• vitamin E;
• Shea Butter.

One of the bonuses of pregnancy is breast enlargement. Those who were not satisfied with the first size may be satisfied. However, the skin in new circumstances requires support and care.

  1. Features of skin care during pregnancy
  2. How to choose cosmetics during pregnancy
  3. Rules for breast skin care during pregnancy
  4. Tools Overview

Features of skin care during pregnancy

Not a single cell of the female body remains unaffected by changes during pregnancy. And the skin, as a hormone-dependent organ, also experiences changes.

Those who suffered from oily shine and acne may get rid of them.

But sometimes acne may appear or get worse. The male hormones androgens are to blame for this, the level of which increases during pregnancy.

In the second trimester, some expectant mothers develop pigment spots (chloasma) on their face and neck - no measures need to be taken other than sun protection and masking with foundation; hyperpigmentation will go away after childbirth and breastfeeding.

With a deficiency of vitamins and microelements, there are “seals” in the corners of the lips and peeling of the skin.

Swelling and circles under the eyes are possible.

Toxicosis provokes dehydration, which means it has a bad effect on the condition of the skin.

Local immunity decreases, so inflammation is possible on the face.

Not a single cell of the female body will remain aloof from the process of change during this period. ©

A potential threat to the skin during pregnancy is stretch marks. Often the tendency to them is determined genetically. To avoid stretch marks, apply the rich cream daily to problem areas (stomach, chest, thighs).

How to choose cosmetics during pregnancy

Here are the most important recommendations.

When choosing cosmetics, focus on your skin type, but keep in mind that it may change during pregnancy.

Choose hypoallergenic, fragrance-free products, as expectant mothers sometimes experience changes in their perception of odors and immune response.

Do not experiment with new products and unfamiliar ingredients.

To combat stretch marks, use products for firmness and elasticity of the skin of the body (in fact, this is the purpose of creams for stretch marks).

If you have skin problems, consult your doctor.

When choosing cosmetics, be guided by your skin type; it may change during pregnancy. ©

“Body products should primarily contain moisturizing agents: tissues saturated with moisture are more elastic and not damaged. Creams with hyaluronic acid, chitosan, aloe and algae extracts will be useful.”

Rules for caring for breast skin during pregnancy

What is useful to do

By preserving your breast skin, you help maintain its shape. Here's what it takes.

Wear a comfortable, securely supportive bra with wide straps, it will come in handy even at night.

Use cosmetics to moisturize the skin and increase its elasticity.

Do special exercises, they can be found on the Internet.

The most famous of them is “Prayer”.

Place your palms in front of your chest, placing your elbows parallel to the floor.

Press your palms against each other.

Hold the position for a few seconds, then relax your arms.

Repeat up to 20 times.

What not to do

Massaging nipples to strengthen the skin is a very harmful activity. Instead of preparing for feeding, it causes contractions of the uterus, which can lead to premature birth.

Rub the skin of the chest with a rough mitten. Such manipulations will not make the skin more elastic, they will only injure it.

Rub the cream in too vigorously. When applying the product to the breast area, support the breast from below with one hand, and with the other, carefully apply the cream in a circular motion from the nipple to the base.

Washing nipples with soap and treating them with brilliant green during breastfeeding is a barbaric expense of the past. The microflora of the mother's nipple is clearly more beneficial to the baby than detergent.

Choose hypoallergenic, fragrance-free products, as odor perception and immune response may change. ©

If cracks appear on your nipples, use a nourishing healing cream; your doctor will recommend it.

Tools Overview

Lipid-restoring cleansing cream-gel Lipikar Syndet AP+, La Roche-Posay

Thanks to niacinamide, shea butter and the Aqua Posay Filiformis component, the product gently cleanses the skin, soothes it, and restores the protective barrier.

Serum for bust and décolleté area Super Bust Tense-In-Serum, Biotherm

Red algae (chondrus crispus) and hyaluronic acid tighten the skin, making it firm and elastic. The serum can be used during pregnancy, but not during breastfeeding.

Milk for dry skin of babies, children and adults Lipikar Lait, La Roche-Posay

This hypoallergenic product can also be used during breastfeeding - the main thing is to make sure that it does not come into contact with the nipple. The formula with shea butter and vitamin B3 nourishes and moisturizes the skin, enhancing its protective properties.

Softening body lotion Superbly Restorative Argan Body Lotion, Kiehl’s

Argan and orange oils, argan leaf extract and squalane increase skin firmness and elasticity. Not recommended for use during breastfeeding.