Broth Bone In Surgery

Broth bone is a material for transplantation obtained by boiling animal bones (most often bovine or pork). Bouillon bone is used in surgery, but quite rarely.

When bones are boiled, the organic component is removed from them, leaving only the mineral base, consisting mainly of hydroxyapatite. This treatment makes it possible to reduce the antigenic properties of bone material and the risk of rejection during transplantation.

Broth bone can be used to replace bone tissue defects, restore bone volume after tumor removal and other operations. Its main advantage is good biocompatibility and the ability to osseointegrate. However, compared to autografts and allografts, bouillon bone has less osteoinductivity.

Currently, bouillon bone is used relatively rarely as a graft, giving way to more modern bone substitutes. However, it retains a certain importance for filling small defects of bone tissue when it is impossible to use autografts.

Animal bones are one of the components of osteochondral material, which is necessary for plastic surgery and transplantation in surgery. In addition, pieces of meat are also often used to stitch wounds. However, treatment helps to minimize the number of microorganisms. Bone can be used as a subject for replacement therapy (bandages for injuries, bone injuries).

The main reason why pieces from animal meat or bone are used is the availability of such components. During bone replacement or limb replacement surgery, people have additional materials injected into their bone cavities. After the bone tissue has healed, the doctor can install a prosthesis (a replacement that allows you to restore the lost function of a limb) and secure it without complications. Thus, the use of bone tissue fragments in this area is a pressing issue in surgical practice and medicine. Despite this, the use of such a structure in some cases can lead to extremely unpleasant results.

The most common complication that occurs after the introduction of a bone structure is allergic reactions. According to medical research, at about 8