Treatment of cold indigestion

If the disorder of nature is mild, then when treating it, limit yourself to rose cakes, which include bitter wormwood and Chinese cinnamon with a decoction of cumin and azhgon, boiled in a clean glass vessel; Azhgon has a great beneficial effect on this disease. If the disease is stronger than this, then it is necessary to use strong, hot medicinal porridges, hot falafili seeds, teryak and mithridate with wine, as well as shajazaniyya with maybih, kammuni, amrusiya, fandarikun, medicine from musk and medicinal porridge, ustumahikun, medicine with incense helps with this disease, because the patient’s nature is soft. Such medicines should be given in a decoction of sumbul with mastic, aromatic rush and similar decoctions. Ginger in the form of jam is useful for such patients, as are rose cakes with an equal amount of aloe, as well as falafili; falafili  is very warming and the sign that it is working is hiccups. You should also eat pepper and asafoetida; in dishes these substances are very useful for this disease; garlic is also one of the most useful things for such patients. Medicines that help if rubbed into the stomach area include medicinal chamomile oil, henna laszlo, iris oil and mastic oil in which chicken fat is added. If you need to add strength to such an ointment, add ushshaka and bdellia to it, and if you need something even stronger, add bush oil, ban oil and white lily oil. Among other medicines useful for rubbing, for example, wine infused with iris with aloe wood, musk and amber, and from seeds, fenugreek seeds, celery seeds and marshmallow. Sometimes, with cold pain in the stomach, it is very helpful to place blood-sucking cups on the stomach area. Know also that the warming of the limbs will soon leads warming up stomach.