Treatment for thinness

You should look at which of the reasons we mentioned caused the patient to become thin, and eliminate it. For example, if nutrients do not generate thick, strong blood, then dishes that generate such blood are prescribed, not limiting themselves to substances that generate only praiseworthy blood; often such substances form liquid, dissolving blood. If the attractive force in the organs is sluggish, it is set in motion and strengthened. Also see what the disorder of nature is, if there is one, and change the nature. Rubbing when waking up from sleep is one of the ways to awaken the attractive force. Sometimes it is necessary to turn away nutrients from the opposite side and attract it to the emaciated side, if both sides are different in this respect; if, for example, one arm is thin and the other is fat, then the full arm should be tied, starting from the bottom, with a bandage, but not tight and not painful, but only narrowing the pores and not allowing nutrients to penetrate into them, which then returns to the place of distribution of nutrition and is carried away in the other direction.

The awakening of the attractive force is carried out by rubbing and, especially, rubbing with heated olive oil with a small amount of wax. The rubbing should not dry out, and as soon as the organ begins to glow, it is stopped and resumed when the burning calms down.

When the passages are clogged, they are opened, and when the body is very dense and the pores are clogged because of this, then if the cold has compacted it, the body is loosened by moisturizing and warming with warming dishes and exposure to bodily and mental movements, or by cooling and moisturizing, if it the heat tightens and compresses. The best way to warm an organ that is not susceptible to fattening due to its coldness is to rub it and then apply substances that cause redness.

If the cause of weight loss is the spleen, then the spleen is treated, and if the weight loss is due to worms, they are killed and expelled, all this is done in the ways mentioned in its place. The patient is kept in comfort and bliss, laid on something soft and placed in the shade, cheered up, anointed with incense and given cold water to drink - all this greatly strengthens the natural strength and it manages nutrients well and expels excesses, and this is the source of the causes of fullness.

Among the fattening remedies are the intake of thick wine and dishes that give good chyme, strong and solid, if the patient digests them, such as harissa, rice porridge with meat, rice with milk, fried meat, due to the fact that it retains a significant the strength of meat gives rise to hard meat, while boiled meat gives rise to loose, absorbable and fragile meat. Goose meat makes you fat in the same way as chicken partridge meat and has a strong effect in this regard, as do bone kernels with sugar.

A bath after eating strongly attracts nutrients to the body and makes you fat, but the bather at such a time is in danger of developing blockages in the liver, especially if the food was the food of people who want to gain weight. Therefore, those who want this often have stones in the liver, and most likely such blockages and stones multiply in people with naturally narrow vessels, but not all people are like that. When such patients feel heaviness in the left side, they are given well-known medicines to drink that open blockages in the liver, and before eating they are given capers with vinegar and honey and sikanjubin with seeds until the heaviness goes away.

It is best to bathe in the sauna after the first digestion, when the food has already gone down, although eating immediately after leaving the sauna, without an interval, is one of the reasons for fullness. The bath is an excellent fattening remedy for most people, and especially those who are in a state similar to stunting, and bathing, as already said, should be done after the first digestion, that is, when food, with the exception of certain dishes, has descended from the stomach, people with hot drinks, you should drink doug made from unsoured raib.

One of the tricks to cause fattening is, as we said earlier, to retain blood in a given organ by pulling the organ opposite it on the other side. They tighten the place below the organ from where the nutrient comes to it, if this organ is well-fed or it is not required that it be so well-fed, if the forearm is thin and the hand is healthy, then it is pulled at the wrist, or if the shoulder is thin, but the hand and forearm are healthy, Then they pull it at the elbow, from the upper parts of the forearm.

Strengthening measures also include measures related to physical exercise, namely all sorts of light, slow exercises, and all this is done moderately, after quickly rubbing with a slightly rough cloth, medium in terms of hardness and softness. It is especially useful to rub yourself when waking up until the skin turns red, after which you indulge in moderate physical exercise and bathe briefly, then wipe your body and perform dry rubbing, and then apply fattening mud.

Changes in water and air are one of the most important circumstances that should be kept in mind; often both cause weight loss.

Among the fattening agents are also muds, used after the patient’s limbs are moved and made to blush. These are, for example, zift - alone, if it is very liquid or diluted in oil so that it flows when smeared, sometimes they use one zift on a piece of leather, which they bring to the fire so that the zift melts, and stick it on, and then, when the zift hardens , the skin is removed. Zift with force attracts the nutrient substance to the organ and retains it there; it also awakens the attracting force and eliminates coldness, if any has arisen in the skin due to weakness of strength and blockage of the pores, gives the nutrient viscosity and density, and closes the pores over it, so that it remains there and does not dissolve until it turns into a particle of the organ. In summer, zift, on the day when it is consumed, should be consumed once, and in winter - twice, removing it from the organ or leaving it there, one should proceed from how quickly or slowly the organ turns red and swells; if this happens quickly, then do not leave zift too long, but, on the contrary, shoot it quickly. Sometimes it’s even enough to stick it on while it’s hot and remove it when it cools down. It is often useful to precede the use of zift by quickly rubbing something hard and rough and then smear or pat the organ several times with a reed branch, smooth, without protrusions, and especially oiled, so that it turns red and swells, and then stops, because further rubbing and patting would dissolve the nutrients. After this, stick on the zift, warming it moderately by the fire, and when it hardens and cools, remove it with a jerk; it is best to immediately pour hot, somewhat scalding water over the organ before the zift, and then apply the zift.

Sulfur and bitumen waters also attract nutrients outward. Galen says I saw a slave trader who made a skinny slave gain weight in this way, and in a short time he became rumpled, with fat thighs.

Those who are disgusted by zift use instead some kind of pore-clogging oil with some bitterness, and if they then pour cold water over the whole body or some organ and soak it, then let them do so. The best time for this is when the dirt acts on the attracted nutrient, which natural force has almost turned into blood.

You should not run away from treatment if it lasts a long time and does not work, but on the contrary, persist in it for a long time, rubbing the body with rags, pouring hot water on it, rubbing it with your hand and applying zift. Sometimes it is necessary to attract blood not by rubbing, but by irritating drugs, for example, salivagon, sulfur or tapsia.

Some organs require more nutrients than usual for fattening, because these substances are dissolved in them in larger quantities than usual, and for obesity it is necessary that a surplus remain - especially since rubbing already dissolves them.

Now let's list medications taken orally and enemas. As for drugs taken orally, the strength of such drugs requires that they digest and slightly retain nutrients in the stomach and intestines due to their retaining force and bring them into the vessels towards the liver, this is how moderate diuretics act, especially if you drink them with meals and a short time after eating. Then it is necessary to thicken the nutrient in the organ, and this is how drugs that cool and cause numbness work, like henbane, and the like, and special drugs for thickening, and these are the most powerful.

Here is an excellent composition for moderately thin people: they take almonds, peeled nuts, green seeds, pistachios, Indian hemp, pine nuts, knead with honey and turn into nuts weighing one javza. Every day you take from five to ten nuts and wash them down with wine; this makes you fat, improves your complexion and gives you strength for copulation.

They also take makkuk of white flour and five ukiy anzaruta, moisten both with cow butter until saturated and prepare flat cakes from this, which they eat in the morning and evening. Or they take equal parts of almonds, peeled hazelnuts, green seeds, sesame seeds and sleeping pills, casila - half of the part and faniz - as much as everything else, the powder from this is taken every morning and before bed in an amount of up to twenty dirhams.

Composition of al-Kindi. Take a quarter measure of peeled castor bean seeds, grind them finely, pour in two ritls of fresh milk, mix well with wheat flour, in an amount that the dough can take, make flat cakes from this, each weighing one and a half ukiyya, bake and dry them, eat two crushed ones daily flatbreads.

A good composition against thinness resulting from edible clay and blockages in the liver area, as well as due to bile. They take good raisins, fill them with four times as much water, boil them down to half and then put on each kafiz of raisins two ritls of iron oxide, a handful of azhgon, a handful of sugar and a handful of syti. When the composition has boiled and steamed for two or three days, the liquid is filtered off and drunk on an empty stomach near the rittle, and after three hours they eat bread with a sour seasoning of capers and leeks, washed down with a ritl of strong nabiz, then, when another seven hours have passed, they eat fatty meat and washed down with strong nabeez in an amount of up to three rittles, this has a remarkable effect on people with the strongest nature and improves complexion.

Or they take tragacanth, soporific poppy seeds, lecanora, bahman, capers, amber, wild ginger and mugas - each for three and a half dirhams, pound, fry in melted butter and put in two mannas of oatmeal, the whole composition, take thirty dirhams every day and They cook a stew from it with milk, melted butter and sugar, and after drinking it, they bathe briefly in the bathhouse.

Or they take mugas - fifty dirhams, harbak - twenty dirhams, tragacanth - forty dirhams, wild ginger - thirty dirhams, sift them, take about a third of the total amount of white bread, as well as about a third of peeled almonds and about another third of Sulaymani sugar. Twenty dirhams of this are taken every day in sheep's milk and grape juice - a rittl of both - from such a composition they prepare a stew and drink it.

Some moderately fattening medicines are seed kernels, different types of flour, lecanora, casila - especially with oatmeal, because casila at the same time weakens the swelling effect of oatmeal, as well as hemp seed, but this latter lingers in the stomach for a long time. Mugas, wild ginger, both bahmans and everything that moves the seed, such as viper onion, lenticular vetch, and beans, also act.

Here is one of the medicines that acts like special means for fattening. They take worms from a palm tree, dry them, pound them, mix a certain amount of them with oatmeal and feed them with it.

The same remedy for people with a hot nature. One of the good ways of fattening up for people with a hot nature is to take an arc from a sweet raib, not very hardened or sour, from which the fat has been removed so that it passes better and is lighter, and give it to the emaciated person to drink half a ritl. The patient spends three hours after this until the doug is absorbed, and then he is given the same amount to drink, and the food is put off until the evening. Let such a sick person eat well-fed chickens, and if he can tolerate thin white wine, then let him drink it. If he takes a bath   before dinner, after drinking a cup of thin, clear nabeez, and then has dinner, it will be even better.

Another remedy. They take chickpeas and soak them in cow's milk for one day and one night. If you add milk again and soak the chickpeas longer, this is acceptable. Then they take washed white rice, crushed poppy seeds, crushed wheat and barley - each for thirty dirhams, dried white bread and white sugar - both for thirty dirhams, peeled almonds - fifty dirhams, tie it all up and boil it every day thirty dirhams each with fresh milk or vegetable or ghee and drink it, and then bathe in the bath until the food is distributed throughout the body.

They also take a rittle of fresh milk and a rittle of water, boil it carefully until the water disappears, throw in the ukiyya of faniz and the ukiyya of ghee with fenugreek oil and slurp it.

They also take equal amounts of chickpea flour, bean flour, barley and rice flour, shelled lentils, white poppy seeds, shelled mung beans - half a part each, crushed wheat, shelled sesame - half a part, sugar - two parts, prepare a soup with sheep's milk and slurp it in the morning .

Or they also take henbane, cook it properly and carefully strain out the water. Then they dry the henbane in the shade, put it in the dough and bake it in a bread oven on bricks; when the dough turns red like an unripe date, they take it out, grind it and throw two bowls of dough into a rittl krosheva made from sesame seeds and soporific poppy seeds. They eat three handfuls of it in the morning and evening.

Wonderful medicine. They take henbane and wash it in water in which it was previously soaked for one day and one night, then dried, moistened until saturated with ghee, fried until it warms up, add four times more peeled almonds, or the same number of nuts, and the same amount sugar take this before bed for five dirhams.

Such people are fattened by bladder cherry, black nightshade, lettuce, mulberry and partridge meat, and those who are very emaciated need moisturizing treatment, which we mentioned in the paragraph on tabes and in the paragraph on dry stomach, refer there. They should also be lubricated with Zift every four or three days in a manner already known.

The same remedies are for people with a cold nature. Grains for people with a cold nature. They take white hellebore, budrindzhan, seeds of white soporific poppy - two dirhams each, bavrak, pine nuts - three of each, hemp seed - four, savrindzhan, henbane seeds, saliva, galanga, white bahman - each dirham, kasila - five dirhams, white wheat - one makkuk. Wheat is soaked in milk until it swells, then dried in the shade, fried and turned into oatmeal. Then all the substances are mixed, ten scoops of cow's ghee are added, ten dirhams are drunk every morning and ten dirhams every evening and washed down with milk.

Another well-known remedy. They take white cress, chickpea flour, bean flour, azhgon - one part each, two parts of casila, Kerman cumin, pepper - half of both, grind, turn into dough and bake in a bread oven, then dry, mix with the same amount of dried white bread and every day they prepare a soup with milk from it, or put the medicine in broth from fatty chicken and slurp it before eating.

A drink for them. They take qasilas - five dirhams, throw them into two ritls of good wine, which has no acid at all, and drink three cups of this - in the morning, in the evening and before bed - a cup each time is useful if it is followed by oatmeal. Laba barbaria in oatmeal helps them a lot, because it warms and moisturizes, but it is too hot.

Products for people with dry nature. They are treated with well-known moisturizing substances intended for them, applying the regime for tabes, then, for a patient whose dry nature is caused by hotness, the regime for people with a hot nature is applied, and for those whose dryness is accompanied by coldness, the regime for those suffering from senile tabus is applied.

As for enemas, any enema that fattens the kidneys is useful, for example, a sheep's milk enema, especially if a little galbanum is diluted in the milk. These also include complex enemas mentioned in the paragraph on lust, and we will mention one of them here. They take the head of a fat sheep, clean it, pound it hard and add half a ritl of fat tail and two ritls of milk, then take wheat, rice and crushed chickpeas - a quarter of a ritl each, after having tied it all up and boiled it in water, strain it and add the cereals and water to the others. component parts. After that, they are boiled again in a bread oven until the head is also boiled, and everything is filtered, and then they take this broth - three ukiyyas, fat - two ukiyyas, almond and nut flour - both according to ukiyya, and make an enema from it, after which the patient goes to bed.