“Donkey Exercise” or “Donkey Calf Raise”

Exercise Donkey, or in other words, lifting up on your toes with a donkey is another extremely effective method of influencing your calf muscles and stimulating them to the growth we need so much. The exercise belongs to the class “Weighted calf raises,” but unlike all other variants of this class of exercises, of which there are an immense variety, a mandatory attribute of this modification is the presence of one, and for some champion athletes, even several sparring partners.

How to do the Donkey exercise correctly?

  1. Stand on a flat, hard surface (or on a step or other elevation to increase the available range of motion and, accordingly, the degree of impact on your muscles)
  2. Bend forward and down so that your body is parallel to the plane of the floor.
  3. Place your hands on a weightlifting bench, wall bars, or find another reliable support point.
  4. Having taken a comfortable and stable position, a partner (or several partners) sits on your back.
  5. Without changing the position of your body, vigorously lift and lower yourself onto your toes.
  6. The minimum number of repetitions for this approach is 15 times.

Donkey calf raises are very popular among photographers of bodybuilding stars. A pair of beautiful athletes riding a huge, muscular Hercules looks impressive. And the girls enjoy the ride and Hercules benefits from pumping...

Well, and of course, don’t forget about sports nutrition after pumping your calves well. Once you've completed your strength training,  eat protein for mass to gain weight in the shortest possible time. Remember: only the right and balanced combination of training, nutrition and proper rest will give you high-quality muscle growth, and, accordingly, progress in training, which is what we sincerely wish for you!

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