Lecithin Purified

Purified lecithin is a natural substance that is often used as a food additive and dietary supplement (dietary supplements) that help normalize lipid metabolism in the body. It is a major source of choline, an essential nutrient for brain, nervous system, and liver health.

The international name for purified lecithin is "Lecithin", and synonyms include "High Quality Lecithin", "Natural Lecithin" and "Natural Lecithin + Garlic Extract". High quality lecithin is made from natural raw materials such as soybeans, egg yolk, sunflower and corn oil.

Purified lecithin is used as a food additive to improve the texture and texture of foods such as mayonnaise, sauces, confectionery and cheeses. In addition, it is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry as an additive to medications that help normalize lipid metabolism in the body.

Purified lecithin is also used as a dietary supplement to maintain cardiovascular health. This product is known to lower blood cholesterol, improve fat metabolism and help prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, purified lecithin may help improve memory, concentration and cognitive function.

It is important to note that purified lecithin is a natural product and has no side effects when used correctly. However, before starting to take dietary supplements containing purified lecithin, you should consult your doctor.

Thus, purified lecithin is a useful and effective product that can be used as a food additive or dietary supplement to maintain the health of the body. Its use can help normalize lipid metabolism, reduce blood cholesterol levels and improve cognitive function.