
Leukinferon: an antiviral agent based on human leukocyte interferon

Leukinferon is an antiviral drug produced in Russia by the company Intecor NPF. The main active ingredient is human leukocyte interferon, which effectively fights viruses.

Human leukocyte interferon is a protein that is produced by immune cells and plays an important role in fighting infections. It stimulates the immune system, enhances the body's protective functions and prevents the development of viral infections.

Leukinferon is produced in powder form for the preparation of injection solution and suppositories. The dosage of the powder is 10,000 IU, and the dosage of suppositories is 40,000 IU. To prepare an injection solution, it is necessary to dissolve the powder in a special solvent and inject it under the skin or into the muscle. Suppositories are administered rectally.

Leukinferon is effective against various viruses, including influenza, herpes, hepatitis, papillomavirus and others. It is used to prevent and treat viral infections, as well as to strengthen the immune system.

In addition, leukinferon is well tolerated by patients and has minimal side effects. However, before starting to use the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the instructions for use.

In conclusion, leukinferon is an effective antiviral agent based on human leukocyte interferon. It is widely used to prevent and treat viral infections, as well as to strengthen the immune system. Due to its safety and effectiveness, leukinferon is a popular drug among many patients and doctors.