Linoleic Acid

Linoleic acid (LA) is an essential fatty acid that plays an important role in animal and human nutrition. It is part of many important biological molecules, such as cholesterol, phospholipids and others.

LA is an unsaturated acid with two double bonds, making it more complex than other fatty acids. It is important for human and animal health, as it is a component of many metabolic processes and is necessary for the synthesis of hormones, vitamins and other important compounds.

A lack of LA in food can lead to various diseases, such as atherosclerosis, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and many others. In addition, disturbances in LA metabolism can also cause various health problems.

One way to obtain LA is to use vegetable oils that contain large amounts of this acid. There are also special supplements containing LA that may be useful for people suffering from a lack of this acid in their diet.

Overall, LA is an important fatty acid that has many functions in humans and animals. Therefore, it is important to monitor its levels in the diet and, if necessary, take supplements or adjust the diet to maintain health.

Linoleic acid is an organic compound that plays an important role in maintaining the health of animals and people. Linoleic acids are essential fats, meaning they cannot be synthesized by the body. They are found in most animal products, including meat, fish and eggs. In addition, some vegetables also contain linoleic acids.


Linoleic (Omega-6) acid is an omega-9 fatty acid. It belongs to unsaturated fatty acids and is essential for humans and animals. The linoleic acid molecule has a double bond between carbon and oxygen. The biosynthesis of linoleic acids requires vitamin B2 and B vitamins. Linoleic acids can also be synthesized from α-linolenic acid with the help of vitamins C and E. The molar mass of linoleic (linoleic) acid is 126.3 g/mol. It is highly soluble in most organic solvents, poorly soluble in water. Linoleic acid - content in products. This is an Omega-9 unsaturated acid, and Omega acids are distinguished by their special chemical structure and properties: * they are synthesized by the body independently, “from scratch”; * Omega-6 fatty acids promote regeneration, improve the condition of skin, hair, nails and vascular walls; * are responsible for normal hormonal levels and oxygen saturation of the blood, ensuring the normal functionality of the cardiovascular system.