Lobectomy (Lobectomy)

Lobectomy is a surgical operation that is used to remove a portion of a specific organ or gland in order to treat various diseases. One of the most common uses of lobectomy is to remove a lobe of the lung in the presence of a malignant tumor or other serious lung disease.

The lungs are an important respiratory organ, consisting of the right and left lungs, each of which is divided into lobes. Lung lobectomy involves removing one of the lobes of the lung - upper, middle or lower - depending on the location and nature of the disease.

Performing a pulmonary lobectomy usually requires surgery, which can be performed using a variety of techniques, including traditional open surgery or minimally invasive procedures such as video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) or robotic surgery.

Lobectomy surgery may be necessary if a malignant tumor is detected in a lung lobe. In such cases, removing the affected lobe allows you to control and prevent the spread of cancer to healthy tissue. In addition, lobectomy may be used to treat other conditions such as bronchiectasis, pulmonary tuberculous cavity, or multiple lung tumors.

Before undergoing a lobectomy, the patient undergoes a comprehensive preliminary evaluation, including a medical history, physical examination, and additional tests such as x-rays, computed tomography (CT), or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). These procedures help determine the size and nature of the tumor, as well as assess the general condition of the lungs and the patient as a whole.

Depending on the characteristics of the disease and the individual patient, the surgeon can decide which treatment method is most suitable in a particular case. Traditional open surgery involves making an incision in the chest cavity to access the affected lobe of the lung. VATS and robotic surgery are less invasive techniques that use small incisions and special instruments controlled by the surgeon.

After surgery, the patient usually needs some time to recover. In most cases, patients can expect limited hospital-based inpatient rehabilitation, including pain control, respiratory monitoring, physical activity, and rehabilitation activities. With an uncomplicated course, patients usually recover quickly and can return to daily activities.

However, as with any surgical procedure, lobectomy comes with certain risks and complications. This may include bleeding, infection, damage to surrounding tissues or organs, and possible breathing and drainage problems. It is important to note that the decision to undergo a lobectomy is always based on a careful analysis of the benefits and risks for the individual patient.

Lobectomy is an effective treatment for certain lung diseases, especially malignant tumors. It allows you to remove the affected part of the organ, helping to control and prevent the spread of cancer cells. However, each case requires an individual approach, and the decision to proceed with surgery should be made after careful discussion between the patient and medical specialists.

Overall, lobectomy is an important procedure in the field of surgery and plays a significant role in the treatment of various lung diseases. Thanks to the constant development of minimally invasive methods and modern technologies, this type of surgery is becoming safer and more effective, which helps improve treatment outcomes and the quality of life of patients.

**Lobectomy** is the removal of part of a lobe of the lung by cutting tissue from the chest. This is a type of lung surgery. In this case, the organ will function partially, but this is enough for complete recovery and recovery from the disease. It should be noted that general anesthesia for lobectomy is used as needed, depending on the general condition of the patient and the type of surgical intervention; removal of no more than 2 lung segments (a segment is part of a lung lobe) is performed under local anesthesia.

Operations of this type are required for patients in the absence of one or more segments of the lung. During the operation, a lobe (part of a lobe) of the lung at the site of the lesion is removed, the air is pumped out, and the blood that accumulates there is removed. The surgical site is then required to be sealed. It is extremely important to know that even in the most modern centers of Moscow there are failures for various reasons; in this case, it is possible to carry out post-operative rehabilitation

A lobectomy is a traditional operation to remove a lobe of the lung. It involves removing part of the lung or lobes of the lung. The operation involves hospitalization, surgery and a long recovery period. Not all patients experience it without complications and bad consequences.

Surgery is prescribed for tumors or pathologies of the respiratory system that cannot be removed