
Mammography is an x-ray of the breast or imaging it using infrared rays. This method is used for early detection of breast tumors.

Mammography uses low-dose X-rays to take pictures of the internal structure of the breast. Women are advised to have regular mammograms to screen for breast cancer, especially after age 40. Mammography can detect tumors before they become palpable. This increases the chances of successful treatment.

Although mammography is the best method for detecting early-stage breast cancer, it is not perfect. Sometimes false positive and false negative results are possible. Therefore, doctors may order additional tests, such as a breast ultrasound, MRI, or biopsy to confirm the diagnosis.

Mammography is an x-ray of the breast or imaging it using infrared rays. It is used for early detection of breast tumors.

Mammography allows you to detect breast cancer in the early stages, when the tumor is still small and cannot be felt by palpation. This significantly increases the chances of successful treatment.

Mammography uses low-energy X-rays that are passed through the breast. The resulting X-ray image is recorded on film or digitally.

Sometimes, instead of X-rays, thermography of the mammary gland is used - obtaining its image using infrared rays. However, the sensitivity of thermography is lower than that of X-ray mammography.

Thus, mammography is an important method for screening and early diagnosis of breast cancer. It is recommended to conduct regular mammography examinations for women of certain age groups.

Mamography is an X-ray method for examining female breasts aged 20-50 years without the use of radiation exposure, used to identify neoplasms (tumors of the mammary glands). The fundamental feature of the method is that the result is not a two-dimensional image of the breast, but a three-dimensional image of the structure of the soft tissues of both mammary glands, made in standard planes (conical, sagittal, transverse); Depending on the needs of the area being examined, images of all necessary planes of the chest can be obtained. It is carried out using modern digital mammographs, which provide high-quality transmission of high-definition images to the monitor and record images on electronic storage media, and subsequently allow the specialist to carry out a more thorough and high-quality examination. At the moment, mammography is the most sensitive method for detecting lobular carcinoma, which can only be replaced by ultrasound. During screening, early diagnosis of breast cancer is recommended annually or as required by the doctor.

Mammography is included in the program of unified outpatient care to the population. The service has been included in compulsory medical insurance since 2015. Recommended for all women over 40 years of age once every two years. The results of the examination are recorded on film, in other words, on an x-ray. Now studies are carried out on a digital mammograph with the results recorded on DVD or a flash card. Also, upon request, a photograph is issued in the form of a photograph on glossy paper with dimensions of 7.5 * 8 cm. One free replacement of film is allowed. Based on the results of a repeat mammographic examination, a decision is made on the need for further consultation and treatment adjustment, if necessary. The results are delivered immediately or within a day. The deadline for reviewing a referral for additional examination is specified when contacting the registry.

And remember, an annual mammogram is the best prevention for breast cancer. Be healthy!