Hand masks for dryness and cracks

The delicate skin of your hands suffers from exposure to sunlight, frost, wind, and contact with household chemicals. As a result, the skin becomes dry, hands peel, and cracks appear. Home treatments will help you avoid premature aging of your hand skin.

Features of hand care

When you need to protect the sensitive skin on your hands, you need to follow a few simple recommendations. Cosmetologists advise:

It is necessary to minimize contact with the aquatic environment. Household chores should be done with gloves, and if you are frequently exposed to water, use protective creams.

Don't get carried away with antibacterial care products. Soap or gel tend to dry out the epidermis; they deprive the skin of its natural protective barrier.

Regular peeling helps to take care of the nutrition of the epidermis of the hands. Without such a procedure, keratinized particles will prevent the full penetration of cosmetic resources into the layers of the epidermis.

The basic rule of hand care is constant hydration and nutrition.

On frosty days, it is customary to wear gloves on your hands, and in sunny weather you cannot do without sunscreen. Active sun ages the skin twice as fast.

To improve skin care for your hands, you should use not only store-bought creams, but also make recipes at home. After all, not only the face needs care, the hands simply need care!


VIDEO. Mask for dry hands:


Homemade masks can be made two, or preferably three times every seven to eight days. You need to keep the self-made product for at least 25 minutes. If the time is kept longer, the efficiency will be better.

For the mixture prepared according to recipes, you need to wear gloves, mittens, and wrap it in compression paper. The masks are washed off with water, after the manipulations, the hands are thoroughly wiped dry and a protective cream is applied.

You can combine long housework with applying a mask. First, make the mixture and put on thin cotton gloves. To work, you will need household gloves - they are worn over cotton gloves.

How to moisturize your hands at home

Mask for dry hands with aloe

A mask with aloe will help to moisturize dry epidermis. To prepare, you will need one teaspoon of honey; it is first heated in a water bath. If it is liquid, then there is no need to drown it. Aloe leaves are cut and the gel-like mixture is squeezed out using a garlic press; it is not forbidden to simply grate them. Add a teaspoon of olive oil to the aloe and honey mixture and mix everything thoroughly. Keep it on your hands for 20 minutes, then wash it off with fairly warm water.

Moisturizing mask with melon and lemon

Fresh lemon juice is added to the melon pulp, and a teaspoon of starch is added to the mixture. The lemon-melon mixture is applied to the hands and kept for about 25 minutes; after cosmetic manipulation, the product is washed off with water at medium temperature.

Honey mask for hands against dryness and cracks

Honey is heated in a bathhouse or used in liquid form. For the mask you need two spoons of the product. Add a spoonful of small oatmeal flakes and one yolk to the honey mass. You can leave the mask on all night or keep it on for about 30 minutes.

Egg mask with almond oil

The yolk of a chicken egg is mixed with one spoon of almond oil. The mixture is ready and can be applied to dry skin. To moisturize, you need to keep the mask on for at least half an hour, you need to wear gloves on top. After rinsing, you need to additionally use a nourishing cream.

Bread mask for dry hands

A rye loaf mask helps to restore softness and hydration. A piece of rye bread is poured with very hot milk, left for about 5 minutes, and squeezed out. You need to pour a teaspoon of starch into the mixture and pour in the same amount of sunflower oil. The yolk is also added there. The bread mixture is applied to the hands, and plastic gloves are put on top. Then hands are lowered into a container of hot water, time – 20 minutes. After such manipulation, the skin becomes soft and pleasant to touch.

Nourishing hand masks at home

Nourishing oatmeal mask

Oatmeal in the amount of two spoons is brewed, the resulting porridge is mixed with one portion of glycerin. Dilute with any cosmetic oil.

Honey-glycerin hand mask

Two teaspoons of boiled water are mixed with one spoon of glycerin. Add a teaspoon of water to the mixture. A spoonful of wheat flour is also added to the mixture. The mask lasts about 25 minutes.

Banana and cottage cheese to nourish your hands

Cottage cheese (2 tablespoons) is mixed with green tea and olive oil (one spoon each). The mixture is cooled and applied for twenty minutes.

It is good to use fruits for nutrition. Banana copes well with this task. The fruit pulp is mixed with sour cream (1 teaspoon) and applied to hands that need care.

Flaxseed oil mask

Flaxseed oil in the amount of one spoon is mixed with liquid honey (one spoon). Add the yolk and 7-8 drops of fresh lemon juice to the honey-butter mixture. To begin the manipulations, steam your hands in a bath, then apply for 25 minutes. You can make this mask at night.

Hand masks for the night with gloves

Mask with olive oil and lemon juice

You need to take a small spoon of honey, a tablespoon of olive oil, and an yolk. You will also need lemon; squeeze 5-9 drops of lemon out of it. Mix the mixture, apply it to your hands, and put on cotton gloves. It is good to do the procedure at night.

Night mask with essential oils

Castor oil is applied to your hands, and special gloves (cotton) are put on. For an additional effect, you need to add essential oils; St. John's wort, sage, and lavender are suitable.

Vitamin mask with sea buckthorn oil

For the recipe you need to take a tablespoon of high-quality olive oil, add a teaspoon of sea buckthorn to it. Five drops of vitamins are added to the oils, E and A are suitable. Everything is diluted with a teaspoon of Panthenol (sold at the pharmacy). Put on gloves and you can go to bed. In the morning, the residue is washed off with fairly warm water.

Night mask "The power of three oils"

Mix one teaspoon of olive, flaxseed and castor oil. The fatty mixture is applied to the handles, and gloves are put on.

Home remedies for your hands are good to do regularly. They help fight dryness and are convenient to use at night. How do you feel about such procedures? Do you have experience using homemade masks? Share your recommendations in the comments!



Preventive hand skin care is a set of procedures aimed at preserving youth and beauty. Any woman tries to pamper her skin with a good nourishing cream, baths and massage. But sometimes even the most thorough care does not save the skin of your hands from serious troubles - dryness and cracks. This problem does not arise out of nowhere and requires immediate action.

Causes of excessive dryness and cracks

There are many reasons for painfully dry hand skin, but if cracks appear, this indicates health problems. The main reasons leading to dry skin and cracking:

  1. Unprotected contacts with household chemicals. Therefore, when using detergents and cleaning products, do not forget to protect your handles with rubber gloves.
  2. Vitamin deficiency and lack of vitamins A, C and E in the body. Add enough vegetables and fruits to your diet, use olive and flaxseed oil, do not forget about nuts and herbs.
  3. It has been noted that the skin is prone to dryness during the cold season, so do not let your hands get cold and protect them with gloves or mittens.
  4. Skin fungus is a reason to consult a doctor and begin comprehensive treatment. The fungus not only dries out the skin, but also leads to the appearance of deep cracks in the skin of the palms, between the fingers and on their pads.
  5. Various hormonal disorders and malfunctions of the thyroid gland can lead to the appearance of cracks. If the skin of your hands is cracking and your health has deteriorated - dizziness has appeared, or sudden weight loss is observed, then in this case, first of all, you need to visit a gynecologist and endocrinologist.
  6. The most common cause of flaking and dry skin is neurodermatitis and other manifestations of allergies. Since allergies are a chronic disease, a set of therapeutic measures will be required to overcome the problem.

As you can see, the causes of cracks are varied and not at all harmless, so before using home remedies, you should at least consult a dermatologist.


Baths for problem skin of hands

The solution to the problem should only be comprehensive. Start by analyzing your diet and lifestyle, exercise and forget about smoking. Regularly take vitamin-mineral complexes, which are designed to replenish the lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. To restore elasticity and youth to the skin of your hands, you can try a course of restorative procedures: baths, masks, compresses and wraps. From a variety of recipes, you can choose the one that will help solve your problems.

Oatmeal bath

Oatmeal decoction perfectly nourishes the skin of the hands, promotes hydration and rapid tissue regeneration. Take 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal, pour boiling water over them and let them swell for 15-20 minutes. Place your hands in the warm mixture and hold them there for a while. Rinse off the mixture with warm water, apply olive oil and put on cloth gloves.

Starch bath

Starch baths perfectly soften the skin and relieve irritation. The recipe is especially relevant for the treatment of dermatitis: brew a teaspoon of potato starch with boiling water. Immerse your hands in the jelly for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, the skin must be lubricated with medicinal ointment mixed with rich baby cream and several capsules of liquid vitamins A and E.

Linen bath

Flax seed baths are an absolute favorite among procedures for healing the skin of the hands. Prepare a decoction of flax seed at the rate of 100 g of flax seed and half a liter of water. In case of deep cracks, the procedure should be carried out regularly until the cracks heal.


Therapeutic masks and compresses

Baths can be alternated with therapeutic masks and compresses.

Potato mask

Mash a few boiled potatoes, maybe with the skins on, add a few tablespoons of heavy cream or sour cream. Apply the potato mixture to your hands, wrap them in a plastic bag and leave to act for at least half an hour. Rinse off the mask and apply a rich cream.

Rye bread mask

Soften 300 g of rye bread in warm milk, add 5 drops of liquid vitamins A and E to the mixture. Apply the mixture to your hands under a plastic bag and warm mittens. Remove the compress after 30 minutes and apply a nourishing cream.

Oil mask

Mix several types of oils, for example, olive + almond or grape seed oil + flaxseed oil, or peach oil + tea tree oil. Soak a piece of gauze in oil, wrap your brushes and put on cloth gloves. Leave the compress on for several hours, or even better, overnight.

Honey compress

Mix 100 g olive oil, one raw yolk and 2 tbsp. l. natural honey. Apply a compress to the skin of your hands under plastic, insulate with a scarf and leave to act for 40-50 minutes.

Make therapeutic restorative compresses, baths and masks at least once a week. Take care of your hand skin daily with nourishing creams and oils.

Thanks to the procedures, the skin of your hands will become moisturized and elastic, pigment spots and cracks will disappear. Your hands will look attractive, and you will get rid of complexes and self-doubt!

Professional skills: Chief physician of the medical center, practicing cosmetologist.

Brief biography and personal achievements: Teaching activities: teaching the subject “Social Medicine and Health Organization”, including for foreign (English-speaking) students, conducting consultations and pre-exam preparation.

Scientific and research activities: writing scientific publications, accompanying documents, organizing interaction of the department with specialized leading clinical and cosmetology centers for joint research work, participation in conferences, symposiums, etc.


Hands and face are the first thing that catches your eye when meeting a person. But if you can somehow hide the signs of aging on your face with the help of a makeup artist or a plastic surgeon, then unkempt, wrinkled hands will quickly reveal your real age and nothing can be done about it. Our article is about how to avoid this, keep their skin young or make it velvety using masks at home.

Why do hands age so quickly and how to deal with it?

Hands, unfortunately, are more often than other parts of the body exposed to aggressive environmental influences. Regular contact with detergents and cleaning products, hot and cold water, constant chapping, cold and heat - all this, in the absence of proper care, leads to dryness and roughening, and the appearance of early wrinkles. Physiological factors are also added to these reasons:

  1. deterioration of blood circulation;
  2. impaired functioning of connective tissue cells;
  3. insufficient production of collagen and elastin;
  4. skin diseases;
  5. vitamin deficiency.

And even daily cosmetic care does not solve this issue. The only thing that can correct the situation and make the skin of your hands smooth, soft and velvety is the use of protective gloves plus additional nutrition and hydration through nourishing masks.

The healing properties of hand masks

Unlike creams, masks, especially those prepared using homemade products, have a number of advantages:

  1. have a long-lasting therapeutic effect - the procedure can last more than 1 hour;
  2. provide deeper penetration of nutrients;
  3. contain mainly natural ingredients - honey, eggs, dairy products, various oils.

Hand masks are doubly effective if they are combined with special softening baths, warming wraps, compresses and massage. The disadvantages of most masks are as follows:

  1. they must be washed off thoroughly;
  2. obtaining a rejuvenating effect requires effort, time, patience and regularity;
  3. Incorrectly selected and used components may cause an allergic reaction or minor burns.

In addition, they cannot be done daily, and abuse of this type of procedure can cause irritation or allergies.

How to choose the right products for a mask at home

Note that it is not necessary for women who do not have free time to prepare nutritious hand mixtures themselves. In specialized cosmetic stores you can purchase ready-made formulations from a wide variety of exotic ingredients. They contain a rich complex of essential components to soften and restore the skin, are enriched with vitamins and minerals, have a super-absorbing effect, are easy to use, and some don’t even need to be washed off. But they are expensive and not as safe as, for example, regular refrigerator products or pharmaceutical products.

Disposable cosmetic gloves with a high moisturizing effect, impregnated with a healing composition, are becoming very popular today. It is enough to put them on and wear them for a certain time, while you can do housework and work at the computer.

To prepare a nourishing composition for your hands at home, you must first determine your skin type and study the properties of each ingredient used. Products such as eggs, honey, sour cream or vegetable oil can be combined with each other, depending on the effect you want to achieve.

Table: the best components for nourishing the skin of the hands

Component Positive Impact Application
  1. contain choline, iron, vitamins A, B, E, D and H;
  2. the yolk smooths out wrinkles, nourishes dry skin and gives it radiance;
  3. Protein cleanses, whitens and eliminates oily shine.
The yolk is usually used raw separately from the protein due to the opposite properties; it can be added to almost any nourishing mask. Before use, beat the whites, add a little citric acid to enhance the whitening effect, and apply for 10-15 minutes.
Fatty dairy products
  1. contain vitamins C, A, E;
  2. moisturize and nourish, and also brighten the skin;
  3. soothe inflamed areas;
  4. stimulate blood circulation.
Sour cream and cream are most often used with other ingredients that enhance their effect and dilute the fatty composition, and fermented baked milk or kefir can also be applied separately.
  1. natural moisturizer and antioxidant;
  2. maintains the natural balance of the skin;
  3. has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  4. rejuvenates and vitaminizes;
  5. heals wounds and cleanses pores.
It goes well with almost any component; one teaspoon is enough to enrich any mixture, but it also works well in its pure form.
Cosmetic oils and glycerin
  1. soften;
  2. nourish and saturate with vitamins;
  3. moisturize;
  4. eliminate peeling and irritation;
  5. smooth out wrinkles;
  6. promote the healing of cracks;
  7. bleach;
  8. give elasticity;
  9. protect.
Base oils (olive, jojoba, almond) are used in combination with other ingredients, mixed with each other, and separately instead of cream. Essential oils are concentrated and should always be diluted to avoid burning the skin. Sometimes one drop is enough to give the mask the desired effect.
Fruits and vegetables
  1. whiten and refresh;
  2. even out tone;
  3. have a peeling effect;
  4. promote cell renewal;
  5. saturate with vitamins;
  6. nourish and moisturize.
They are used boiled and fresh in the form of juices, gruels, purees, and are often combined with other ingredients.
Medicinal plants
  1. soothe and heal;
  2. whiten and soften;
  3. rejuvenate;
  4. give shine.
Tinctures, decoctions and infusions are used. They are added in certain doses in mixtures with other products. Sometimes the pulp is used, as is the case with aloe.

The best hand mask recipes

Due to the high susceptibility of the skin of the hands to age-related changes, wrinkle prevention should begin early - from 24–25 years. It is advisable to pre-test each new product for sensitivity before use. To achieve a lasting positive result, each mask must be done regularly - with an interval of 2-3 days and a course of 10-12 procedures.

Honey-yolk mask against rough skin

Mix the following ingredients:

  1. 1 egg yolk:
  2. 1 tbsp. l. olive oils;
  3. 1 tbsp. l. natural honey;
  4. 2-3 drops of fresh lemon juice.

After applying the sticky composition, it is advisable to wear cloth gloves, after which the mask can be left for 1 hour or overnight. Olive oil can be replaced with any vegetable oil.


Egg masks are the most effective for aging hand skin

Hand mask for dryness and cracks at home made from sour cream and carrots

  1. 3 parts fresh carrot juice;
  2. 1 part sour cream with a fat content of at least 15%;
  3. 1 part olive or sunflower oil.

The mixture is applied for 15–20 minutes, after which it is washed off.

Popular glycerin hand mask for cracks and peeling

Mix the following ingredients in equal parts:

Add three parts of water to the resulting slurry. Bring the mixture to a homogeneous consistency and soak your hands, leaving the mask on for 8 minutes.

Homemade hand mask for dry skin

The following composition will help make chapped hands velvety and soft:

  1. glycerin, oatmeal and honey - 1 teaspoon each;
  2. water - 2 teaspoons.

Lubricate your hands and leave for 20–25 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

The recipes presented above are equally suitable for all age categories. But for women aged 40 years and older, the procedures should be performed more carefully, combining them with other activities - deep cleansing and steaming. Cleansing with scrubs eliminates all stagnant processes, gets rid of dead epidermal cells, and a warm bath opens the pores of the skin and heals it.

Rejuvenating and whitening melon mask

For this composition you will need:

  1. pulp of fresh ripe melon - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  2. starch - add until the paste becomes thick;
  3. lemon juice - a few drops.

The paste is applied to clean hands and left for 20–25 minutes.

Fresh cucumber moisturizing mask

Perfect for dehydrated, dry hand skin. To prepare it you will need:

  1. 1–2 cucumbers;
  2. parsley - 1 branch;
  3. sorrel - 1 leaf.

All ingredients can be crushed in a blender. Apply for 15–20 minutes and rinse off.

Cleansing your hands with a homemade sugar scrub

Mix the following products:

  1. 50 grams of sugar;
  2. Art. l. vegetable oil.

It is enough to massage your hands for 5 minutes with this mixture and then rinse with warm water. After scrubbing your hands, you can apply any mask or hand cream.


Brown sugar is ideal for scrubbing your hands. It provides more delicate care and has relaxing properties.

Homemade rejuvenating hand mask made from oils

Women over 40 and 50 years old are recommended to lubricate their hands with any base oil at night 2 times a week before going to bed, and then put on cotton gloves. It is advisable to enrich any masks and creams with liquid vitamins A and E.

Hand bath made from potato broth

A hot potato decoction penetrates deeply into the skin, steams and saturates it with starch, which softens the epidermis and creates favorable conditions for nutrition and hydration using a cream or mask. You can add your favorite base oils to it, 1/2 teaspoon per 1 liter. It can be replaced with a solution of hot water with 1 teaspoon of potato starch. Hands are dipped into the slightly cooled solution and left for 15 minutes.

Of all the products I tried, I settled on regular egg yolk. In combination with a small amount of thick fermented baked milk and olive oil, this is an unsurpassed remedy for softening the skin of not only the hands, but also the face. To enhance the whitening and healing effect, you can add 2-3 drops of tea tree or orange oil. Initially, I used the composition to smooth out wrinkles on the face, and left the remainder for other parts of the body, including the hands. The quick result, the feeling of freshness and smoothness within 2-3 days is very pleasing, there is a cumulative effect.

Video: hand mask recipes


Dermatologists and cosmetologists have a positive attitude towards using masks at home. However, they warn: no matter how effective the mask is, you should not be diligent every day. The skin of your hands must rest for 2-3 days, and at the same time use up the resources received. Eating too much will make her lazy.

As for the women themselves who use homemade nourishing masks, they are satisfied with the result of their home treatment. Moreover, they share the secrets of beautiful hands in their reviews.

Paraffin therapy helps me in winter, when the skin is especially dry. The method allows you to perfectly nourish and rejuvenate the skin of your hands, saturating it with useful substances. The effect is excellent after the first procedure. The skin is transformed for a long time. And after the course, in general - wow! This procedure is usually done in salons, but I practice it at home. You need to be very careful not to get burned. For the mask we take:

  1. cosmetic paraffin;
  2. container for melting paraffin;
  3. warm mittens or towel;
  4. plastic bags;
  5. nutritious cream;
  6. moisturizing cream.

Melt the paraffin in a water bath. Lubricate your hands with nourishing cream and lower them one by one into a warm bath for 10-15 seconds, spreading your fingers. We pull it out. We repeat this twice, but with our fingers brought together. Then we put a bag on our hands, warm mittens on top or wrap them with a towel. We keep it like this for half an hour. Then we remove it. Can be removed without any problems. We throw away the paraffin that was on our hands, and the remaining one in the bath will still come in handy. After removing the paraffin from your hands, lubricate them with moisturizer. I do it in turns, because it’s inconvenient to do it with both hands at once.



The skin of my hands turns red, cracks and dries in winter (in the absence of care, of course), and I want my hands to be attractive, soft and tender even in the bitter cold. What am I doing for this? My favorite winter hand mask: glycerin - 1 tsp; any vegetable oil - 2 tsp; freshly squeezed lemon juice - 1 tsp; yolk - 1 pc.; rose hydrolate 1 tsp. Mix everything, apply for 15 minutes (or overnight under gloves), and wash off.

Mrs JSi


As you can see, there are a great many ways to tidy up the skin of your hands. The main thing is to make masks systematically, and then the result will not take long to arrive.