
Mastitis is an inflammatory disease of the mammary gland. It usually happens when an infection enters the breast through cracks in the nipples (in the postpartum period). Or it develops against the background of lactostasis - a strong flow of milk. Sometimes the infection “spreads” from other diseases, even from a common cold or flu.

How to recognize? Feeling worse, body temperature rises, part of the chest becomes red, painful, and hot to the touch. Untreated mastitis can cause a breast abscess to develop. It never appears without visible signs in one day: in place of lactostasis, a cavity filled with pus forms.

Treatment is carried out: regular pumping of the sore breast plus a course of antibacterial therapy. And so on until the discharge of pus stops. In the meantime, you should feed only from a healthy breast.

How to treat? Treatment of mastitis is similar to the treatment of lactostasis: massage, frequent latching of the baby to the breast, pumping. Express as often as possible: every two hours, if there is no improvement - every hour and a half, an hour, no matter how difficult it is.

For mastitis, it is necessary to prescribe antibiotics that are compatible with breastfeeding (tell your doctor that you are going to continue breastfeeding!). The usual course is at least 5 days.

If you have mastitis, you can continue to feed your baby breast milk. Don't be afraid to infect your child. Firstly, the infection that caused the inflammation entered his body several days before his mother showed visible signs of the disease. Secondly, with milk, the baby begins to receive active immune protection against this infection due to the mother’s treatment.

As a rule, when such a child is weaned from the breast, he gets sick 2 times more often than when breastfeeding continues. In addition, no one can suck milk from a sore breast better than a baby.

First of all, remember, if you feel that you cannot cope with the situation that has arisen, the chest pain becomes unbearable, and the baby does not receive proper feeding, do not lose heart or get lost under any circumstances!

There are special services to help nursing mothers. Consultations are provided both by telephone (free of charge) and on-site (24 hours a day!) at home. In addition, in the cities there is emergency obstetric care (a telephone number will be given in a regular ambulance at 03), and a call to the regional housing complex allows a doctor to be called to your home.

Mastitis is an infectious disease of the breast and can lead to serious complications if not treated properly. Symptoms of mastitis include pain, fever, redness and swelling of the skin around the breast, and the possible presence of pus or serous fluid in the affected area. The contraction lasts up to a week and is characterized by burning pain, which may be accompanied by fever. If you experience these symptoms, it is recommended that you contact your doctor for professional help.

Mastitis can be caused by various factors, such as:

Poor hygiene: Not keeping your hands and breasts clean before feeding your baby can contribute to the development of mastitis.

Immune disorders: Some people suffer from low immunity, which makes them more susceptible to infections, including mastitis.

Bad habits: Smoking, alcohol and drugs can negatively affect the immune system.