
Megalomania is a psychological disorder characterized by delusions of grandeur and fantastic ideas. With megalomania, a person overestimates his abilities, self-confidence, ideas and grandiose plans without any real basis or evidence. It is a serious mental disorder that can lead to negative consequences for health, safety and society as a whole. In this article we will talk about the symptoms, causes and treatment of megalomania.

Symptoms of Megalomania Megalomania has many manifestations, but some of the most common symptoms include:

Fantasies of superiority and control over other people Trying to control situations and people around them even when they don't want to Feelings of importance and prestige that are not usually deserved Mania or grandiosity in thoughts and actions Feeling that the other person must submit Inadequate criticality and self-esteem Addiction to moral and intellectual superiority All these symptoms can manifest themselves individually in each person suffering from megalomania. However, people suffering from this disorder often experience extreme narcissism