
Menovazine: local anesthetic

Menovazin is a local anesthetic that is widely used in medicine for the treatment of neuralgia, myalgia and itchy dermatoses. This medicine contains two active components - menthol and benzocaine, which have an analgesic effect and help reduce pain.

Indications for the use of Menovazin include diseases such as neuralgia (including facial neuralgia, lumbar radiculitis), myalgia (muscle pain), as well as itchy dermatoses (eczema, dermatitis, insect bites).

The method of using Menovazin is quite simple - painful areas need to be rubbed 2-3 times a day. This allows the active ingredients to quickly absorb into the skin and begin to act, providing rapid pain relief.

However, with prolonged use of Menovazine, side effects may occur, such as dizziness, general weakness and decreased blood pressure. Therefore, before using Menovazine, you should consult your doctor and strictly follow the recommendations on dosage and duration of use.

Contraindications for the use of Menovazin include hypersensitivity to novocaine, which is also one of the components of the drug.

In general, Menovazin is an effective and easy-to-use local anesthetic that can quickly relieve pain from neuralgia, myalgia and itchy dermatoses. However, before use, you must consult your doctor and follow the recommendations on dosage and duration of use to avoid possible side effects.

Menovazin is a drug that is used to provide local anesthesia and reduce inflammation in tissues. It consists of three active components: menthol, procaine and benzocaine.

Menthol is a substance that has a local anesthetic effect. It reduces the sensitivity of nerve endings and helps reduce pain.

Procaine is a local anesthetic that is also used for pain relief. It blocks the transmission of nerve impulses in tissues, which leads to a reduction in pain.

Benzocaine is another local anesthetic that is used in Menovazine. It also blocks the transmission of nerve impulses and reduces pain.

Menovazine is available in the form of a liquid that is applied to the skin or mucous membranes. It is used to treat various diseases such as arthritis, neuralgia, myositis and others.

However, before using Menovazine, you should consult your doctor and follow the instructions for use. You should also consider possible side effects, such as allergic reactions, skin irritation and others.