
Mesmerism is the doctrine of influencing the human body through special fluids that are transmitted from one living being to another. This theory was first proposed by the Austrian physician Franz Anton Mesmer at the end of the 18th century, and later its development was continued by other scientists.

Mesmerism was based on the assumption that all living beings have a special energy that can be transferred from one to another through contact or influence at a distance. This energy is called "magnetism" and can be used to treat illness and improve health.

One of the main principles of mesmerism was that magnetism could be transferred from one person to another using special devices such as magnets or metal balls. These devices were called "mesmeric apparatuses" and were used to create magnetic fluids.

In addition, mesmerists believed that magnetic fluids could be used to treat various diseases such as headaches, rheumatism, gout and others. They also believed that mesmeric machines could help improve blood circulation and enhance the body's immunity.

However, despite the fact that mesmerism had its supporters and followers, it was not widely recognized in scientific circles. Many scientists criticized it for the lack of scientific evidence and for the fact that it does not correspond to modern ideas about physiology and medicine.

Today, mesmerism is considered an outdated theory and most scientists do not recognize it as a scientific fact. However, some people still believe in its effectiveness and use it to treat their illnesses.

The theory of mesmerism is that when a person is exposed to the magnetic influence of another person or animals, he can experience physical and mental changes. These changes may include increased body temperature, dilation of blood vessels, contraction of muscles, etc.

The history of mesmerism begins with Johann Friedrich Mesmer, an Austrian physician who studied the healing properties of magnets in the 18th century. Mesmer argued that magnetism has the ability to have a healing effect on the body.

In the early 20th century, mesmeric techniques were used to treat patients with neurological disorders, including paralysis and