
Asthenia: causes, symptoms and treatment

Asthenia, also known as asthenic syndrome, is a state of weakness and fatigue that can occur in response to various physical or psychological factors. This condition can be temporary or long-term and can have a significant impact on a person's quality of life.

The causes of asthenia can be different. Some of these include sleep disturbances, chronic stress, poor diet, lack of physical activity, infections, thyroid disease, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and certain medications.

Symptoms of asthenia may include general weakness, fatigue, decreased stamina, decreased concentration and memory, headache, insomnia, nervousness and depression.

Treatment of asthenia depends on the cause of its occurrence. If asthenia is caused by physical factors such as lack of sleep or poor diet, lifestyle changes may help relieve symptoms. This may include increasing physical activity, improving the quality of your diet, increasing your sleep time, and reducing stress.

If asthenia is due to medical reasons, treatment may include treating the underlying condition, taking medications to increase energy levels, and consulting with a mental health professional.

In addition, some alternative medicine techniques, including yoga, massage and aromatherapy, can help improve a person's well-being and manage symptoms of asthenia.

Overall, asthenia is a fairly common condition that can have a significant impact on quality of life. However, with lifestyle changes and treatment of underlying medical problems associated with this condition, symptoms can be managed and the person can once again enjoy a full life.

Asthenia is one of the most common chronic diseases. According to medical statistics, more than 35% of the Russian population suffers from various types of asthenia.

*Symptoms of asthenia* may include:

- Excessive fatigue - Difficulty doing normal work or physical activity - Problems with concentration and memory - Drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night - Reduced ability to socialize - Diminished perception of smells and tastes

The reasons for the formation of asthenia are varied, but most of them can be associated with metabolic disorders in the tissues of the body. For example, dysfunction of the immune system leads to a deficiency of vitamins, minerals or other nutrients, which contributes to the development of chronic asthenia. In addition, chronic asthenia can be a consequence of exposure to radiation, chemicals or other toxic factors.

The main methods for diagnosing asthenia are collecting anamnesis, clinical examination of the patient, monitoring the general condition of the body, performing general