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In modern cosmetology, mesothreads have been used for face lifting for more than 40 years. The thread rejuvenation procedure continues to be constantly improved - lifting techniques, types and materials of threads are changing.

Lifting with mesothreads is a real salvation for women whose skin has been subjected to age-related tests. In cases where the signs of wilting are very obvious, the popular Botox injections and biorevitalization procedure may not cope with the situation. All layers of the dermis require significant tension and, as a result, visual rejuvenation of the face. It is for this purpose that special anti-aging threads were created. The developers of the latest generation of mesothreads are considered to be specialists from South Korea. What are these materials? And how does the procedure of implanting threads into the dermis take place?

What is mesothread?

Mesothreads for face lifting are special hypoallergenic devices made from polyoxanone. The latter is considered a self-absorbable suture material, which has been used in medicine for more than 30 years. This material is considered completely safe. The threads are coated with polylactic acid, which provides the skin with a moisturizing effect in the places where the material is implanted. The thickness of the needle and thread does not exceed 0.3 mm. The needle is made of high quality medical steel and is very flexible. This allows the doctor to work in different layers of the dermis.

What are these mysterious mesothreads for a facelift?

Types of threads

To get the maximum effect from the thread lifting procedure, it would be useful for the patient to find out what kind of mesothreads there are for face lifting. After all, for each client the doctor selects a specific type of materials, taking into account her age and skin characteristics. Thus, in cosmetology practice, 3 main types of threads are used:

Linear (smooth) thread type. It is considered the main, basic type of mesothreads. They are used to increase the level of skin elasticity by stimulating collagen production in the space around it. In other words, such threads are considered preventive because they slow down the aging process of the skin. Most often they are used for:

  1. increasing the elasticity of the dermis
  2. correction of small circumlabial wrinkles
  3. changes in lip shape
  4. elimination of double chin
  5. strengthening some areas of the neck.

Such surgical materials for face lifting are characterized by virtually painless insertion. The length of linear mesothreads is 25-90 mm.

Screw (spiral) threads for face lift. The use of such threads allows you to achieve the best results in tightening your facial skin. This effect is achieved due to the ability of these materials to take their original (spiral) shape after injection. Screw threads are used when necessary:

  1. double chin correction
  2. raising eyebrows
  3. elimination of linear wrinkles
  4. changing facial contours
  5. correction of deep nasolabial folds.

The average length of the threads varies from 50 to 60 mm. Mesotherapy can be carried out either separately with screw threads or in combination with other types of materials.

Serrated threads for face lift. In another way, these materials are called needle threads with notches. They are considered the most powerful threads that provide the maximum degree of face lift. The peculiarity of such threads is the presence of bidirectional teeth located along the entire length of the material. Since the notches are directed in different directions, this allows the products to reliably fix and strengthen the fabric frame of the face. Such materials are perfect for:

  1. lower and middle face lifts
  2. stretching the lateral lines of the neck
  3. contouring not only of the face, but also of the body
  4. eliminating facial asymmetry.

The introduction of such threads is considered the most effective, but also the most painful. Often, when using these threads, additional anesthesia is used for the treated areas. Many patients claim that mesotherapy with barbed threads takes about half an hour. However, the procedure time is relative and depends on the skill of the cosmetologist, the type of threads used and the individual sensitivity of the client.

Indications and contraindications

The following skin problems are considered indications for the use of mesothreads for face lifting:

  1. Folds in the ear area (often the result of sudden weight loss).
  2. Vertical and horizontal wrinkles on the forehead (when eliminating them, mesothreads act like Botox, only with a longer action).
  3. Deep nasolacrimal grooves.
  4. Pronounced creases in the nasolabial folds.
  5. Ptosis (drooping) of skin tissues - chin and cheeks.
  6. Periorbital wrinkles (“crow’s feet”, folds on the eyelids).
  7. Deep wrinkles on the chin, neck and chest.
  8. Sagging skin on the stomach, arms, buttocks.

At the same time, the procedure for implanting threads has a number of contraindications. Thus, you cannot resort to thread mesotherapy in cases where:

  1. Infectious diseases (chronic and acute).
  2. Skin diseases or inflammatory processes in the treated area.
  3. Oncological diseases.
  4. Problems with blood clotting.
  5. Pathologies associated with problems in the formation of connective tissue (lupus erythematosus, scleroderma).
  6. Pregnancy and breastfeeding period. During this period, the body may react ambiguously to the intervention and bioreinforcement will not bring the expected result.
  7. Excess fat in the problem area. A thread lift in such situations will not eliminate the problem the collagen frame simply cannot withstand the pressure. Initially, you need to get rid of subcutaneous fat.
  8. Diabetes.
  9. Individual intolerance to anesthesia.

This is interesting. Many women are interested in the question - From what age Can I do a facelift with threads? The aging process of each dermis is individual, but on average, age-related skin changes begin to appear after 25 years. Thus, you can use mesothreads for skin rejuvenation starting from 30-35 years old.

How is the procedure done?

If we talk about the procedure time, the doctor will work on the problem area with threads for an average of 40 minutes - 1.5 hours. The procedure consists of 2 main stages.

Preparatory. Includes consultation with a doctor. The specialist determines problem areas and the required number of threads, and announces the cost of the work. In addition, the master must explain in detail to the patient the course of the procedure and the intricacies of the rehabilitation period.

Important! In the preparatory period, the patient must undergo a series of tests. This will help the doctor determine how the woman tolerates the anesthesia and whether she has any allergic reactions to any materials.

Actually a thread lift. The doctor applies a preliminary “marking” to the patient’s skin - it indicates the direction of movement of the threads. The facial area is treated with an antiseptic, and local anesthesia is administered if necessary.

Next, the master pierces the skin in the temple area with needles and places the thread under the patient’s skin. The material is secured to the bone with extreme care and then tightened.

Useful video about mesothreads:

How many mesothreads do you need on your face?

Considering that the patient will have to pay for each thread used by a cosmetologist, it is useful to find out how many mesothreads are needed for a facelift. Of course, more accurate information on this issue can be obtained from a cosmetologist. After all, the amount of material directly depends on the condition of the skin and the area to be worked on. And, of course, it is necessary to take into account the type of threads used.

  1. for the eyebrow area – 5-10 pcs.
  2. to eliminate a double chin – about 15
  3. to tighten the oval face you need at least 20-30 threads
  4. For each side of the face (cheekbone, cheek lift) it will take about 3-10 threads.

With this they read: Ultra face lifting.

Rehabilitation period

On average, rehabilitation after a facelift takes from 2 weeks to 1 month.

The first time after the procedure, patients are often bothered by subcutaneous depressions and tubercles. This condition is considered normal usually such problems resolve on their own. The places where the threads were implanted may hurt and lose sensitivity for some time. Skin tightness also often appears during this period.

In order for your face to heal faster, you should take note of some medical advice:

  1. The first days after the procedure, it is permissible to use antibiotics and painkillers.
  2. For about 30 days you should sleep only on your back, placing several pillows under your neck.
  3. For the first few days, do not touch your face unless necessary.
  4. You need to stop eating hot food for a month.
  5. Restrain facial expressions as much as possible.
  6. For the first week, it is helpful to apply cold compresses to painful areas.

How long does the effect last?

Facelift with mesothreads is a procedure that provides a long-term effect compared to biorevitalization and Botox injections. Of course, the time during which the thread lifting effect lasts is purely individual. This indicator depends on the type of threads, the professionalism of the doctor and the characteristics of the client. On average, the action of the threads is enough to provide the face with a young and fresh look for 2 to 5 years. Some patients can boast of a longer effect - about 7 years of continuous “wearing” of threads.

Possible complications and consequences

As with any other effect on the skin, thread lifting does not exclude cosmetic consequences, namely:

  1. hematomas and bruises (usually go away on their own)
  2. facial expression disorders
  3. introduction of infection
  4. papules and dents in the places where the needle was removed
  5. changes in the facial contour.

Price of procedures

How much does such a popular and effective facelift with mesothreads cost? The final price depends on the policy of the beauty salon in which the procedure will be performed and the amount of work performed. On average, for one smooth thread you will have to pay from 700 to 1,000 rubles, for a needle thread - from 2,500 to 5,00 rubles. Thus, a facelift with ordinary threads will cost from 20 to 50,000 rubles. The use of barbed or 3D threads will require a much larger financial investment.

Photos before and after

Of course, in the vast majority of cases, thread lifting has an amazing effect. You can verify this thanks to multiple photos before and after a facelift.

Patient reviews

“About 5 years ago I agreed to hyaluronic acid injections and took them in courses for a long time. After listening to a lot of laudatory reviews, I decided to implant mesothreads under the skin. I was counting on a miraculous effect and the fact that I wouldn’t have to do the procedure often, as is the case with biorevitalizans. The thread lift procedure is quite painful and, in my opinion, not very pleasant. There is an effect, I don’t argue, but in my opinion, after an injection of hyaluronic acid, the result is no worse, only it comes out much cheaper. I hope the threads will last quite a long time.”

“Not so long ago I discovered a network of small wrinkles on my face, I was very upset, because I am only 30 years old. I began to look for ways to prevent age-related skin changes. I turned to a cosmetologist recommended by a friend. He advised plastic surgery, but I am against such radical methods. After some time, I learned about mesothread lifting. Another month was spent weighing all the pros and cons and searching for a competent master. Finally, I made up my mind. After the procedure was completed, there were, of course, some bruises on my face, but they quickly went away. All my friends are sure that I had blepharoplasty, my skin began to look so young. I will definitely continue to have thread lifts again.”

Margarita, 31 years old

“With age, the contour of the face became less clear - the oval began to round and sag in some places. Until recently, I put off solving the problem because I am terribly afraid of any operations. Finally, my cosmetologist persuaded me to have a mesothread lift. I agreed. When all the “side effects” of the procedure disappeared from my face (about a month later), I was shocked - the contour of my face became clear and tightened, as if I looked 20 years younger. A wonderful technique, I am very pleased with the result.”

“I inserted threads into the area between the eyebrows. Hematomas and bumps appeared at the puncture sites, but after a while they went away on their own. The effect is very pleasing, the face is significantly fresher and younger. However, I consider myself lucky - I ended up with a competent master. I think a lot depends on the qualifications of the cosmetologist in this matter.”

“I had a lift with mesothreads 5 days ago. There is still a bruise under the right eye, but almost everything is gone on the left side. I can already see the result. I turned to the procedure due to swelling in the cheekbone area. I had 5 threads implanted on each side. Of course, there is an effect, but, to be honest, I expected more. Perhaps the procedure was not suitable for me specifically.”

Lifting with mesothreads is a worthy response to age-related changes in facial skin. With the help of modern cosmetic materials, there is a very high probability of forgetting about skin aging for several years. Of course, the choice of a specialist and compliance with the rules of the rehabilitation period are of great importance. Mesothreads are an excellent procedure for women who do not want to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon.

Mesothreads - all the pros and cons

Very soon the long-awaited thread-lifting technique using Bio S-LINE mesothreads will appear - this is a minimally invasive and effective way to restore the clear and correct features of a youthful face.


The main function of mesothreads is the effective and painless smoothing of wrinkles and tightening of facial skin without harm to health. The peculiarity of this material is that it is able to completely break down into water and carbon dioxide within 6-7 months, but the rejuvenation effect lasts up to 2 years. To date, there are no analogues of this procedure. A similar effect was achieved with the help of gold, platinum, ligature lifting, but a significant disadvantage of these rejuvenating procedures is pain during execution, the need for anesthesia, the postoperative period, and the presence of many contraindications.

Why did I include mesothreads in my price list?

Each method in the aesthetic services market goes through several stages:

1) Loud appearance. Massive advertising company. Awakening great interest among consumers from the series “have you heard about rejuvenation from Hollywood?”

2) The period of real euphoria. The process has started, the customer is happy and the consumer is satisfied it’s really nice to be an informed person and use the most advanced.

3) Period for evaluating results (including side effects). Evaluation and re-evaluation according to the effectiveness/safety section.

4) A period of further development or regression (up to the prohibition of certain methods due to identified dangerous side effects).

Let's look at all the pros and cons regarding the method of using mesothreads.

Behind Against
1) The method has been actively practiced in countries such as South Korea, Japan and Singapore for many years. No serious side effects have been identified. There are many factories producing mesothreads. All certificates of conformity of the drugs used have been obtained. 2) The mesothreads are based on the ideal suture material polydioxanone, which meets all the requirements of modern suture material. It has been successfully used in surgical practice for more than 30 years.

3) The advertisement promises super-lifting of the face and body. An excellent result can be achieved with slight ptosis, in patients with thin and medium-thick skin

4) Mesothreads are an alternative to plastic surgery.

5) The method is minimally invasive (less traumatic). Does not require a rehabilitation period.

6) The method is less painful.

7) Mesothreads are not visible or felt.


The method combines well with other methods.

9) Immediate effect

10) The relatively low price of one mesothread is on average 1,500 rubles.

1) The method is new in Russia. Application experience is not enough.

2) Despite the high degree of safety and 100% biocompatibility of the materials used, this method requires careful selection of patients. There are a number of contraindications.

3) Obtaining a lifting effect directly depends on age, skin type and condition, and the degree of gravitational ptosis. In patients with thick, heavy skin and significant sagging tissue, mesothreads will be of little effectiveness. An objective assessment of the type of wilting and the degree of gravitational ptosis is important.

4) Mesothreads are an alternative to plastic surgery only for minor fading processes. It is important to properly inform the patient and not have high expectations. In terms of effectiveness, mesothreads cannot be compared with plastic surgery.

5) We must not forget that this is an injection method that involves passing long needles under the skin. Trauma to blood vessels and the formation of hematomas are inevitable accordingly, the patient should be informed about bruises (7-10 days).

6) The method involves local application anesthesia. For particularly sensitive patients, additional infiltration anesthesia is required. However, carrying out these activities does not guarantee complete insensitivity.

There may be some discomfort during injections.

7) After the procedure for installing mesothreads, you may experience pain, discomfort, tingling, or numbness in the areas where the threads were installed. Moreover, in some cases, in areas of particularly thin skin, an increase in folds may be detected within a week. The “accordion” effect resolves on its own within a week.


However, it is necessary to maintain a gap of one month before and after installing mesothreads, after which hardware and other injection methods can be combined.

9) After the procedure for installing mesothreads, only 15-20% of the expected effect can be observed, which will increase over the next 6 months. If the patient is properly informed, this point can be safely classified as a “pro” point and pleasant expectations.

10) Considering that one session of mesothreads to obtain a good visible effect requires from 20 to 50 mesothreads on the face, and from 50 mesothreads and more on the body, the total cost of the procedure is not small. However, this is a long-term investment - the effect lasts for 1-2 years.

Cosmetology is an actively developing, modern science it is a field of medicine that takes into account physiology, anatomy, and physiotherapy. Growing up without getting old, who's against it?

Thread lifting does not make sense for full faces with thick skin – the so-called deformation type of aging. Wrinkles and folds in this case are formed due to the redistribution of subcutaneous fat, the skin itself is very thick - it is unrealistic to tighten it with a thin thread only by triggering neocollagenesis. In the same way, you need to be careful when working with very thin faces, with poorly defined fatty tissue. In this case, even with correct insertion, the thread is capable of contouring. The ideal option is patients with an average build and medium skin thickness. You should not expect an effect even with pronounced age-related changes, when wrinkles have already acquired the appearance of deep furrows.
So let’s approach new methods wisely, where there are pros, there are cons, we just need to remember that safety comes first.

Another very important point. Whatever procedures we talk about, the quality of the materials used, adherence to the administration technique and the experience of the doctor are always very important. Introducing mesothreads in non-sterile conditions without undergoing proper training, as often happens today, is certainly unacceptable. This, as well as the wrong choice of the patient, discredits the technique.

Progress does not stand still and today new non-surgical rejuvenation products are appearing in the arsenal of cosmetologists. These include lifting with mesothreads. There are different opinions about this procedure: someone has already tried it and talks about the positive results of the method, and some are still struggling with the consequences of an unsuccessful lift. The Internet is filled with photos illustrating the effect after the procedure.

Mesothreads - instructions for use

But you shouldn’t make a decision just by looking at positive reviews, photos and videos from beauty salon websites. For every woman who wants to try mesothreads on herself, it is important to determine her personal understanding of the methodology, features of 3D mesothreads, contraindications and possible consequences of the procedure. Let's figure out what effect to expect and what conditions must be observed for a positive result.


Lifting with mesothreads – what is it?

The procedure for facial rejuvenation using mesothreads appeared in Russia only in 2012 the birthplace of this method is Korea. The skin of South Asian women is thin and sensitive Korean cosmetologists took these characteristics into account when creating the procedure.
Mesothreads are used to tighten and strengthen facial skin. They are made from polydioxanone and polyglycolic acid. The threads are introduced into the subcutaneous layer using carrier needles 25 - 60 mm long. The introduced threads are covered with collagen, which supports and tightens the skin, and the mesothreads themselves dissolve in 180 days. Skin tightening is achieved by triggering the process of neocollagenesis - this is the body's reaction to a foreign substance. Mesothreads will help eliminate age-related and structural wrinkles. The lifting effect lasts up to 2 years.
3D mesothreads do not cause discomfort and do not change facial expressions, even if they are intense. This is an undeniable advantage of the application.

Mesothreads - a new technique in the fight for youth

It is important to know! The mesothread lifting procedure is used to restore youthful skin by correcting age-related changes, and is contraindicated for young skin. The use of this method is not recommended until the age of 25–27 years.
Mesothreads are used in three types: needle, linear, spiral. First more efficient, because have notch. Using needle mesothreads, strong braces are made. This type of thread exist contraindications, more often - intolerance to anesthesia. Linear – smooth, monofilament, so they are easy to insert without causing discomfort. These threads there are several sizes, which is determined by the nature of the problem. A distinctive feature of spiral mesothreads is the ability to return to its original position after stretching.
An experienced cosmetologist will select the required method, thread length and quantity, depending from plot. To correct a double chin you will need 15 mesothreads.

For what cases is 3D lifting with mesothreads suitable:

  1. wrinkles
  2. ptosis of the lower face
  3. crow's feet
  4. nasolabial folds
  5. sagging arms, body
  6. consequences of unsuccessful plastic surgery
  7. unevenness


How is the mesothread lifting procedure performed?

The process of installing threads is complex and requires experience and sufficient qualifications of a cosmetologist. The threads are inserted with a guide needle under the skin and fixed along the muscle without disrupting the circulation in the tissues. This procedure requires knowledge of anatomy and precision. Without this, the desire to look young is fraught with disastrous results.

3D lifting with mesothreads has the following differences:

  1. calculation of the cost of the service - by the number of threads,
  2. painlessness procedures - performed under local anesthesia,
  3. validity period - 2-5 years,
  4. do not cause skin irritation,
  5. tightens the skin and fills wrinkles at the same time.

Possible consequences and contraindications of the procedure

If you install 3D mesothreads correctly, you will notice impressive results in just one procedure: your skin will look 5-6 years younger age-related and structural wrinkles will be smoothed out eyebrows and corners of lips will rise facial skin will become smoother.

After the procedure, bruising and swelling may occur, which is normal. And if inflammation or lumps appear on the skin in the area where the threads were inserted, do not hesitate to consult a doctor. For such reactions, antibiotics are prescribed to relieve inflammation.

Important! Reliable recommendations for a cosmetologist - the faces of women who have undergone lifting. Therefore, agree to the procedure only after viewing the results, do not trust before and after photos or reviews on the clinic’s website.


The introduction of mesothreads sometimes leads to serious consequences. Let's look at the common options.

  1. “Accordion” - incorrectly installed threads tighten the skin and form an accordion. It is impossible to correct such a result
  2. Seals in the area where the threads are installed are the result of incorrect installation the thread does not straighten, but forms a lump. The seal will resolve only after 100-180 days
  3. Violation of facial expressions
  4. “Money down the drain” - a thread lift will only help well-groomed skin.

There is no point in performing the lifting procedure with 3D mesothreads on a full face and thick skin. Thin threads will not support such skin and filling of wrinkles will not occur. Thin skin and a thin face also pose difficulties. The recommended age for the procedure is 38-50 years.

Therapeutic contraindications for installation:

  1. Infections
  2. Inflammatory processes
  3. Ischemia
  4. Hypertension 1-2 degrees
  5. Oncological diseases
  6. Blood diseases
  7. Psychological disorders
  8. Installed implants
  9. Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Be sure to take into account that individual intolerance to drugs also occurs, which cannot be predicted. It is important to remember that the result directly depends on the quality of the materials used by the cosmetologist.

What cosmetic procedures are combined with 3D mesothread lifting?

Cosmetologists recommend that after the procedure, other cosmetic procedures are carried out to consolidate the result.

Common additional procedures:

  1. introduction of hyaluronic acid fillers. Principle of interaction: mesothreads form a frame that holds the skin, fillers fill the nasolabial folds, cheekbones or cheeks. According to reviews, with this combination, wrinkle correction becomes even more effective.
  2. RF-lifting. Strengthens the effect of threads by stimulating neocollagenesis.
  3. When installing mesothreads in the abdomen, hips or knees, myostimulation, ultrasonic cavitation or laser rejuvenation procedures are performed a month later.


Cost of the procedure

The cost of installing mesothreads depends on the chosen clinic or salon, the qualifications of the cosmetologist and the number of introduced threads. The price of one thread ranges from 800-1500 rubles. The doctor determines the number of threads, depending on the area and the problem being solved. For a chin lift, 10-20 threads are needed, for cheekbones 30-40. Therefore, one procedure for lifting 3D mesothreads costs 15,000 - 30,000 rubles.

Every woman dreams of staying young and attractive longer. But over the years, the skin loses elasticity and wrinkles appear. Today in aesthetic medicine there are many techniques that help you look young. 3D mesothreads are an innovative method of rejuvenation, because with one procedure it is possible to correct the contours of the face or body, remove wrinkles and return the skin to a youthful and fresh look. But, before you decide to undergo such a serious procedure, consider the possible consequences and be careful when choosing a clinic. Take care of your beauty and health!