How to quickly remove cheeks and create cheekbones

No one gets younger over time, and if you want to preserve the former beauty of your face and body, even for a short while, you will have to devote some time to this. One of the main problems of women remains the appearance of sagging cheeks over the years. You can get rid of them and return your face to its previous appearance without even resorting to plastic surgery. Find out how.

How to get rid of cheeks at home

Not all women like their chubby cheeks. The reason for this is often weight gain, and it is possible and necessary to remove such a deficiency without liposuction of the cheeks. Not only the figure can be slim, but also the face. Many more stylish haircuts and hairstyles will immediately suit him, while chubby ladies have to spend a long time choosing an image to look impressive.

There are many ways to lose weight in your cheeks. Moreover, these methods, if not completely free, then cost pennies (if we talk about masks). The main thing that is required is patience, because without it nothing will work. As in any process of losing weight, it is important not only to take any actions aimed at reducing weight, but also to maintain proper nutrition, without which the excess weight will not go away. You will learn further about how to remove fat from your cheeks.

Exercises for cheeks and cheekbones

To reduce the contour of your face, you can do special exercises to slim your cheeks. It is important to perform them regularly, then the result will certainly please you. With the help of this complex you will get rid of not only full cheeks, but also a double chin. How to remove cheeks:

  1. Sit down and tilt your head back. Move your chin as if you want to grab your upper lip with your lower lip. Repeat 30 times.
  2. With your jaw closed (while keeping your head straight), try to stick out your lower lip as much as possible.
  3. Slightly tilt your head forward, begin to move your chin: stretch to your left, then to your right shoulder.
  4. Keep your head straight and the corners of your lips down. Start tensing your muscles and stay in this state for a minute.

Diet for losing weight on the face and cheeks

If you think there is a special diet for cheeks, then you might be disappointed that there isn't one. Losing weight in this part of your face will entirely depend on how much weight you want to lose overall. Uncontrollable hunger won't help, so start by eating a healthy diet. Review your diet: remove all fried and fatty foods from it, give up quick snacks. Devote at least two weeks to the diet, cleanse your body of toxins, and in combination with exercise, you will achieve the effect even faster and you will not need any cheek liposuction.

A healthy diet will help not only improve your facial contour, but also make your figure slim. Eat more vegetables, try to use honey instead of sugar, and avoid flour products more often. The main thing in this matter is to be patient, because there is no way to quickly remove cheeks. Everything requires time and perseverance, and the result will definitely not be long in coming.

Cheek masks

Another great alternative for getting a beautiful face are various anti-cheek masks that you can make yourself from natural products. Here are a few recipes that will help you fight the roundness of your face:

  1. Lemon mask. Stir 1 tsp. lemon juice and the same amount of honey with warm oatmeal (1 tbsp). Spread the mask over your face and leave for 20 minutes.
  2. Yeast mask. Dilute 20 g of yeast with a tablespoon of milk, add an egg, a tablespoon of olive oil and honey (1 tsp). Thicken the mixture with rice flour. Apply the mask to your face and leave for 30 minutes.

Cheek slimming massage

Finally, the last free method is a facial massage to slim your cheeks. How to remove cheeks with massage:

  1. Apply any nourishing cream. It is not advisable to use products with a lifting effect.
  2. Start stroking the skin of your face, move on to patting and pinching. There is no need to hurt yourself, because massage should only bring pleasure. Direct the movements from bottom to top from the cheekbones to the temples.
  3. Start pinching and rubbing the folds. It would be a huge mistake if you start to stretch the skin too much. In this case, the completely opposite result will be obtained.

How to remove bulldog cheeks at home

Not only older women, but also girls and young men can experience sagging facial skin. Sagging largely depends on genetics. There is no need to worry about this problem, because there are many methods for tightening sagging cheeks at home. In this case, it is absolutely not necessary to resort to liposuction of the cheeks or other plastic surgeries.

Contrast shower for face

A very useful remedy that will help remove cheeks is a contrast shower. It can and should be done regularly, every time you take a bath yourself. It's very simple: pour hot or cold water on your face. In this case, you can alternately inflate and deflate the cheeks, drawing air into them. Such gymnastics and contrasting water procedures have a positive effect on the skin of the face, rejuvenating it and making it more elastic.

Facial massage for facelift at home

Sagging facial skin should be massaged with the palm of your hand or fingertips. This process helps improve blood circulation and has a rejuvenating effect. Regular massage for sagging cheeks can be done in a salon by a professional or on your own at home, which is no worse. For the procedure, it is advisable to acquire a special oil that helps increase skin elasticity.

One of the ways to remove cheeks using massage requires a special herbal decoction. Almost any will do, but chamomile, birch, and mint are especially good for the skin. Soak the tip of a towel in the broth and lightly hit yourself in the face with it. Problem areas need to be kneaded thoroughly, tap them with your fingertips. Create vibration-like movements. By performing this massage on a regular basis, you will soon forget about this problem.

Exercises for sagging cheeks

You can achieve skin elasticity and pump up your facial muscles by performing special exercises for sagging cheeks:

  1. Strengthen the upper part: fold your lips as if you want to sing the sound “o”. In this case, the upper lip is pressed against the teeth. Start smiling from the top. You can use your fingers to keep the skin around your eyes from wrinkling. Repeat the movement 20 times.
  2. Strengthening the lower part occurs in a slightly different way: fold your lips in the same way as in the previous exercise, only this time lower the corners down. Make 20 circular movements on the bottom of your cheeks using your fingers. If you feel a burning sensation, then the exercise is performed correctly.
  3. Fold your lips together as in the first exercise, pressing your upper lip to your teeth. Smile only from the corners of your mouth, lifting your cheeks up. Repeat the exercise 20 times. Hold your last smile for 30 seconds.

How to visually reduce cheeks

Want to know how to visually make your cheeks appear smaller using makeup? There is a simple technique for this that can help make the facial contour more slender, like the models in the photo. You will need a dark blush that matches your skin tone, a light powder, a thick brush and 5 minutes of free time. Use powder to tint your face, and apply blush along the sunken line that is formed when the lips are folded into a duck, starting from the cheekbones. Do not overdo it with cosmetics distribute the blush evenly.

In fact, many representatives of the fair sex are worried about how to remove cheeks and make cheekbones out of them. Moreover, plump people don’t always have to worry about the fullness of their face. It often happens that chubby cheeks appear in thin and slender women.

Why do you have to think about how to remove cheeks and create cheekbones?

There can be many reasons why a face may become rounded and take on unsatisfactory shapes. The most common of them:

  1. hereditary predisposition
  2. regular contact with ultraviolet rays
  3. accumulation of fluid in the body
  4. improper body care
  5. overweight
  6. natural aging of the epidermis
  7. non-compliance with a healthy lifestyle.

How to remove cheeks and add cheekbones to a girl?

At first glance, this task may seem impossible. For the face, gyms do not prepare special programs, as they do for any other part of the body. That's why some ladies believe that their only chance to remove their cheeks and make their cheekbones bigger is through plastic surgery. But that's not true.

One of the easiest ways to change your face shape is to go on a diet and start eating healthy:

  1. Although swelling is sometimes the cause of too large cheeks, you cannot deny yourself fluids. Every day you need to drink at least two liters of water or green tea.
  2. It is necessary to exclude such harmful foods as salt, sugar, various sweets, and soda from the diet.
  3. During lunch, it is advisable to eat as many vegetables as possible. And throughout the day it is useful to pamper yourself with different fruits.
  4. Women who regularly drink a lot of beer will find it very difficult to get rid of their cheeks.
  5. It is recommended to add dishes high in fiber to your food.

How to quickly remove cheeks and make cheekbones with the help of exercises?

It turns out that there is also a special set of exercises for losing weight in the cheeks:

  1. To improve the oval of your face, you need to take a deep breath, puff out your cheeks and evenly distribute the air inside them. The lips should be tightly closed. The next step is to place your palms on your cheeks - so that your fingers are in the ear area - and start pressing for about five seconds. Repeat the exercise up to ten times.
  2. Clench your teeth as tightly as you can, and at this moment try to stick your lower lip down.
  3. Sitting on a chair, tilt your head back and try to pull your shoulders down. At this moment, the tension should reach the cheeks. Otherwise, the exercise will not be beneficial.
  4. The lips should be folded in an “O” shape, and the tongue should be connected to the cheek. You need to hold out in this position until your facial muscles get too tired.
  5. A fairly simple but very effective exercise - with a pencil. Take the stationery in your mouth and try to draw a few letters or numbers with it, or better yet, both.

How else can you remove your cheeks and create beautiful cheekbones?

Besides diet and exercise, there are other ways to help achieve perfect cheekbones:

In recent years, beauty canons have ordered us to be thin. Everywhere, and the face is no exception. High cheekbones, sharp chin, sunken cheeks - all Hollywood divas as one demonstrate a toned oval face. Is it possible to achieve this without the intervention of a surgeon? Or is plastic the only way out? In this article, we will look at how to remove cheeks and make cheekbones clearer surgically and why doctors do not give a definite answer regarding the removal of Bisha's lumps.

What are Bisha's lumps and how do they affect facial geometry?

Babies make us so cute largely due to their chubby cheeks. This swelling is provided by Bisha's lumps - fatty encapsulated formations that are needed to facilitate the work of muscles during sucking. As the child grows, the number of chewing movements decreases and Bish's lumps gradually decrease, but do not disappear completely.

In youth, while the muscle corset and skin are elastic, Bish's lumps are invisible. The exception is chubby girls, whose amount of adipose tissue is genetically high. However, with age, tissues begin to lose elasticity and sag. This is where Bisha's lumps can lead to the appearance of jowls and a swollen oval of the face. And therefore, asking the question: how to remove cheeks and make cheekbones high, many come to such a simple conclusion - you need to remove Bish’s lumps.

Scalpel in hand: how to remove cheeks and make cheekbones surgically

To reduce the volume of the lower part of the face, you can remove the fat layer. The cheeks will become smaller, and the cheekbones and chin will protrude, visually making the face more defined and thinner. Previously, women decided to remove their back teeth for this purpose for example, Marlene Dietrich made her cheekbones “sharp as glass” just like that. Now surgeons offer to remove Bish's lumps.

These fatty deposits are located in a capsule to remove them, there is no need to make large incisions, and there is less risk of facial asymmetry. And the operation itself takes 30–50 minutes. Fast, inexpensive, low-impact and effective. Sounds like a cheap advertising slogan. But looking at the stars who decided to undergo such an operation, it seems that a miracle is really possible. Victoria Beckham, Polina Gagarina, Angelina Jolie. Before and after photos clearly demonstrate that removing Bisha's lumps helps make the face aristocratically thin.

Before you remove your cheeks and make your cheekbones high with the help of surgeons, you need to carefully study all the information. Yes, most aesthetic surgery clinics promise quick recovery, minimal side effects, noticeable results and painlessness. And logic dictates that there can be nothing wrong with removing two fat capsules. But, as usual, there is another side to the coin.

Not everything is so simple: the opinion of surgeons regarding the removal of Bisha's lumps

Even if we leave aside the argument that any surgical intervention is a potential risk, removing Bisha's lumps is far from a panacea.

More and more surgeons are dissuading patients from this operation, and call it pointless and ridiculous.

According to doctors, the visible effect directly from the removal is minimal and is noticeable only in 20% of those operated on.

But Hollywood stars do not remove these lumps, but do lipografting - they model the face using their own fatty tissue (enlarge the cheekbones, fill in the nasolabial folds, raise the eyebrows). That is why the effect of the operation is so impressive for them. But, you must admit, this is no longer just removal such a procedure is much more complicated and expensive.

Experienced, practicing surgeons who have been performing operations to remove Bisha's lumps for a long time say that after 8–10 years, the faces of women who have undergone surgery become look unhealthy emaciated. The cheek, devoid of fat, is “retracted” under the cheekbone and the face becomes like a skull covered with skin. In addition, adipose tissue acts as a shock absorber, giving elasticity and preventing tissue sagging.

Then, how to remove the cheeks and create cheekbones if the lower oval of the face has swollen?

Surgeons suggest not removing Bisha's lumps, but moving them higher, adding volume to the upper part of the face.

Or do a circular facelift using special threads that will “hold” the tissue, acting as a frame. In any case, simple removal of fatty tissue is an outdated and ineffective method. And if the doctor does not offer other methods, it is better to look for another specialist.

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