Expression wrinkles smile


Expression wrinkles, also called dynamic wrinkles, are the very first to appear on the face. Some women notice them in their early youth. Having become visible, these reminders of the transience of youth, as a rule, become deeper and more noticeable over the years. Why is this happening? What methods of combating facial wrinkles exist today? Are they safe?

Prerequisites for the early formation of facial wrinkles are genetic and individual data (for example, in those with dry skin, facial wrinkles are usually more pronounced), lifestyle (smoking worsens the condition of connective tissue and dooms us to make specific monotonous “face movements” when puffing; frequent unprotected exposure to the sun causes photoaging), and, of course, rich facial expressions and the inability to control them. By the way, facial expressions are also often based on heredity: firstly, we adopt many gestures from our parents, and secondly, the very location of facial features often provokes the location of facial wrinkles - for some, a smile minimally deforms the muscles and skin, and for others, then the whole face “plays”. So we can say that the premature appearance of facial wrinkles is not accidental and is to some extent predetermined. But there is also a positive aspect in this fatalism - by classifying yourself as one of the “risk groups”, you can throw your energy into preventing facial wrinkles and reducing their number and depth as much as possible.

Experts identify several types of dynamic wrinkles. Typical ones are:

- “crow’s feet” on the outer corners of the eyes, usually associated with frequent laughter or the habit of squinting;

- “lion wrinkles” - one or more transverse wrinkles between the eyebrows. Occurs in those who often frown due to a stern disposition or simply thinking;

- “thinker’s wrinkles” - longitudinal wrinkles on the forehead. They arise from the habit of wrinkling the forehead or raising the eyebrows.

- “smoker's wrinkles” - form a “ring” around the lips. Not only those who like to smoke suffer from them, but also those who, for some reason, often stretch out their lips with a straw. They usually appear with age;

- nasolabial wrinkles - two deep folds running from the nose to the corners of the mouth. They become especially noticeable with a special arrangement of facial features - for example, if there is a wide distance between the mouth and nose.


Expression wrinkles are only the visible part of the changes that occur to the face due to repeated monotonous muscle movements. Their contractions stretch the skin and affect the rocket-like fibroblast cells, the main building substance of the dermis. Being close to the surface of the skin, fibroblasts seem to cover “deposits” of collagen. If fibroblasts move frequently, the collagen matrix underneath them “wears out” and its ability to function as a framework for the skin is impaired. The contours of the face are disrupted and wrinkles appear. “Hand in hand” with this process goes another one - natural aging of the skin, the mechanisms of which start after the age of 20. Therefore, facial wrinkles often appear literally overnight: the collagen network loses its ability to withstand the “onslaught” of the muscles, and the fibroblasts are already stretched.

Actually expression lines are not a sign of any disease, their appearance is absolutely normal and natural, it’s just that for some they appear earlier, for others later. But this does not solve the cosmetic and psychological problem - those with facial wrinkles worry about their appearance, worry that they look older than their years.

Modern cosmetology has at its disposal an extensive arsenal of means to combat premature aging and deep expression wrinkles - from gentle to radical. To prevent dynamic changes in the skin, experts recommend that you first learn to control your facial expressions and try your best to less fuss with your face. In order to delay the appearance of wrinkles between the eyebrows and on the forehead, it is even recommended... to seal the indicated areas with adhesive tape or tape. This helps to unlearn collecting the skin into an accordion.

A good help in the fight against emerging expression wrinkles are products based on hyaluronic acid, as well as the so-called muscle relaxant creams, capable of “relaxing” fibroblasts and thereby preventing their degradation.

Among the professional procedures to combat expression wrinkles, the most popular are dermatological (deep peelings and laser skin resurfacing), surgical (facelift, facelift) and injection (injections of locally paralyzing toxins or injection of so-called fillers - wrinkle fillers). Surgical techniques are for the brave. In the event of a medical error or other factors that cannot be predicted, the patient’s face can change greatly and not for the better. In the near future we will talk about what you should be prepared for when thinking about a facelift. Dermatological methods require a period of rehabilitation and have a bunch of contraindications and possible consequences. They also require the highest professionalism from the specialist conducting them.

Injections of drugs Botox and Dysport, the active substance of which is botulinum toxin A (a waste product of the microorganism that causes botulism), are today among the most popular measures to combat expression wrinkles. Botulinum toxin temporarily immobilizes and relaxes facial muscles; this makes skin changes less noticeable and prevents further tissue damage for the duration of the drug. We have already talked about Botox in detail here -

Unfortunately, Botox and similar substances are not a magical remedy - despite the simplicity and democratic nature of use, injections are not suitable for everyone, and one of the reasons for antipathy to “cosmetic paralysis” is a violation of the emotional expressiveness of the face. Still, despite women’s understandable dislike for wrinkles, we have to admit that they are part of our lives, part of ourselves. Traces left by thousands of thoughts, surprises, smiles... Maybe this is not so bad?

When a person smiles, folds appear on the cheeks. As a rule, they form on the sides of the nose and go to the corners of the mouth. You may also notice fine lines around the eyes (“crow’s feet”), but for more on that, see the article on wrinkles around the eyes.


They differ from other facial wrinkles in that they do not always indicate age. Expression wrinkles appear due to the movement of facial muscles. Chatterers and cheerful people are more likely to have deep creases in their cheeks when they smile than people who don't talk much. So, teenagers and people in their 20s may have noticeable lines on their cheeks, but the skin on the rest of their face remains smooth. Genes also matter, we inherit facial features from our parents, so don't blame yourself too much, hereditary factors may be to blame.

It's also important to note that they usually don't look terrible, and you shouldn't try to correct any one line that appears on your face. Most people find them cute.

Deeper, more pronounced wrinkles that are noticeable even when you're not smiling can be caused by age, skin damage from sun exposure, and habits that reduce collagen and elasticity, such as smoking. With a decrease in elasticity, most of the skin on the face begins to sag, including the skin of the cheeks.

When the cheeks sag, the nasolabial fold is also disrupted, leading to the formation of wrinkles on the cheeks.

You can prevent deepening of nasolabial folds by taking better care of your skin. You should always use sunscreen and try to quit smoking. Eating a healthy diet rich in antioxidants and minerals will also help stop the formation of deep lines.

How to get rid of it?

1. Fillers (fillers)

Fillers can be acidic or collagen and are administered by injection. Both are natural components of the skin's connective tissue. They will mainly work by building collagen and enhancing skin firmness to improve its appearance within a few months. Collagen dermal fillers are best for deeper wrinkles. You may need to keep visiting your dermatologist for additional injections. The most popular fillers for nasolabial lines are Perlane, Restylane and Juvederm. You need to consult with a specialist about which filler is right for you. While fillers have many reviews and testimonials about their effectiveness, there are times when they may not be the best solution for this problem.

2. Botox

Using Botox to correct your smile line may not be the best idea. The reason for this is the way injections work. The toxin gets in and weakens the muscles, making the skin smoother. This approach is risky if applied below the eye area, as it can disrupt facial movements. No matter how much you want to get rid of folds on your cheeks, you should think about the consequences, since you still need to move the muscles of the face, at least the mouth.

3. Fat injections

For this procedure, fat collected from a suitable donor is injected as wrinkle filler. Fat injections can remove lines around the mouth.

4. Facelift

A facelift is one of the surgical treatment options. This procedure works by tightening sagging skin on the cheeks to reduce folds and lines.

5. Cheek fillers

They are different from injectable fillers. The method involves a surgical procedure to place implants in the cheeks to smooth out smile lines. After surgical manipulations, not only will facial wrinkles be smoothed out, but your cheeks will probably take on the ideal shape for you.

6. Excision

This is a surgical procedure in which the skin in the folds is completely excised. This may be the best treatment for nasolabial folds.

7. Creams

Not everyone wants to deal with surgery or injections into their facial skin. This is why there are cosmetic products that can be applied topically to reduce the appearance of this problem. There are several types of creams and serums designed to eliminate expression lines. Although they may not produce results as quickly as a more aggressive method such as plastic surgery, some treatments can be quite effective. There is no way to say which cream is best, but it is worth choosing a product with the right ingredients. A good product, including cream, for wrinkles and folds should contain one of the following components:


It encourages skin cells to retain moisture, making it firmer, which helps reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles on the cheeks. Silicone creams will temporarily fill wrinkles in the skin


This is mainly vitamin A and should be present in the cream because it stimulates collagen production.


Contained in newer products. Peptides appear to be an integral part of an effective anti-wrinkle cream.

Natural home remedies

They do not give such instant results as surgical methods. But this does not mean that there is no home remedy that can help combat this problem. Natural remedies have fewer adverse side effects and are rarely expensive. Using one of the following methods, you can reduce the lines on your cheeks when you smile, even on the smallest budget.

1. Facial exercises

Exercise promises many changes on the skin of the face. All you need is a face, a mirror, some information about the exercises and a sequence of actions to get results.

Exercises to remove facial wrinkles

2. Homemade masks

Egg white

It is worth trying to apply a little egg white to the problem area, then wash it off after drying. This mask will help tighten the skin around your mouth, minimizing smile lines and other wrinkles.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is often cited as a natural remedy for skin problems, including the nasolabial folds. You need to apply a little coconut oil on your skin to make the lines less noticeable.

Honey mask with avocado

These two ingredients are also often used in home remedies for skin imperfections. Honey increases circulation, and avocado moisturizes and nourishes the skin. If you add a little egg white for a tightening effect, you might get the best mask against expression lines.

3. Makeup

Here's a helpful makeup tip to hide wrinkles on your cheeks. The best choice for this is to use a primer. A good primer will fill in the creases in your skin, providing a smooth base for your makeup and thereby hiding imperfections.


Over the years, the skin loses its original smoothness and elasticity. Signs of aging appear in the form of wrinkles on the face. The most noticeable wrinkles are on the cheeks, they give a tired look.

Their location depends on the anatomical features of the face, and are especially pronounced when smiling. Over time, small dynamic folds turn into static and deep ones.

What to do if you find wrinkles on your cheeks? The answer is in this article!



Before you start dealing with the problem, you need to find out the reasons. The appearance of wrinkles on the cheeks is associated not only with age-related changes. They can appear at a fairly early age. The following factors contribute to this:

  1. Bad habits - smoking, alcohol abuse - negatively affect not only the external condition of the skin, but also slow down the process of production of collagen and elastin, the main proteins responsible for the elasticity of the skin.
  2. Excessive emotionality - the manner of expressing emotions with the help of bright facial expressions has a detrimental effect on the muscles of the cheeks. Over time, curves appear more and more clearly along the initially smooth massage lines.
  3. Excess weight - in the presence of excess weight, muscle tone weakens, under the force of natural gravity, the muscle frame sags. Sudden weight changes as a result of hormonal imbalances and pregnancy are harmful.
  4. Heredity – a person’s condition is determined by genetic predisposition.
  5. The external environment - excessively dry, dusty air, leads to dehydration and accelerated aging.
  6. Ultraviolet - exposure to a solarium or open sunlight leads to depletion of epidermal cells.
  7. Abuse of cosmetics - for people for whom makeup is an integral attribute of their profession, care should be more thorough.

You need to know not only how to remove wrinkles on the cheeks, but also the main reasons that cause them. And thereby adjust your lifestyle and eliminate the negative factors listed above that cause hated wrinkles.


As you can see in the photo of these lovely women, wrinkles on the cheeks are especially noticeable when smiling.

How to deal with wrinkles on the cheeks

Unfortunately, the only 100% recipe for youth has not yet been invented. But this is not a reason to let the natural aging process take its course. How to effectively get rid of wrinkles on the cheeks? There are various methods to combat wrinkles on the cheeks:


Light exercises can smooth out existing superficial grooves on the cheeks and prevent the appearance of new ones. The cheeks rarely tense up and are in a relaxed position. The main task of facial gymnastics is to increase muscle turgor.


Regular simple exercises will help slow down irreversible consequences:

  1. Balloon: puff out your cheeks as much as possible and relax, slowly releasing air
  1. Caramel: After taking water into your mouth, distil it between your teeth, like a lollipop on your cheek.
  1. Astonishment: open your mouth, pronouncing the sound “O”, sharply change to “I”.

Such exercises help get rid of wrinkles that appear on the cheeks when smiling. It is advisable to do the exercises daily, repeating 2-3 times. You definitely need to watch how your cheeks tense and feel how they pull a little inside.

Video: exercises that can help reduce wrinkles on the cheeks and nasolabial folds.


The use of massage therapy has a beneficial effect on reducing cheek wrinkles. Massage is especially effective if you want to eliminate fine wrinkles on the cheeks.

Home massage consists of light stroking with your fingers along the main contour lines. We recommend trying an unusual method of massaging in a circular motion using tablespoons.


Use cosmetic oil during the massage!

A professional massage with oils (for example, almond, argan, olive) will help remove transverse and vertical wrinkles on the cheeks.

Video: massage against wrinkles on the entire face (very effective against wrinkles on the cheeks).

Homemade masks

The main goal of home cosmetics is oxygen saturation, restoration of water balance, through gentle exfoliation and moisturizing.


Effective mask recipes:

  1. Grind the oatmeal in a blender or coffee grinder, mix with honey heated in a water bath. For oily skin, add lemon juice; for dry skin, add a teaspoon of sour cream. Apply to face, avoiding the area around the eyes, and rinse after 15-20 minutes.
  2. Dilute dry or live yeast with warm milk. Rinse off after 10 minutes with cold water.
  3. Mix one yolk, a spoonful of honey and olive oil. Apply carefully along massage lines and leave for an hour. Remove the mixture with tonic or micellar water.
  4. Steam the gelatin with chamomile decoction, bring to a boil, and cool. Spread a thick layer over the cheeks, forehead and chin. Let dry, remove after half an hour.

Simple techniques, when used correctly, give excellent results, restore elasticity and smooth out small creases.

Regularly performed exercises along with masks and massage can affect even deep wrinkles on the cheeks, not to mention small ones.


Aesthetic medicine

Everyone knows that cosmetology is very effective in terms of skin rejuvenation. But how can a cosmetologist remove wrinkles specifically on the cheeks? Clinics and beauty salons offer a wide range of procedures to eliminate the problem: from peelings and injections to serious hardware techniques, right up to plastic surgery.

After examining the skin condition, the cosmetologist will select the appropriate procedure.

The most popular cosmetic procedures for wrinkles on the cheeks:

1) Peelings.

Peels are designed to remove the dead layer of the epidermis and stimulate tissue regeneration. Types:

  1. Mechanical – special devices with soft attachments exfoliate the upper keratinized cells.
  2. Physical - ultrasound, laser resurfacing. High-frequency sound or thermal laser affects the skin, providing a rejuvenating effect.
  3. Chemical – with the help of acid (fruit, glycolic, salicylic) cell renewal is stimulated.


2) Injections.

A popular way to smooth out unevenness and remove wrinkles on the cheeks is to inject special fillers. Common Botox blocks nerve endings, limits the movement of facial muscles, and makes traces of them less noticeable.

An injection of hyaluronic acid has an excellent effect in eliminating wrinkles on the cheeks. The substance is present in human connective and epithelial tissues, responsible for elasticity. Over the years, synthesis in the body decreases and its breakdown accelerates. By making up for the lack of hyaluron, protein injections improve the structure of the epidermis and smooth out the relief.

With the help of correctly selected fillers, a cosmetologist will be able to remove deep vertical wrinkles on the cheeks.


3) Plastic surgery (the most radical way).

Deep deformations of the skin in the epidermis occur at the age of 45 and require radical methods. Many resort to surgical tightening and lifting.


In the office of an experienced cosmetologist, you can remove even the deepest wrinkles on the cheeks. And this can be done even without plastic surgery.

Cosmetical tools

It is important to understand not only “how” to remove wrinkles on the cheeks, but also “with what”. The latest technologies in cosmetics are called upon to guard the fight against aging. Experts invent all kinds of creams using active ingredients that prevent tissue from fading.

Mass markets, pharmacies, and cosmetic boutiques offer a wide selection of brands and types of creams, ointments and gels for wrinkles on the cheeks.

Tips for choosing a cream:

  1. take into account skin type (dry, oily, combination);
  2. pay attention to the presence of fragrances, preservatives and dyes - if there are suspiciously many of them, it is better to choose another product;
  3. look at the content of active active substances in the composition (vitamins, antioxidants, natural oils and plant extracts must be present).


The best way is to warn

To avoid wrinkles on the cheeks, it is advisable to follow a few simple rules:

  1. ensure daily sleep of at least 7 hours;
  2. drink enough water (from 2 liters depending on body weight);
  3. make sure that healthy vitamins, acids and microelements enter the body along with food;
  4. It is obligatory to make a morning and evening ritual of cleansing of cosmetics;
  5. use moisturizers that are appropriate for your skin type and age, choose the appropriate degree of protection from UV rays;
  6. avoid stress, conflict situations, nervous fatigue and exhaustion;
  7. resort to cosmetic procedures at home or in a salon.

It is better to engage in prevention even before the appearance of fine wrinkles on the cheeks. But if they have already appeared, the tips listed above remain relevant! They will help improve the overall condition of the skin and rejuvenate it.


Knowing how to get rid of wrinkles on your cheeks, you can easily do it! The above tips together will help you stay beautiful, young and attractive, and maintain a healthy complexion. The result will depend on your efforts, the initial stage, and the depth of the wrinkles on the cheeks.