Young Mother and the Land of Soviets

you agree with incomprehensible advice, but on the other hand, you do not enter into conflict.

If you choose this method, here are some tips from Natasha:

Do not respond to shouting and unpleasant remarks. Just state your opinion briefly and confidently. For example: “Thanks for the advice, but we have already discussed this with the doctor and he likes everything.”

Don't open a discussion. If it seems to you that the person is not going to back down, just stop paying attention to it and leave.

Remember that you do not have to make excuses to anyone. You are a mother, and you know better than anyone what your child needs.

In conclusion, I want to say that everyone chooses their own path in communicating with others, and there is no universal recipe for how to do the right thing. The main thing is not to forget that we are all different, and everyone has the right to their opinion. If you feel that a person wants to help you, do not refuse this help. If you don't like something, just ignore it and continue on your way. In the end, you are a mother, and you create your life yourself.