Strengthening your back after childbirth

For many women, becoming a mother is one of the most important events in their lives. But after giving birth, women often notice that their posture gradually becomes slouched. This is due to a compensatory increase in thoracic kyphosis in response to an increase in lumbar lordosis during pregnancy. If after giving birth a woman does not exercise to strengthen muscles that were weakened and stretched during pregnancy, then her posture can change greatly, not for the better.

One such muscle is the rhomboid muscle. One such muscle is located on the left, the other on the right of the spine. The rhomboid muscle starts from the thoracic and cervical vertebrae and is attached to the inner edge of the scapula. This muscle brings the scapula closer to the spine and, when toned, forms a straight back and beautiful posture.

There are quite a lot of exercises that use this muscle. One of these exercises is extending the spine on a ball while simultaneously bringing the shoulder blades together.


So, place the ball under your lower abdomen so that you can rest on your toes to maintain your balance. Place your arms straight above your head and, with your shoulders touching your ears, round your back, relaxing the corresponding muscles (Photo 1).

From the starting position, lift your torso and arms up at the same time and fix the position at the top point. Then, bending your arms at the elbow joints, try to bring your shoulder blades together (Photo 2). All movements are made while inhaling and without holding your breath.

Then in reverse order, i.e. straightening your arms, lower your torso to the starting position.


From the starting position - sitting on the ball - bring your arms together as straight as possible in front of you, round your back, lower your head down, almost touching your chin to your chest, and stretch your arms forward and your back back (Photo 3). This stretches the muscles located between the shoulder blades. But it is necessary to clarify that you should not abuse this exercise, because... Excessive extensibility of the rhomboid muscle leads to poor posture.

Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3

It is important to understand that regular exercises to strengthen your back muscles after childbirth can help you regain healthy posture and avoid future back problems. In addition to exercise, it is also important to take care of your body in everyday life. For example, try to keep your back straight when walking and sitting, do not carry heavy bags on one shoulder, etc.

In addition, you should pay attention to your shoes. Some types of shoes, especially high heels, can negatively affect your posture and back, so it is better to choose shoes that are comfortable and fit properly.

In conclusion, strengthening your back after childbirth is an important process that will help you maintain healthy posture and avoid back problems in the future. Regular exercise, correct posture in everyday life and choosing the right shoes can all help achieve the desired results and maintain a healthy back.