Morvana Disease

Here is a short text that you can use as source material for your article on "Morvana Disease". It may be a little longer or shorter, depending on how much space you need for your text:

**Morvana's disease** When talking about mental disorders, many people usually think of well-known diseases such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. But there are other lesser-known disorders, such as Morvana's disease. According to statistics, every twentieth person suffers from this disorder.

At the end of the 19th century, German psychiatrist Ernst Kraepelin published the first classification of mental disorders. In it he included "morvana", a disease from which he himself suffered. When a German psychiatrist noticed symptoms of this disease, he learned that it was widespread among medical students. **Kraepelin** considered this a condition for the career growth of a future doctor, and at the age of 17 he began to study this