Is it possible to bandage a papilloma with a thread: the pros and cons of the method

Is it possible to remove papilloma with thread?

The content of the article:
  1. When can you bandage a papilloma with thread?
  2. Contraindications
  3. How to bandage a papilloma with thread
  4. Removal results
  5. Reviews about ligation of papilloma

Removing papillomas with thread at home is a process that is accompanied by the fact that blood access to the tumor is blocked. Thus, natural death of the cells of the growth occurs, and it falls off on its own. However, this method of removing a tumor on the body may carry certain risks, so it is recommended to consult a specialist before tying a papilloma with thread.

When can you bandage a papilloma with thread?

Papilloma on the finger

Papillomas are special formations on the skin of a viral nature. They can be removed in various ways, but it is important not to confuse papillomas with moles, since removing the latter using “home” methods is strictly prohibited.

Any tumor grows due to the fact that blood and nutrients enter it. If access to these vital substances is blocked, the growth cells will begin to die, tissue necrosis will occur, and over time the papilloma will disappear.

Removing a pathological tumor using a thread may seem like a simple solution to the problem, since it does not require a trip to the doctor or the cost of money. It is enough to choose a suitable strong thread and tie the papilloma with it. Next, you need to wait until the growth turns black and falls off on its own.

However, it should be remembered that the appearance of some papillomas can be provoked by oncogenic strains of papillomavirus. Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that the growth on the body is of a benign nature. Only such papillomas can be tied up with threads.

To find out what strain of the virus is in your blood, you need to take a special blood test. Therefore, you should not avoid consulting a doctor.

Important! It is most convenient to bandage tumors that have a thin stalk. Flat papillomas cannot be removed this way.

Contraindications for tying papillomas with thread

Papilloma in the mouth

The main contraindication to removing growths on the body with a thread is that you cannot independently get rid of growths whose origin you are not sure of.

Doctors do not approve of this method of treating papillomas, since the epidermis under the tumor may become inflamed. Often, harmful microorganisms also enter the affected areas of the body. This leads to infection and tissue decay.

It is also not recommended to tie a papilloma with thread, if it is large, even if you are sure that the growth is benign. Such self-medication can provoke serious complications: bleeding, inflammation, suppuration at the site of the thread.

If you are unsure whether it is possible to tie a papilloma with a thread, pay attention to its location. Only growths that are on the skin can be removed using this method. This method of eliminating tumors is absolutely not suitable for removing papillomas on the genital mucosa or in the mouth, as well as on the delicate skin of the eyelids.

It is worth remembering that threads cannot be sterile, which means that the risk of infection is quite high. Moreover, you will have to wear the thread for at least a week until the growth dries and falls off. All this time you will have to be extremely careful during hygienic water procedures and while putting on clothes, so as not to catch the dying papilloma.

If the thread breaks before the papilloma falls off, this is may cause widespread blood poisoning necrotic decay products that accumulate in the neoplasm in the absence of normal blood supply.

If you are thinking about whether it is possible to tie a papilloma with a thread to a child, then the doctors answer is unequivocal - it is not possible. Children can pull it (consciously or not), thereby causing themselves pain and provoking the development of the inflammatory process.

In addition, removing papilloma with a thread cannot suppress HPV activity in the body. Only special antiviral drugs and immunostimulants can do this. Therefore, if immunity is reduced, papillomas will appear on the body again.

And, of course, we should not forget that some papillomas can degenerate into malignant neoplasms. Pulling such growths with threads can provoke malignancy, especially if the process of proliferation of cancer cells has already started and the papilloma has begun to become malignant.

  1. See also contraindications to the use of folk remedies for removing papillomas under the armpit

How to bandage a papilloma with thread?

How to bandage a papilloma with thread

The photo shows how to bandage a papilloma with thread

To bandage the tumor, a silk or cotton thread is suitable. Also, traditional healers sometimes advise using human hair for these purposes.

Let's look at how to remove papilloma with thread at home:

  1. Carefully treat the neoplasm and the adjacent area of ​​the epidermis with an antiseptic - alcohol, chlorhexidine, iodine.
  2. Also treat the thread that you will use to pull the papilloma with an antiseptic solution.
  3. Pull the thread tightly at the base of the papilloma, wrapping it around the stem. Do this as close to healthy skin as possible, but avoid damaging it. This way you can avoid inflammation and infection of the wound.
  4. If necessary, you can cover the growth with a plaster.

Try not to allow the tissue or other parts of the body to rub excessively against the bandaged papilloma. It is also not recommended to frequently wet the tumor.

  1. See also instructions for use of Darsonval against papillomas

Results of removing papilloma with thread at home

Result of papilloma removal with thread

The photo shows the result of removing papilloma with thread

As a rule, it will take at least 7-10 days for the papilloma to turn black and fall off. It is important to closely monitor the condition of the growth during this time in order to notice signs of inflammation and the spread of infection in time.

During the period of removal of papillomas with a thread at home and the death of the growth cells, quite intense pain, itching, and burning are possible. However, touching the formation with your hands or trying to tear it off ahead of time is strictly prohibited.

If the growth accidentally comes off, you need to consult a doctor and it is advisable to take the papilloma for histological diagnosis to ensure that it is benign.

You should also urgently go to the hospital if, after pulling the thread, the area of ​​the skin becomes inflamed, turns red, bloody or purulent discharge appears, and the body temperature rises. These are signs of wound infection, and such pathology requires surgical treatment.

After the papilloma falls off, the resulting wound should be regularly treated with antiseptics until the damage is completely healed.

  1. See also the results of treating papillomas with hydrogen peroxide

Real reviews about ligating papilloma with thread

Reviews about ligating papilloma with thread

Despite the fact that modern medicine offers many effective ways to remove papillomas, there are people who regularly resort to such a method of eliminating tumors on the body as thread pulling. On various forums on the Internet you can find a lot of reviews on how to bandage a papilloma with thread.

Natalya, 47 years old, Moscow

I always use the method of removing papillomas that my grandmother used, and I have never had any problems. I simply tied the growth with silk thread and left it like that for several days. Usually 3-4 days are enough for the papilloma to turn black and fall off. It is, of course, advisable to treat the growth and wound with alcohol after it falls off so that no infection gets in. Using a simple thread, I cleaned the area of ​​my armpits and neck, where I had quite a lot of papillomas.

Olga, 53 years old, St. Petersburg

Papillomas began to appear after a hormonal imbalance. They climbed under the armpits, on the neck, under the chest. I went to the doctor and was sent for tests. It turned out that I have non-oncogenic HPV, that is, the risk of papillomas degenerating into cancer is low. I tried to remove them with a laser, but it is expensive. In addition, while you are removing all the growths with a laser, you can lose your fortune. I decided to resort to the old proven method - bandage the papilloma with thread. At first I was afraid of getting some kind of infection. And when the first papilloma disappeared and not even a trace of it remained, I decided to remove all the growths this way. In six months I removed everything. Simple, free and effective.

Victor, 38 years old, Tyumen

My first papilloma appeared a couple of years ago. It was quite large and was located under the armpit, where I often touched it with clothes or with my nails. A friend advised me to remove it with celandine. I smeared the plants with fresh juice, but it didn’t give much effect. It burned my skin a little, but it didn't do any good. Then I decided to bandage the papilloma with thread. Everything was fine right away, but then, when the growth turned black and swollen, the thread accidentally burst. After this, the area around the papilloma became inflamed, reddened, and swelling appeared. I was seriously scared and immediately ran to the doctor. The tumor had to be removed by a surgeon. And then take a long time to treat the damaged area of ​​skin. Therefore, I no longer advise anyone to remove papillomas in this way, especially if they are large. It’s better to go to the doctor and remove it in the office with a laser or liquid nitrogen.

Valentina, 23 years old, St. Petersburg

I removed papilloma with silk thread. I thought everything was simple and painless, as they wrote on the Internet. It turned out to be quite painful. The area around the growth turned red and itched very much. I had to restrain myself so as not to scratch and accidentally damage the papilloma ahead of time. It disappeared only on the tenth day. In general, I was tired. After that, she swore off using traditional methods for removing papillomas and went to the hospital to have another growth on her neck removed. With the laser everything turned out to be much faster, painless and more convenient. Although more expensive, of course.

  1. Read also real reviews about laundry soap for papillomas

The method of removing papillomas with thread at home is quite common, but also quite dangerous. Doctors do not recommend resorting to such a procedure if you are not sure of the benign nature of the tumor. If the manipulation is carried out incorrectly, this can lead to serious consequences - inflammation, infection, and degeneration of the growth into a malignant one.

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