Supramastoid Ridge

The supramastoid crest is a bony projection that is located on the inner surface of the temporal bone behind the ear. Its main function is to help keep the ear in the correct position. The supramastoid crest is one of many bones in the skull, but it is its shape and location that make it unique.

The supramastoid ridge provides support and balance to the outer ear. It may seem subtle, but its importance can be understood when changes occur in the shape or position of the ear. For example, a decrease or increase in the size of the ear canal, displacement of the head of the malleus, ear injuries, and changes in the shape of the skull. Any deviation from the norm may affect the sound coming from the ear and lead to unwanted sound effects. To maintain the correct shape of the suprascidal ridge, constant preventive care is necessary, therefore, if it is necessary to correct this pathology, it is necessary to resort to the services of an otolaryngologist.