
A chisel knife is a special tool that is used to create holes and cuts in various materials. It has a pointed tip and can be made of various materials such as metal or wood. A chisel knife is a type of sternotome and is used in a variety of fields including crafts, carpentry and construction.

The characteristics of a knife-chisel may vary depending on its type and purpose. For example, professional chisel knives have a thinner and sharper tip for ease of working with various materials. However, even household chisel knives have different characteristics that are suitable for certain types of work.

The chisel knife can be used to cut wood, metal, plastic and other materials. It can also be designed for making complex and precise cuts, such as making carved parts in joinery. In industry, knife chisels are widely used for cutting various metal parts and structures.

Due to the widespread use of the chisel knife, it is necessary to know how to use it correctly to ensure high productivity and prevent injury. Before using the doliat knife, it is recommended to study its technical characteristics and read the instructions