About the effect of the combination of seasons

When, after the “southern” winter, the “northern” spring comes, and is followed by a stuffy, humid summer and an abundance of water, and spring retains its juices until summer, then in the fall pestilence among young men becomes more frequent and there are many cases of abrasions and ulcers in the intestines and prolonged, heterogeneous three-day fever. If the winter was very wet, then women who are expecting childbirth in the spring miscarry for the slightest reason, and if they give birth, they give birth to weak, or dead, or sick ones. People are experiencing more frequent cases of eye inflammation and bloody diarrhea. At such times, catarrhs ​​become frequent, especially among old people: juices pour into their organs, and patients sometimes suddenly die from this, since the juices rush in abundance along the path of the pneuma.

If the spring was rainy, “southern” and came after the “northern” winter, then in the summer acute fevers, inflammation of the eyes, “softening of nature” and bloody diarrhea become more frequent. Most of these diseases occur from catarrh and the rush of mucus accumulated over the winter, driven by warmth, into the internal cavities. This happens especially often in people with a damp nature, for example women.

At such times, putrefaction and the fevers it generates become more frequent. If in the summer, during the rising of Sirius, it rains and the wind blows, then one can hope for good, and illnesses will be resolved.

This time of year is the most harmful for women and children. Those of them who escape become ill with a four-day fever, as the juices burn and turn into ash, and after four days they become ill with dropsy, as a consequence of the four-day fever. Pain in the spleen and weakness of the liver also occur from this. The harmfulness of this time of year | less for the elderly and for those people whose bodies are dangerously cold.

If the dry “northern” summer is followed by a rainy “southern” autumn, this predisposes the body of people to headaches in winter, to cough, to hoarseness in the throat and to consumption, since they often have a runny nose. Therefore, if after a dry “southern” summer comes a rainy “northern” autumn, then in winter headaches also become more frequent, followed by catarrh, cough and hoarseness. If after the “southern” summer comes “northern” autumn, then diseases from compression and blocking of juices, which you already know about, become more frequent.

If summer and autumn are similar and both turn out to be “southern” and damp, then there is a lot of moisture, and with the arrival of winter, the mentioned diseases from compression also disappear. Constipation of juices and accumulation of matter due to its abundance and closing of pores easily leads to putrefactive diseases. Winter invariably causes diseases, as it encounters abundant bad and trapped juices in people's bodies.

If summer and autumn are both dry and “northern,” then those who complain of dampness and women benefit from this. And other people experience dry inflammation of the eyes, chronic catarrh, acute fevers and melancholy at such times.

Know further that cold, rainy winters cause burning when urinating.

If the summer is very hot and dry, it gives rise to a sore throat - fatal or non-fatal, bursting and non-bursting. Bursting sore throat can be external or internal. At such times, difficulty urinating, measles, chickenpox, smallpox, inflammation of the eyelids, “spoilage of blood,” cardiac anguish, retention of menstrual blood and hemoptysis occur. If the winter is dry and the spring after it is also dry, then this is bad. Changes in air matter destroy trees and plants; this destroys the livestock that feed on them, and this destroys the people who eat the livestock.