
Oligophrenia: causes, symptoms and treatment

Oligophrenia is a state of mental disability that manifests itself in limited cognitive abilities and intellectual functions. Oligophrenia is a congenital or acquired disorder of brain development that manifests itself in early childhood and remains for life.

The causes of oligophrenia can be different. Congenital mental retardation may be associated with genetic disorders such as Down syndrome, Fragile X syndrome and others. Acquired mental retardation can be caused by head injuries, infectious diseases, poisoning, maternal alcoholism during pregnancy and other factors.

Symptoms of mental retardation can vary depending on the severity and type of disorder. People with mental retardation may have problems communicating, understanding instructions, remembering information, and learning new skills. They may also have limited horizons and interests, as well as problems with social adaptation.

Treatment for mental retardation depends on its cause and severity. In some cases, such as congenital mental retardation, treatment may be aimed at improving the patient's quality of life rather than curing the disorder. In other cases, such as acquired mental retardation, treatment may include rehabilitation programs, medications, and other methods.

Mental retardation can be a challenging and problematic condition for those who suffer from this disorder. However, with suitable support, education and treatment, people with mental retardation can achieve a high degree of independence and improve their cognitive function.

Dementia is various forms of mental underdevelopment that is congenital or appears in the first 3 years of life. Oligophrenia includes mental underdevelopment resulting from diseases of the brain, mental retardation caused by various physical defects, speech and hearing disorders, as well as temporary developmental delays after debilitating diseases or due to unfavorable environmental conditions, upbringing and training (the so-called pedagogical neglect).

The causes of the disease are different. Oligophrenia may be genetically determined or may occur as a result of metabolic disorders of certain substances in the body. It is also possible due to the impact of various hazards on the embryo and fetus or on the child in the first 3 years of life.

The main symptom of mental retardation is underdevelopment of cognitive activity, primarily the ability for abstract thinking and generalization. With oligophrenia, there is underdevelopment of not only intelligence and thinking, but also other mental functions, i.e. the formation of personality as a whole suffers.

Depending on the degree of mental retardation, the following forms of mental retardation are distinguished: idiocy, imbecility, debility.

Idiocy is the deepest degree of mental retardation. With idiocy, there is no speech, emotional manifestations are extremely poor. Patients do not master self-care skills and need care.

Imbecility is an average degree of dementia. Speech and thinking are more developed than in idiocy. Patients are able to learn neatness skills, they can be taught basic work processes, but they always need help.

Debility is a mild degree of dementia. A relatively high level of speech development, but it is poor and stereotyped. Morons are capable of learning and mastering simple work.

Treatment of mental retardation is aimed at stimulating mental development. Corrective and therapeutic-pedagogical measures are important. Prevention includes measures to protect the health of pregnant women, mothers and children.


Oligophrenia is a group of genetically determined mental disorders associated with mental underdevelopment in children and adolescents. It is characterized by a delay in the development of all cognitive processes and a decrease in the level of social adaptation. It is not an infectious or acquired disease. May be associated with chromosomal abnormalities and mutations that occur during pregnancy or fetal development.

This diagnosis sounds quite harsh to the patient, but nevertheless fully explains the health problem. The complexity factor is also of great importance; in order to correctly diagnose the disorder, you should contact specialist doctors in such fields as neuropsychology,