
Optotypes are information images that are used to convey a specific message. They are combinations of light and color elements that can be visually distinguished from a distance. This design is used in advertising, marketing, and commercial products to attract attention and create additional images.

Optotypes can have different shapes and sizes, but the most important principle of their use is the maximum effect on the consumer. The color combination necessary for the perception of each consumer can be individual; accordingly, the optotype becomes an effective branding tool, conveying a message to the audience, and also influences the audience’s thought processes in a certain way.

There are several ways to create optotypes, one of which is using a head-up display or laser pointer to create light images. Another method involves using software such as Adobe Illustrator to process the images. As a result of the introduction of infographics and such a functional element as optotypes, the efficiency of presenting information and making the right decision within a certain time increases.

The most effective is to combine the use of voice messages