Leydig Tumor

Leydig tumor is a tumor of interstitial cells (Leydig cells) located in the testicles. These cells are responsible for the production of male sex hormones, in particular testosterone.

Leydig tumor often leads to increased secretion of testosterone, which causes premature puberty (virilization) in boys who have not reached puberty. Clinically, this is manifested by an enlarged penis, the appearance of hair in the groin area and on the face, acne, accelerated growth of bones and muscle mass.

Diagnosis of Leydig tumor is based on the detection of elevated levels of testosterone and its metabolites. An ultrasound examination can reveal a mass formation in the testicle. The final diagnosis is established based on histological examination of the tumor after its surgical removal.

Treatment for Leydig tumor consists of organ-conserving surgery or removal of the affected testicle. The prognosis is usually favorable. After successful treatment, the symptoms of virilization regress.

Leydig tumor is a neoplasm in the tissues of the gonads (prostate or testicles), which can lead to noticeable changes in appearance, as well as dysfunction of organs. In this article we will look at the essence of this tumor, its causes and treatment.

Leidy's tumor

Leydig tumor or testicular tumor can be of different origin; their classification is described in detail in the article: “Testicular tumors” (see below). I will also describe the general symptoms of this disease. Depending on the age of the child suffering, it will be necessary to contact both a pediatrician and

**Leydig tumor** (_Leydig tumor_) is a tumor formation from seminal cells located in the epididymis. It occurs predominantly in men under 30 years of age. The incidence of Leydig tumor is 1 case per 40 thousand male patients per year.

There are several forms of Leydig tumor. The **classic** form of the disease is considered the most common**. It is based on atypical division of Leydig cells. Pathological lesions resemble in shape