
Peppermint is a plant that has many medicinal uses. It is one of the most popular and sought-after herbal preparations in our country and abroad. Mint has many beneficial properties that allow it to have a healing effect on the human body. Today we will look at the main properties of mint and its use in medical practice.

Mint is an herb that is widely used in cooking and medicine to enhance the taste of drinks and medicines. It contains menthol, an active component that has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects. Mint is used for nausea, vomiting, smooth muscle spasms and cholecystopathy. Mint also improves the taste of potions and medications, making them more pleasant to take.

In addition, peppermint has other beneficial properties. For example, it improves blood circulation and breathing, has a calming effect on the nervous system, relieves pain and inflammation. Therefore, mint is often used as a natural remedy for various diseases.

In modern medicine, mint is used to treat the following diseases: gastrointestinal disorders, gastritis, duodenitis and biliary dyskinesia, constipation and colitis, conditions after gastric surgery, flatulence and aerophagia, dry mucous membranes, biliary dyskinesia, sleep disorders, hysteria, neuroses, insomnia, vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Mint is also used for cosmetic purposes, for example, as a natural hair and skin care product. It has a tonic and calming effect, relieves skin irritation and softens hair. In cosmetic creams, mint is used to increase hair volume, add shine and softness, maintain a healthy scalp and stimulate hair growth. Mint can also get rid of dry and flaky skin, increase skin tone and soothe inflammation. Hair masks with peppermint strengthen hair follicles, prevent hair loss and strengthen hair along the entire length.

Before you start using peppermint at home, you should consult your doctor or herbalist. Mint does not replace doctor's prescriptions and does not suit everyone equally. It may have contraindications, such as allergies, pregnancy, lactation. Before starting use, it is better to conduct allergy tests.