Period of Childbirth Second

The second stage of labor, also known as the expulsion stage, is the stage of labor that occurs after the baby is born from the womb. This period is characterized by the active work of the woman’s body and muscles to give birth to a child. The main task of this period is to extract the placenta, remove the umbilical cord and separate the child from the mother's womb.

It is important to note that the second stage of labor is the most difficult and dangerous part of the normal labor process. It is at this point that the risk of complications increases significantly, so medical support and professional assistance are very important. However, in some cases, the second stage of labor may be prolonged or complicated, requiring immediate action. In this case, the doctor may perform surgery to speed up the birth process.

Thanks to modern technology and medical knowledge, preparation for second stage labor is becoming increasingly accessible. Women can take childbirth classes that help them learn to breathe properly and relax during contractions and pushing. Also, in preparation for the second stage of childbirth, various methods of anesthesia and pain relief are used. All this allows a woman to more easily endure pain and ensure a quick and comfortable birth of a child.

During the second stage of labor, physician commands and guidance play an important role. He ensures that the birth of the fetus occurs safely and efficiently. In addition, he monitors the condition of the child and mother, monitors the process of separation of the placenta and umbilical cord. The doctor also assesses the appearance and condition of the newborn and reports this