

One of the most popular brands on the drinking water market is Pilgrim. This is a product from Mercury. It is worth noting that Pilgrim is not only a high-quality and affordable liquid, but also has medicinal properties. Pilgrim drinking water is available in different flavors, as well as in glass bottles of different sizes.

Production Standards

When producing Pilgrim water, Mercury strives to use only environmentally friendly components. Production is carried out in accordance with all international quality standards. Pilgrim water is supplied to production already purified of all metal impurities. Then the water is ozonated, which is subsequently filtered using carbon filters. Disinfection occurs by pasteurization. Then the water is saturated with essential vitamins and microelements, which maintain the balance of minerals in the human body. The Mercury production line is constantly being improved and expanded. And at the moment it boasts the most powerful production line in Russia.

Key properties of Pilgrim - High degree of purification, oxygen saturation, mineralization, ideal sterility, enrichment with essential vitamins and minerals. The balanced composition makes Pilgrim water beneficial for the body. Pilgrim water is supplied to more than 30 regions of the Russian Federation. The Mercury company always maintains a high level of service, which allows it to meet the needs of society for clean water. Pilgrim is an excellent alternative to regular drinking water found in stores, and Pilgrim also has a “medicinal effect.” So, let's drink high-quality and healthy Pilgrim water!