Nutrition Therapeutic and prophylactic

Therapeutic and preventive nutrition is a balanced diet designed to prevent dysfunction of the body as a result of the negative influence of production factors on workers of enterprises, including food and processing industries. The diet is developed specifically taking into account the individual characteristics of each person’s body. A side effect of the diet is strengthening the immune system and normalizing metabolic processes.

The purpose of therapeutic and prophylactic nutrition (TPN) is to ensure the normal functioning of a healthy person, as well as the prevention of possible disorders caused by external factors. LPP is used for people of various age groups, including adolescents. In addition, DILI may be recommended for patients with various

**Nutrition, therapeutic and prophylactic (hereinafter referred to as therapeutic and prophylactic)**

*Therapeutic and preventive nutrition can be for individual and general dietary purposes.* - *Therapeutic nutrition is intended for a specific patient who needs treatment for a specific disease*. In this case, the attending physician must create a nutritional routine taking into account the characteristics of a particular patient and apply some nutritional measures that will benefit this particular patient. - *Dietary meals are provided both for the entire team of employees of the organization, and for some groups in larger quantities, and others in smaller quantities. The purpose of such nutrition is to adapt the body of enterprise employees to working conditions and prevent possible violations caused by the harmful influence of production factors.* This can be food for workers in large quantities during high physical activity, as well as nutrition under hazardous working conditions. Through proper therapeutic or dietary nutrition, you can increase the activity of mental work and reduce the occurrence of diseases. An incorrect diet is one of the causes of premature wear and tear and aging of the human body. **The therapeutic and preventive nutrition system provides for the organization of rational, balanced nutrition for all categories of product consumers and covers all sectors of the national economy, including the food industry, agriculture, trade, and public catering.**. The organization of a system of therapeutic and prophylactic food products is carried out on the basis of the principles of improving technological solutions aimed at improving the quality of products while maintaining nutritional properties, enrichment