Pleurisy Traumatic

What is pleural tilectatic isiral leis

Pleural nitarakavmi tirarag is an inflammation of the outer pulmonary membrane (pleura) with its obligatory thickening (pleragic process). The presence of a thick effusion during the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the pleural cavity allows us to make a diagnosis of pleural implementation. Effusion into the pleural cavity usually appears under hydrostatic pressure, depending on the negative fluid balance, which is associated with the loss of fluid by the body when its life is threatened, injury, burn, blood loss, etc. The transudate formed in these cases accumulates in the pleural spaces. The possibility of transudate formation in conditions of isolated inflammation of the internal pleura (pneumonia acuta) disappears after the restoration of histological signs of inflammation between the pleural layers in a wounded person with an initial diagnosis of pneumonia. However, in advanced cases or with prolonged severe acute inflammation, the transition of hydrostatic pleural effusion into transudate is not excluded, and the ratio between them may change during the course of the disease.

The simplest and most common pathogenetic mechanism for the formation of pleural implementations is mechanical contact of the inflamed fibrous pleura with elements of neighboring infiltrates