Pleurisy Putrid

Pleurisy is an inflammation of the membrane lining the inner surface of the chest. This pathological process can be provoked by infectious, congestive, allergic or traumatic causes. Pleurisy has varying degrees of severity, taking into account the etiology: infectious are the most common, and, subject to proper treatment, are completely curable. Inflammation in the pleura is also observed in the area of ​​the heart - pericardial pleurisy is relatively rare, mainly in elderly patients with concomitant heart diseases. Let's consider pleurisy with the name putrefactive, often called ichorous pleurisy.

Putrefactive pleurisy is called because the processes occurring in the membrane are accompanied by the appearance of a purulent substance in it. Putrefactive pleurisy of purulent origin is the most common in Russia, especially in men over 60 years of age: benign forms of the disease, which are rarely found in adults, are more often observed in children, and malignant forms are rarely recorded.