Why beautiful people rarely get sick

Why beautiful people get sick less often

American experts have established an interesting connection between a person’s beauty and his health.

Scientists conducted research for 10 years in which about 15 thousand men and women under the age of 35 took part. All of them were divided into five groups according to the degree of attractiveness: completely unattractive, unattractive, unattractive, attractive and beautiful.

As a result, it turned out that handsome men are less likely than others to complain about diseases such as high cholesterol, depression, hypertension, ADHD, and stuttering. And attractive women are less likely to suffer from diabetes, hypertension, asthma, depression, ADHD, stuttering, and tinnitus.

Beautiful people are practically unaware of chronic diseases and nervous disorders and visit hospitals less often. Scientists attribute this to genetic characteristics.

Thus, research has shown that beauty and health are closely interrelated. The more attractive a person is, the less often he encounters health problems.