How to pump up poles at home?

More than once you have to watch huge guys with skinny legs like a chicken walking along the beach. Such a figure, in the opinion of many, is, to put it mildly, inferior. Well, it’s okay for men - they still spend most of their lives in trousers, but what about women with skinny hips? Or, on the contrary, overly fat? – after all, women’s skirts and shorts have not yet been canceled. It’s a shame when you don’t fit into them... That’s why you should rock poles. Moreover, even if you don’t have time to go to the gym, this can be done quite well at home. How? We will now tell you...

Before starting your workout, make sure that you have everything you need at hand, as well as a well-ventilated area. It’s best if you have a barbell at home (this is really rare), or at worst some semblance of one; at a minimum, you should have at least dumbbells. It is best to purchase them, because we will need them not only to perform the exercises described here, but also for various other muscle groups that most likely also need improvement... Believe me, your own weight will not be enough. Well, perhaps at the very initial stage... Weighted cuffs for the legs will also be a good help. This is generally an indispensable thing for every woman who wants to pump up her buttocks, but let’s return to the Poles...

The first and most important exercise is classic squats; we won’t talk much about the technique of doing them; it is described in detail in our previous articles.

For those who have a barbell, here are a number of recommendations: the most important thing is that there is a person near you who can help with the execution, since you are unlikely to put the full weight on the barbell in the starting position. Because to hold such a bar you will need to have racks.

Having taken all this into account, you can begin to perform it, keeping your back straight, your feet shoulder-width apart, looking up, you need to squat so that your knees do not stick out past your toes. Also, pay special attention to your breathing: when squatting, inhale, and when lifting, exhale.

If you want to pump up your poles at home, there are several other great exercises. Lunges using dumbbells (or the improvised substitutes discussed above) perfectly “load” the quadriceps and part of the gluteal muscles. Therefore, to implement them, you need to stand straight, take dumbbells with a weight with a straight grip, keeping your hands at your sides and looking forward, take a step with your right foot, while lowering your left to your knee and continue the movement with the other leg. If your place of movement is limited at home, you can do this without moving, first on one leg and then on the other.

The following exercise will help pump up your quadriceps. To begin, sit on a high chair and secure a dumbbell, or an improvised apparatus, or weighted cuffs above the ankle, then sitting on the chair, straighten your leg at the knee until it is completely straight, lower it down slowly, stretching the muscles, and repeat with the other leg.

Having mastered all of the above and tried all the listed exercises, now you clearly know how to pump up your poles at home. If so, then what are you waiting for? – let’s run and get ourselves in order, the beach season is just around the corner!

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