Weather station in the life of track and field athletes

In this review we will tell you about another useful device for athletes and their coaches. Although the scope of application of this device is much wider. It is used not only by athletes, but also by fishermen, hunters, tourists, car enthusiasts, as well as simply people with increased weather sensitivity. In general, all those who need to know current weather information in the near future. This device is called a weather station.

So what is a weather station? In fact, this is a small household appliance with a display. It looks like a watch. But its functionality is much wider than that of ordinary watches.

The main task of the device is to quickly display temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind strength and direction, as well as other weather indicators at the current moment. And of course, the implementation of the forecast for the near future.

The range of varieties of such devices is incredibly wide. Exist:

  1. stationary,
  2. wall,
  3. wrist,
  4. mobile,
  5. shockproof,
  6. waterproof,
  7. miniature,
  8. and other variations of this device.

I also think that it will not come as a surprise to anyone that it is probably impossible to find such a device in its “pure form” now. Because such a device usually also combines:

  1. watch,
  2. alarm,
  3. stopwatch,
  4. calendar,
  5. mp-3 player,
  6. and other possible and impossible functions...

But within the framework of this article, of course, we are interested in the weather component of this device.

Having such a device, you actually constantly keep your finger on the pulse of the weather and all its aspects, nuances and possible changes. It is for this reason that every respected athletics coach or, alternatively, an athlete practicing individual training, must use this device. Having analyzed the current weather situation and the forecast for the near future, you can plan the training process much more effectively - determine in time where to conduct the current sports activity on the street or in the gym. Agree, for track and field athletes this is vital information on which the entire plan for the upcoming training is based.

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