The power of stress: to rejuvenate or destroy?

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Stress makes a person beautiful. A woman who experiences strong emotional shocks every day looks fresher and more attractive than her peers who lead a measured lifestyle. This is not a joke or the ravings of a mentally unstable cosmetologist. It's true.

Beneficial stress

In life, sometimes concepts change. This was the case with the word “stress”. In the 60s, the Canadian scientist Selye first used this term to refer to general changes in the human body in response to any external influences. Please note: any! That is, we react in exactly the same way to joy and delight, as well as to fear, resentment and anger.

This is due to the structural features of the skin. The lower layer of the dermis contains a huge network of capillaries. Under the influence of adrenaline, blood vessels can expand and contract in a matter of seconds. This strengthens the heart, increases blood circulation, and improves skin condition.

Do you want to have a healthy heart and smooth skin? Fill your life with a variety of events - pleasant and not so pleasant, do not “preserve” yourself in a hothouse world.

The word “stress” was filled with a terrifying and menacing meaning when it became known that stress has an extension over time. Each of us, when faced with a stressful situation, goes through three stages: anxiety, adaptation and realization. The first two help to adapt and mobilize the body. It is the third stage that is the most dangerous.

Prolonged stress leads to depletion of the body's immune reserves. Blood flow to the skeletal muscles increases, and blood flow to the skin and gastrointestinal tract decreases. What are the dangers of such a redistribution of blood? Food is digested more slowly, metabolic processes slow down, and problems with the digestive organs arise. How does this affect the skin? It becomes less elastic.

Several ways to beat stress

Experts say that the best way to combat stress is physical activity. During training, impulses in the brain switch from the source of stress to the site of motor activity. Plus, your appearance improves. A physically fit person reacts less to stress.

Another way is relaxation massage. It miraculously relaxes and relieves tension. Facial massage not only relaxes the muscles, but also has the same effect on the whole body.

The third way is yoga and breathing exercises. Exercises help you focus on internal processes and achieve a sense of security.

The fourth way is comprehensive, when beauty salons develop special anti-stress programs with an optimal regime of procedures for a quick way out of stress.

In addition, apples, pasta, algae, music and ultraviolet help in the fight against the monster of our century.

And in order to resist stress in the future, you need to do “mental” gymnastics - think positively and strive for beauty. This will help you cope with any difficulties!