How to cleanse the liver at home

In order to put the body in order, restore and heal, you should periodically cleanse the organs important for its functioning. For example, the liver. I WANT to suggest options for cleansing procedures at home.

Let us immediately warn you that you can carry out such procedures yourself only after consulting with your doctor, since if all the rules are not followed, there is a high risk of harming the body and, instead of cleansing, adding unnecessary health problems to yourself.

Our liver is an important but complex organ of the body. It participates in the processes of digestion, hematopoiesis, metabolism, produces bile and performs a detox function for the body - removes harmful chemical compounds, toxins and even poisons. Being an important filter of our body, it itself needs to be cleaned.

How to determine that it is worth doing? If you are bothered by frequent constipation, pimples, redness and inflammation in the temples, frequent bitterness in the mouth in the morning and after meals, prolonged headaches, as well as discomfort in the right shoulder and knee joints, pain when pressing on the right hypochondrium - you can safely cleanse liver.

You should begin the procedures only after preliminary cleansing of the intestines, and after them, you should not drink alcohol for 30-40 days, and also minimize meat and fatty foods in your diet.

Before cleaning, it is necessary to warm up the liver well to reduce pain during cramps that may appear during the cleaning process. This will help make the liver more pliable and the procedure itself truly effective. It is necessary to warm the liver directly on the day of cleansing, all night after and the day following the cleansing. This can be done simply with the help of a regular warm heating pad, which must be placed under the right side.

Cleansing the liver with vegetable oil

A very simple, but nevertheless effective method of cleansing the liver is the resorption of vegetable oil. In the morning on an empty stomach 1 tbsp. Dissolve the vegetable oil with active movements of the cheeks and tongue until it becomes completely liquid or acquires a milky tint. The approximate procedure time is 20-25 minutes. After it, you need to rinse your mouth with an acidified solution, but do not swallow it.

Liver cleanse with olive oil and lemon juice

You need to heat 300 gr. olive oil and prepare 300 ml. lemon juice. Lie on the bed, under your right side, place a warm heating pad in the liver area. Drink 3 tbsp first. l. butter, and then 1 tbsp. l. juice Repeat taking the oil and juice in this order every 15 minutes until the oil runs out. Wash it down with the remaining juice and go to bed with a heating pad under your right side. In the morning you will feel a laxative effect. This is the correct reaction of the body and by it you can judge that the procedure was successful. For greater effect, do an enema when the relaxation ends. All day long you can drink infusions of nettle, rose hips, calendula, immortelle, and sage. You can repeat a similar cleansing procedure 5-6 times with an interval of 10 days.

Liver cleansing with oats and rose hips

Rinse 1 glass of oat grains well and place in a convenient pan, add 3 tbsp. lingonberry leaves, 2 tbsp. birch leaves, pour 4 liters of water and leave for 24 hours. Place rose hips in another container, pour 1 tbsp. water, bring to a boil, add 2 tbsp. knotweed and boil for another 15 minutes. Let cool and set for about an hour, then add the oat infusion. Pour into a convenient container, preferably a jar or bottle, and refrigerate. Drink the liquid 30 minutes before meals, warming it up first. Duration of administration - 10 days, measure portions in this volume - 1 day - 50 ml., 2 day - 100 ml., and all others - 150 ml. You can repeat the procedure after 2-3 weeks, and it is also important to adhere, if not to a strict diet, then to a diet and minimize the consumption of meat and fatty foods.
