Posture is part of our image

100 years ago, a young lady sat only on the edge of a chair, without leaning her elbows, and moved as if she had swallowed a stick. Slouching and slumping in a chair was unthinkable and simply immoral. Now this is considered a manifestation of freedom. Freedom is good, but sometimes you want to feel like a lady, next to whom any man becomes gallant and is ready to fulfill even crazy desires.

To do this, you don’t have to wear corsets and ball gowns with ruffles. It’s enough to just straighten up, straighten your shoulders and take your eyes off the floor, despite the fact that there are an insane number of interesting things there. Look at the people - that one over there made a funny face, and this one has a beautiful hat, but this guy is smiling, probably thinking about something pleasant, or maybe he is smiling at you.

Well, now you have already distracted yourself from your problems and worries, and your mood has become mischievous and playful. Of course, there is a close connection between the internal state and its physical manifestation.

Remember the morning when you slept well and felt good, you walked, or rather even soared towards a new day. In this state it is impossible to slouch, the shoulders straighten themselves, the chin points upward. Have you paid attention to how others reacted to you? People look at such individuals with interest and respect as a rare biological species of successful people.

A person with a backbone and a spineless one - these metaphors perfectly illustrate the perception by others of a person with good posture and a stooped one. Feeling good, having a great mood, and proud posture attract people.

But what to do if you get up on the wrong foot, the coffee runs out, the elevator gets stuck? What kind of posture is there? “Everything will curl up, shrink, like an old shoe - and scratch!” Well, this is funny and, perhaps, will also attract attention. And when you get tired of being an old shoe, straighten your back, straighten your shoulders, bring your shoulder blades together, lift your nose up... Stay in this state for several minutes.

Now try to feel sorry for yourself, to feel like a little gray bird. Does not work? And it won't work! And after a while, your mood will lift and your health will improve.

A proven method, but monotony is not for us. Next time you can do the opposite, psychologically straighten your posture. There are a lot of options here, plenty of room for your imagination. You can imagine yourself as a puppet with strings tied to your chest and head, tied to the heavens. There is no need to strain, the ropes themselves support your posture.

Imagine yourself as a garden scarecrow with a strong axle in your back or a free eagle spreading its wings. Then continue on your own. Use your imagination.

Well, of course, it is necessary to strengthen your posture with physical exercise. Here are a few exercises you can do anywhere, anytime:

  1. Starting position: standing, head and arms down. We rest the interscapular space along the entire length of the spine against the end of the door. Slowly we straighten our heads and at the same time move our shoulders back until the top of the head touches the end of the door and the shoulders are retracted to the maximum. It's on the inhale. As you exhale, return to the starting position with your head down. We perform the exercise 5-10 times. Rest between exercises for 10-15 seconds.

  2. Lean your back against the wall, placing your feet about 30 cm from it. Lower your arms vertically, palms facing back. Slide down the wall slowly until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold this position for a few seconds, then, without lifting your back from the wall, rise as slowly as possible.

  3. When working while sitting, change your position more often, stand up and walk around.

Remember! By straightening your back, you tune into a new psychological state and choose a new role for yourself. Choose the look that suits you today and set yourself up for good luck.