I want a waist like that!

Remember the saying: “I recognize my Natalia by her waist”? Of course, any of us would like her waist to be spoken of with admiration. The absence of fat pads on the sides, back and abdomen makes us elegant and graceful. Any vagaries of fashion will not bother the owner of a thin waist.

So, from today we set ourselves a new real goal - to remove a couple of extra centimeters from our waist in 2 weeks! To do this, we refuse fatty foods, sweets and starchy foods. We print out the following exercises, and nothing will lead us astray from our chosen path!

When we talk about the waist, we mostly mean the oblique abdominal muscles. Although the waist is both the back and the abs. I say this because the emphasis in today’s training will be on the oblique muscles.

We will warm up and stretch using various bends and turns.

Exercise No1:

  1. Starting position: lying on your side with support on your forearm. Free hand behind your head, legs bent at the knees.

  2. Using the efforts of the oblique muscles, we raise our legs so that our shins are parallel to the floor. Reach your elbow toward your opposite knee.

  3. Slowly lower your legs to the starting position. If possible, keep your legs suspended without touching the floor.

All three positions will make up one repetition. Do 15-20 reps. On the last one, hold your legs at the top point (position No2) and count to 20. Do the same on the other side.

Exercise No2:

  1. The starting position is the same, but the legs are straight.

  2. We raise our legs, bending them, as in exercise No. 1, and reach for the heel of the leg of the same name.

  3. We return to the starting position.

If you have enough strength, then, while lowering, keep your legs suspended. Do 15-20 repetitions, hold again at the top point, counting to 20. It is advisable to do 2-3 sets of one and the other exercise.


Sit down, cross your legs, place one hand on the floor, and stretch the other in the opposite direction. Hold this position for 15-20 seconds and change sides.

Do the exercises, listen to the nutrition recommendations, and soon you will see in the mirror the waist you have always dreamed of!