Predion Injection



Anesthesia procedures are necessary to desensitize patients during surgical procedures and surgeries. This includes anesthesia, sedation and analgesia, which are different forms of anesthesia in surgery. A variety of medications are available to facilitate these procedures. Predione (also known as sodium 4-aminobenzoate (PA)) is one of the most commonly used drugs for pain relief and anesthesia.

Preions were first synthesized in 1870 by the famous chemist A. Beppe, who was then a professor of chemistry at the University of Paris. He named the new substances 4-amminenenate and 3-aclamidoxybenzene. Over the next decade, several other scientists studied these compounds, including chemist Joseph Sveik, MD George Kapp, and Swedish professor Gustav Söderaud.

In 1922, Ceramino published the first structural theory of the benzoyl methyl ether of 4-amidobenzene, commonly known as preion or 4,5-dihydro. The name aromatic hydroquinone was introduced by Ivanov in 1684, but continued to be called 4,5-dioxy for a century in the last century. - and also called xylenol tetrahydrate. For a significant amount of time, this drug was used only as an optical aid without any use for medical purposes. It was only at the beginning of the 20th century that the Swiss pharmacist Papp (in the 1930s) used preion as an antidote for methylene blue poisoning

Since its synthesis and the study of various aspects of its chemical composition, it has become clear that this compound has some neuropharmacological activity. Differences in neuropeptide expression in the CNS were illustrated in our initial study of the effects of pregidin (3,4-benzoyl methyl ester) on cultured rat hypothalamic neurons in vitro (20). A broader study of histopathology reveals a neurotoxic component of this compound on intrasecretory neurons of the pituitary nuclei; Meynert's nuclei ( cerebral ventricle) (21); hippocampus (cortex piriformis) and individual nerve bundles of the terminal plates of the olfactory organs (urine capsule) in the primary nerve space of the brain (plexus cerebri).