Prevention of suffocation

Choking when the tongue retracts in a fainting victim can be eliminated if he is given a stable position on his side.
Choking can be prevented by paying proper attention while eating. Follow these guidelines:
• Chew food thoroughly before swallowing and eat slowly. Eat food when you are not bothered. Try not to talk or laugh while food is in your mouth; Do not walk or engage in other physical activities with food in your mouth; • do not put foreign objects in your mouth. For example, do not hold a pen or nail cap in your mouth. Infants and children are at increased risk, so parents and caregivers should follow these guidelines: Only feed children while they are sitting in a high chair or in a safe place. Do not allow young children to walk around with food in their hands or mouth;
Feed children appropriate food with a soft consistency, giving it in small portions. Monitor your child constantly when he eats;
• make sure that there is no
there were small objects or toys,
which she can put in her mouth;
• Do not allow infants to touch balloons because when the balloon bursts, the child may accidentally inhale small particles left behind by the balloon.