Causes of facial swelling in women

Medicine defines edema as a pathological condition of the body, provoked by an imbalance of water-salt balance and fluid retention. Women most often experience facial swelling, which appears either under the eyes or in the jaw area. This condition cannot be called a disease, so many try to get rid of it at home, resorting to traditional medicine or cosmetology methods. Often such actions do not have the desired effect: this is due to the fact that swelling can be a symptom of some serious disease, and it is impossible to do without the intervention of professional medicine. Sometimes it is enough just to change your lifestyle a little, and swelling will no longer bother you for a long time. Cosmetics can also be effective, but before using them you need to accurately determine the cause and only then try to get rid of the unpleasant phenomenon in the most suitable way.

There are many factors that provoke the appearance of swelling on the face. In general terms, three of them can be distinguished:

  1. disease;
  2. Unhealthy Lifestyle;
  3. short-term stress for the body.

In each case, swelling manifests itself differently. And to choose the right means of getting rid of an unpleasant phenomenon, it is necessary to clearly determine the cause and subsequent actions: consult a doctor or carry out procedures at home.

Do not forget that swelling of the face can be caused by the use of low-quality or non-natural cosmetics. Many skin care products contain dyes and fragrances, as well as more harmful parabens, animal fats and mineral oils. They not only negatively affect the condition of the epidermis, but can also accumulate in internal organs, causing their damage. To avoid this, dermatologists recommend using only completely natural cosmetics. This is produced by the Russian company Mulsan Cosmetic, which is the leader in this market segment. The products manufactured by this company contain only natural ingredients. On the official Mulsan website. ru presents a wide range of cosmetic products that have certificates of conformity and are completely safe for your health.

Facial swelling is often the first sign of kidney disease. Due to malfunctions of the excretory system, fluid stagnates in the body and manifests itself as soft, watery swellings that easily move under the skin when pressed. Puffiness appears all over the face, sometimes only on the eyelids, especially on the lower ones. In the case of such diseases, the skin acquires a yellow tint or a rapid increase in body weight is observed due to internal edema.

Another cause may be diseases of the cardiovascular system. Such swelling is accompanied by a blue tint to the puffiness of the facial skin in general, shortness of breath, and enlarged liver.

Swelling that spreads to the nose and eyes can be caused by respiratory problems or sinus infections. In the first case, you can get rid of the unpleasant condition after treating the disease. The second requires the removal of inflammation, which stops the flow of lymph.

Endocrine disorders are characterized by stagnation of mucous tissue under the skin. Only hormonal drugs that stabilize the activity of the endocrine system will help.

A swollen face can also occur due to the appearance of tumors - benign and malignant.

Angioedema is an allergic reaction of the body, which is accompanied by redness and itching, hives, difficulty breathing, and sneezing. In this case, you should immediately take an antihistamine and get rid of the factor causing the allergy.

You cannot do without the help of a doctor in the event of an acute manifestation of an allergy; it can cause Quincke's edema. If it affects the lower part of the face and neck, then there is a possibility of squeezing the throat and suffocation. This phenomenon occurs in complex forms of the disease or when exposed to a strong but short-term allergen, such as insect poison.

The retention of salts in the body is caused by metabolic disorders, which are very common. Their cause is a sedentary lifestyle, unfavorable environmental situation, and consumption of fast food.

Solve the problem by reducing the amount of salt you consume, especially in the afternoon. The liquid will easily leave the body without leaving any traces. It is also necessary to reduce the amount of canned, smoked and fried foods, and minimize spicy foods. The face also swells in those who have late dinners. You should also not drink at night, and to avoid thirst, you just need to avoid eating salty foods in the evening.

People who are used to staying up late also experience unpleasant swelling. Any sleep disturbances and lack of normal rest are manifested by a slowdown in metabolism and, accordingly, disruptions in the water-salt balance. In youth, swelling may not appear after a sleepless night, but in old age, when the body is not able to recover quickly, signs of insomnia will be bags under the eyes, swelling of the eyelids, and neck.

Such swelling is often irregular and goes away quickly with a change in lifestyle. If this phenomenon is permanent, then it is worth thinking about the condition of the internal organs, which could be damaged due to improper nutrition. In this case, cosmetics and traditional medicine will no longer be able to help, so you should seek the help of a doctor.

These factors include:

  1. overwork;
  2. hard trip;
  3. surgery;
  4. bruise, blow, cut on the face;
  5. alcohol consumption (more typical for men);
  6. premenstrual period or menstruation itself;
  7. pregnancy, especially in the first trimester;
  8. burns;
  9. hypovitaminosis, vitamin deficiency.

In these situations, swelling is not considered a symptom of a disease or lifestyle impact, but is only a short-term negative reaction of the body to stress. In some cases, with the removal of the factor that causes swelling of the face, the swelling itself soon disappears, but sometimes you have to resort to herbal preparations or use cosmetics.

Swelling on the face occurs not only in adults, but also in children. In this case, you should pay special attention to the reasons for this phenomenon. The most common factor is crying, but if this is excluded, then you should either reconsider the child’s diet or contact a pediatrician, since facial swelling may indicate some kind of disease or developmental disorder: kidney or heart disease, allergies, mumps.

The cause may also be teething; swelling is accompanied by restlessness and anxiety in the child. The same factors include incorrect body position during sleep, when the outflow of fluid is disrupted. But for any reason, treatment of facial swelling in a child should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor, so as not to aggravate the situation.

The most suitable option for relieving swelling directly depends on its cause. The use of medicinal masks in case of hypertension will be useless; taking diuretics after lack of sleep can cause harm.

It is important to choose the safest way, in which swelling on the face does not become a consequence of a disruption in the functioning of one of the body systems.

Prolonged swelling, which is accompanied by other symptoms described above, is most often a consequence of the disease and requires immediate consultation with a doctor. Any traditional methods to get rid of swelling will be useless, and the use of cosmetics that clog pores and further prevent the removal of fluid (foundation, powder) can be dangerous.

But to reduce swelling or eliminate it for a while, you can use the following means:

  1. diuretic (medicinal or herbal: decoction of bear ears, corn silk);
  2. antihistamines, but only if the cause is an allergy;
  3. gels that relieve swelling, but their use on the face is not recommended: most of these drugs are intended to relieve swelling from the legs, arms and other parts of the body.

Before using any of these remedies, you should consult your doctor.

If the cause is not a disease, but an unhealthy diet, then it is imperative to reduce your salt intake to 3 g per day. For greater effect, it is recommended not to use it at all for several days. In the absence of other health problems, intense exercise, a sauna or bath will help, which promote the rapid removal of salts through the skin. It is important to follow these rules:

  1. do not eat or drink a lot of liquids late in the evening;
  2. drink about 2 liters of clean water daily (we are talking about clean water, even filtered water from the tap will not work);
  3. reducing the amount of caffeine-containing drinks (tea, coffee);
  4. giving up bad habits, alcohol;
  5. sleep - at least 8 hours, in a comfortable bed with a low pillow;
  6. two-time contrast shower;
  7. avoiding stress.

With short-term exposure to negative factors, swelling is also usually short-lived.

Here it is already appropriate to use folk remedies to remove it.

Signs of overwork or lack of sleep can be removed by washing with cold water or applying ice cubes to the swollen areas of the skin.

The best option is cubes of frozen decoctions of chamomile, rose petals, celandine or St. John's wort. A cold compress will also help: just wet a towel and apply it to your face for 5–10 minutes.

Swelling almost always appears as a consequence of surgery. It is most pronounced on the second or third day, after a week it decreases significantly, and after two it disappears completely. You can speed up the recovery process at home, but only with caution and under the supervision of the surgeon who performed the operation. To do this you need:

  1. eliminate alcohol consumption;
  2. reduce to a minimum the amount of salty, fatty, smoked and spicy foods in the diet;
  3. do not take a hot bath or go to the sauna;
  4. rest more, reduce the amount of physical activity, do not bend over often, which provokes an influx of fluid to the facial tissues, blink less often;
  5. do not spend a lot of time at the computer or reading;
  6. Apply cold compresses regularly and wash your face with cold water.

If swelling continues on the face for more than two weeks, you should consult a surgeon.

In this case, the integrity of tissues and capillaries is disrupted, so this reaction of the body is natural. Soon the swelling becomes blue and purple in color, then turns yellow, and after 10–14 days it completely disappears.

The use of simple remedies immediately after the blow helps to significantly reduce its manifestation: apply something cold - ice, frozen food, a metal object - or medicinal (plantain leaf, cabbage leaf). Another folk remedy is bodyaga or a mixture of crushed analgin with iodine. Here it would be appropriate to use decongestant gels, which are easy to find in the pharmacy.

After drinking alcoholic beverages in the morning, you may encounter not only swelling on your face, but also an unpleasant feeling. Usually, along with a hangover, swelling goes away. But if you urgently need to put yourself in order, then well-known express remedies will correct the situation: cold compresses, washing with ice water.

Prudent people prepare ice cubes in the freezer in advance. They are then collected in a towel and applied to the face. Another option is frozen green or black tea bags. They must be placed on the eyes for 10-15 minutes. This product will not only relieve fluid stagnation, but also tones the skin well, making it look fresher and more alert.

Often, immediately before menstruation, women noticeably gain weight, their lower abdomen, chest, face swell, their head and lower abdomen hurt, and their mood changes greatly. It is impossible to completely get rid of these unpleasant phenomena, because they are caused by short-term fluctuations in hormonal balance. But it is possible to make the external manifestations of premenstrual syndrome less noticeable.

Before your period, you should give up junk food, black coffee, tea, carbonated drinks, and reduce or eliminate salt intake. Frequent walks or light exercise will help improve your well-being and appearance.

Most often, women over 45 experience hormonal edema. In this case, the problem becomes a decrease in skin elasticity, which is why wrinkles may appear after swelling. The best option is to use a complex of cosmetics or seek help from a professional cosmetologist.

The cause of facial swelling in women is the same as in the previous case - hormonal imbalance. To eliminate such phenomena, it is better not to overuse various decongestant masks, especially cosmetic ones. The most harmless way is a towel moistened with cold water, which is applied to the face, or washing with ice water, walking in the fresh air, yoga.

If swelling does not go away for a long time and is very bothersome, it is recommended to consult a doctor. The specialist will prescribe the most suitable diuretics that will relieve difficulties and will not harm the child.

Swelling on the face also appears due to sunburn; it is easier to prevent them by using regular sunscreens.

If it was not possible to protect yourself, then swelling will be accompanied by elevated body temperature, headache, dizziness, and weakness. Traditional remedies, such as compresses and washing, are the most suitable in such a situation. Under no circumstances should oil be applied to swollen areas.

When sunstroke is too strong, you cannot do without the help of a doctor.

In most cases, swelling affects only one side of the face and appears on either the left or right side, depending on where the tooth was removed or surgery was performed. This is an absolutely normal reaction of the body to gum damage and cannot be avoided. It is only recommended to apply a cold one to the problem area immediately after removal, and a few hours later - a warm and dry one.

Such swelling should only cause concern when it is accompanied by severe pain, elevated body temperature and other signs of infection in the wound. You should immediately seek help from a specialist.

These include cosmetic masks. They have a more comprehensive effect and effectively relieve swelling if it is not caused by any disease, tone the skin and give the face a fresh and well-groomed appearance.

There are a huge number of different masks from well-known brands, but it is much easier and more practical to prepare such a product at home from natural ingredients.

Examples of such masks:

  1. Cucumber. One cucumber must be pre-cooled, grated on a coarse grater and the resulting mass applied to the face. Remove after 10-15 minutes.
  2. Sour cream. It is necessary to chop parsley or dill, add a teaspoon of the resulting raw material to 2 tablespoons of chilled sour cream, apply to the face, rinse off after 10-15 minutes, rinse the skin with cold water.
  3. Parsley root mask. Grind one small parsley root using a blender or meat grinder, mix with a small amount of strong black or green tea. Apply this paste to the skin of the face, keep for 20 minutes, rinse with cool water.
  4. Buckwheat. A small amount of buckwheat is ground in a coffee grinder, wrapped in cheesecloth and placed in a small amount of boiling water. Leave the bag for a couple of minutes, remove and cool. Apply to problem areas.
  5. Tea room. Brew strong black or green tea. Cool. Dip gauze into the liquid and apply to face. Keep for 10-15 minutes. No less effective are decoctions and infusions of sage, chamomile, and birch buds.
  6. Essential oil mask. For the base, you need to take a tablespoon of any vegetable oil. Add two drops of rosemary, juniper and geranium essential oils. Use the resulting mixture to gently massage problem areas on the face. Remove residues with a cotton swab or napkin.
  7. Pumpkin. Boil 50 g of fresh pumpkin, mash, add half a teaspoon of honey. Apply to face, keep for 15-20 minutes.
  8. Potato. The most effective option. Boil one potato, mash with a fork along with the peel, let cool slightly. When warm, apply to face. Leave for 10-15 minutes, wash with cool water.

Depending on the cause of swelling on the face, you need to choose the right method to eliminate this problem. A suitable remedy will quickly relieve swelling. Next, you just need to adhere to a healthy lifestyle and maintain emotional balance. If swelling is prolonged and severe, you should not neglect the help of a doctor.

Swelling on the face most often bothers women after 30–40 years of age, but they can also appear at a younger age. Swelling is formed when fluid accumulates in the intercellular space. Most women notice swelling in the morning after waking up, but it can also occur in the evening. Swelling of the eyelids and area under the eyes is often caused by lack of sleep or drinking alcohol the day before, and swelling of the entire face, due to which the eyes are almost invisible, can be a manifestation of allergies.


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If facial puffiness appears occasionally and goes away quickly, this phenomenon does not pose a danger. But when the face swells frequently and for a long time, it may be a sign of a serious disorder in the body. It is necessary, first of all, to treat the underlying disease, otherwise there will be no result.


Swelling is a manifestation of an allergic reaction to certain foods (strawberries, fish, chocolate, nuts, honey), cosmetics, pollen, wool, dust. The swelling is accompanied by itching, redness and lacrimation.

In extreme cases of allergy, angioedema occurs - this is an emergency condition in which the face and neck swell, and suffocation is possible. Urgent measures must be taken: administration of antihistamines and glucocorticoids.


The reason for fluid retention during pregnancy is hormonal changes, namely increased production of female sex hormones: estrogen and progesterone.

In the second half of pregnancy, edema in combination with high blood pressure manifests itself as gestosis. This condition requires hospitalization.


Thirst always occurs after drinking alcoholic beverages. Due to the consumption of large amounts of liquid, it accumulates in the intercellular space and causes puffiness of the face.

The situation is aggravated by liver and kidney diseases, which are present in people with a long alcohol history.

Swelling is a side effect of some medications, such as amlodipine.

Therefore, if swelling occurs, it is worth remembering to take medications and study the instructions. They may need to be replaced.

Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation in a solarium or in the sun, microcirculation is disrupted and capillary permeability increases. Fluid passes into the interstitial space, and edema develops.

The face swells especially strongly after a sunburn. The swelling spreads to the bridge of the nose, eyelids, and forehead.

Swelling appears on the face after injury or surgery.

The swelling is located on the corresponding half of the face. It goes away on its own as the tissue recovers.

Kwashiorkor is a disease caused by protein deficiency. It happens more often in children with a deficiency of protein in the diet.

Due to a deficiency of albumin in the blood, oncotic pressure decreases, and plasma sweats through the capillaries into the interstitial space, forming severe permanent edema. In this case, children experience stunting, weight loss, and ascites.

Weak immunity also affects the skin, as it contains local protective factors.

When they are deficient, microorganisms do not die, inflammation develops, which causes puffiness.

Fluid is retained in the body due to excessive consumption of salt, large amounts of fried, spicy and fatty foods, and canned food.

Lack of fiber in the form of vegetables and fruits also adversely affects metabolism.

Puffiness of the face causes toxic substances to enter the body: chemicals, pesticides, mercury, lead.

Toxins negatively affect the functioning of the liver and kidneys, microcirculation is disrupted, and swelling occurs.

Swelling of the eyelids occurs the morning after a sleepless night or severe fatigue.

Eyes almost always swell after crying.

Inflammation in the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis), tonsils, and teeth leads to stagnation of fluid in the lymphatic vessels and its sweating into the tissue. Swelling is one of the first signs of infection.

Swelling of the left or right side may occur depending on the location of the lesion.

Hypothyroidism, in which the function of the thyroid gland decreases, leads to a decrease in protein formation and hypooncotic edema. Parhon's syndrome is caused by increased production of antidiuretic hormone, which causes fluid retention.

Premenstrual syndrome often manifests itself as swelling due to increased levels of estrogen, which retains moisture.

Disturbances in the functioning of internal organs cause a decrease in the protein content in the blood plasma, oncotic pressure drops, because of this, fluid from the vessels is transported into the interstitial space.

Pathologies that lead to edema:

  1. Superior vena cava syndrome. Blood flows through the superior vena cava from the face, neck and upper torso into the right atrium. When a vein is compressed or thrombosis, blood stagnates and plasma moves from the vein into the intercellular space. Symptoms include swelling and cyanosis.
  2. Intestinal diseases. Swelling occurs in intestinal pathologies with large loss of protein: tumors, intestinal lymphangiectasia, Whipple's disease. Protein is lost due to diarrhea and malabsorption.
  3. Diseases of the cardiovascular system. In heart failure, blood stagnation occurs, which leads to the transfer of fluid from the vessels into the tissues. Puffiness appears in the evenings.
  4. Kidney failure. If kidney function is impaired, a lot of protein is excreted in the urine. Renal swelling occurs mainly in the morning and is located in the eyelid area and under the eyes.
  5. Liver failure. The main protein synthesis occurs in the liver, therefore, with its pathology, hypoproteinemia develops.

Facial swelling in women over 45 years of age is associated with impaired lymphatic metabolism, while the swelling is located asymmetrically and appears at any time of the day.

Methods for eliminating swelling include the use of medications, facial exercises, the use of masks, as well as massage and exercise.

To treat edema, diuretics (diuretics) are prescribed: Indapamide, Chlorothiazide, Spironolactone. It is not recommended to drink them on your own, only as prescribed by a doctor, since when they are taken, minerals are washed out of the body. Contraindications must be taken into account.

Antihistamines will help relieve allergic swelling: Suprastin, Diphenhydramine. For hormonal disorders, hormone blockers or replacement therapy are prescribed.

To fight infection, you cannot do without antibiotics (Ampicillin, Ciprofloxacin) and anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen).

Locally, you can use gels that relieve inflammation and swelling, for example, Lyoton gel, Dolgit, heparin ointment.

In addition to medications, folk remedies will help in the fight against facial swelling:

  1. A contrast shower and physical exercise will help improve microcirculation.
  2. If facial puffiness appears in the morning, after sleep you should drink a glass of water with lemon juice.
  3. You can take decoctions of bay leaf or dandelion root internally.
  4. Facial massage using tapping movements will help to quickly relieve swelling.


To quickly get rid of swelling, you need to apply a cold compress to it or wipe it with an ice cube.

You can effectively cope with swelling using masks:

Mask Recipe
Potato Boil a few potatoes and mash them. While the potatoes are warm, apply to the area of ​​swelling for 10 minutes.
From bay leaf Brew 5 bay leaves in 200 ml of boiling water and leave for an hour. Dip gauze or a clean cloth into the infusion and apply to your face.
Made from greens and sour cream Mix chopped herbs (dill, parsley) in the amount of a teaspoon with 2 tablespoons of chilled sour cream. Keep on your face until the mask warms up
Cucumber Grate a fresh cucumber and apply to the swelling
From essential oil Dilute a few drops of rosemary, geranium or juniper essential oil in a spoon of vegetable oil and apply to face
Buckwheat Place the buckwheat in the bag in boiling water for 2 minutes. Wait until it cools down a little and apply to the swelling
Teahouse Brew a strong infusion of black or green tea and soak a cloth in it

Facial gymnastics is useful in the fight against swelling of the eyelids. Lymphatic drainage of the skin increases its elasticity. Regular exercise prevents early skin aging.

One of the problems that causes discomfort is facial swelling in women. There are various reasons for this phenomenon: from drinking drinks or food that retain fluid in the tissues, to serious health problems. Quite often, swelling occurs in the morning.

General information about water metabolism in the body

Maintaining water metabolism is an important factor for normal human life; its disruption can lead to a number of diseases: such as heart disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension. With normal water-salt balance, the amount of fluid incoming is approximately equal to the amount being released.

The human body consists of approximately 45-70% water, this figure may vary between men and women.

Water in the body is free (when it easily flows from the cell into the intercellular space) and bound (when it is contained in cells and tissues in protein-bound states). If a certain balance is maintained between water and salts in bound and free form, a person is healthy, but when it is displaced, illness appears.


Both fluid retention in the body and too much fluid secretion are dangerous.

Facial swelling during pregnancy

During pregnancy, there are a number of situations when a woman’s face swells.

The following reasons are identified:

  1. With severe gestosis in the last stages. The reason lies in hormonal changes and poor venous outflow. In this case, the legs and arms suffer first, then the stomach and face swell. Conditions of gestosis require close monitoring by a gynecologist, since in this case not only the woman suffers, but also the child, who does not receive enough oxygen.
  2. Women with kidney pathology, diabetes mellitus and thyroid diseases can swell during pregnancy, with the face swelling first. Pregnant women with such diseases are registered with a gynecologist, thoroughly examined and, if they feel unwell or undergo tests, are hospitalized.
  3. Pregnant girls who don’t watch their diet, are also at risk for swelling. If you follow your diet, excluding salty, smoked, fatty and sweet foods, i.e. Those foods that can retain fluid can avoid facial swelling.

Swelling due to allergies

In the modern world, a large number of factors can contribute to allergic reactions: food containing harmful unnatural substances, polluted air, creams with unsafe chemical compounds. Facial swelling is not common, but there are people with similar allergies.


Stress leads to weakened immunity and allergies.

When a foreign protein enters the body, antibodies are produced, cells release histamine and redness and swelling appear. It happens that swelling goes away on its own after some time. If the signs of allergy do not go away, you need to start taking antihistamines, sorbents and apply topical hormonal ointments.

Swelling on the face due to hormonal imbalance

In women of childbearing age, usually over 20 years of age, hormonal disruptions are possible, which may cause swelling of the face. Often swelling due to hormonal imbalances is accompanied by shortness of breath, weakness, and drowsiness. To restore hormonal levels, you need to normalize your routine: go to bed before 11 p.m., eliminate junk food, and avoid stress.

Facial swelling can occur in women during menopause. The causes of edema can be various diseases of the cardiovascular system, endocrine diseases, as well as a lack of microelements (potassium and magnesium) with a high sodium content. Drugs that help get rid of edema should be selected by the treating gynecologist.

Swelling with age-related changes

With age, it is more difficult for the female body to cope with the changes that occur; in some cases, swelling appears.


Facial swelling can be caused by:

  1. Frequent stress, lack of physical activity, lack of sleep.
  2. Alcohol consumed the day before.
  3. Large consumption of coffee, carbonated and sugar-containing drinks.
  4. Wrong food: salty, smoked, fatty, fried.
  5. Chronic diseases: thyroid gland, heart and blood vessels, liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Diseases: sinusitis, conjunctivitis, allergies and others.

Proper lifestyle and nutrition, healthy sleep, and a positive attitude will help cope with the problem.

Poor nutrition

Swelling in the morning occurs due to poor nutrition. In this case, the removal of fluid from the body is disrupted, and metabolism slows down. The presence in the diet of excessive amounts of sweet and salty, fried and fatty, smoked and fast food leads to fluid retention. The consumption of soda and sugary drinks also leads to disruption of the water-salt balance.

They do not quench thirst, but only intensify it. By replenishing your diet with protein foods, vegetables, herbs and fruits, and drinking enough clean water, you can get rid of edema.

Swelling after hyaluronic acid injections

Women are ready to do a lot in an effort to maintain their beauty. In recent years, beauty injections have become very common - injections of hyaluronic acid. When deciding on such a procedure, you need to be aware of some side effects. One of these is swelling. A slight swelling is normal.


It arises as a result of the fact that:

  1. Hyaluronic acid has the effect of retaining fluid in tissues;
  2. The injection itself causes microtrauma, which causes swelling.

This swelling should go away quickly. If after 2-3 days the swelling persists, we can talk about an error by the cosmetologist, who incorrectly calculated the dose or administered the drug incorrectly. In such a situation, it is necessary to contact a cosmetologist to resolve the issue of removing swelling.

Alcohol intake

Drinking alcohol contributes to dehydration and poisoning by metabolic products. During alcoholic feasts, a large load falls on the kidneys and liver. For those in whose diet alcohol is rarely present, the facial pastiness quickly disappears. Those who drink alcoholic beverages in large quantities and often, swelling on the face is pronounced.

This indicates that the body is poisoned by decay products. When alcohol enters the body, pressure on blood vessels increases. For those who drink a lot and for a long time, small blood vessels burst and bruises appear. You can get rid of swelling with the help of diuretics.

Stress and sleep disturbances

Prolonged stress can lead to facial puffiness in women. The cause of stress can be conflict, dissatisfaction with oneself, dissatisfaction with life, and disruption of sleep patterns. During stress, hormonal levels change, the hormones produced affect the kidneys and water excretion slows down.


Proper sleep (sleep at least 8 hours, go to bed before 23.00), a positive attitude towards what is happening will help restore a healthy appearance to your face.

Taking certain medications

When starting to take medications, you should be aware of the side effects.

Drugs that cause facial swelling:

  1. Hormones (corticosteroids, androgens, etc.);
  2. Blood pressure lowering agents (beta blockers, clonidine, etc.);
  3. Antidepressants;
  4. Cytokines;
  5. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (ibuprofen);
  6. Chemotherapy (cyclosporine);
  7. Antiviral (acyclovir).

Drink plenty of fluids before bed

The cause of facial swelling in women may be excess water drunk at night. In this situation, the kidneys cannot cope with too much fluid and cannot remove excess water during the night. When increasing the volume of water you drink to 2 liters per day or more, it is necessary to distribute it evenly throughout the day. Do not drink much in the hours close to bedtime.

Prolonged crying before bed

Morning swelling of the face in women can be a consequence of crying before bed. The reason for the swelling is that during tearing the capillaries are irritated, which interferes with normal blood flow, and swelling appears. In addition, salty tears block the outflow of fluid.


Tea lotions, contrast washing, and applying ice will help cope with such swelling. An eye mask will also help combat swelling.

Infectious diseases

Some infectious diseases can cause swelling on the face.

These include:

  1. Erysipelas. It manifests itself with redness and swelling of the cheeks, increased body temperature, and pain. The disease is caused by streptococcus.
  2. Dental diseases. An inflammatory process in the oral cavity can cause severe swelling of the face.
  3. Sinusitis, sinusitis. When the sinuses become inflamed, swelling occurs in the sinus area, which is accompanied by pain on palpation.
  4. Ear inflammation, mumps. Swelling increases with food intake due to the work of the salivary gland and decreases after some time.

Treatment of the underlying disease will lead to the disappearance of swelling.

Liver and kidney diseases

With exacerbation of chronic kidney diseases, such as pyelonephritis, glomerolonephritis and others, among other symptoms, the face swells, arms, legs and stomach. Swelling occurs due to the fact that it is difficult for the kidneys to cope with the removal of fluid and salts. In the case of normal kidney function, the protein retains water in the blood, preventing it from passing into the tissues.


When protein is lost by the kidneys, water enters the tissues and swelling occurs. If you experience frequent swelling, you should have your kidneys checked, as swelling may be the only symptom of a serious illness. Edema in liver diseases occurs in the acute period with cirrhosis. In such cases, the liver does not synthesize the required amount of protein, water cannot be retained in the blood and enters the tissues, leading to edema.

In such situations, the face does not swell; the legs and stomach suffer.

Thyroid diseases

Swelling of the face can accompany thyroid diseases, such as hypothyroidism, thyrotoxicosis, goiter. With these diseases, hormonal levels and, as a result, metabolic processes are disrupted.


Facial swelling in women, the causes of which lie in pathologies of the thyroid gland, requires a mandatory medical examination.

The body faces the following problems:

  1. Slow metabolism occurring at the cellular level;
  2. Accumulation of cholesterol in blood vessels;
  3. Capillaries become permeable;
  4. The outflow of fluid is delayed.

Cells suffer, less protein is synthesized, decay products accumulate in the intercellular space and swelling occurs. If severe swelling occurs, you should consult a doctor to adjust the treatment. At the beginning of the disease, there may be no visible swelling, but rapid weight gain will indicate fluid accumulated inside the tissues.

Swelling of the internal organs is alarming, which can lead to complications. Women with thyroid disease should adhere to diet, water regimen and exercise.

Cardiovascular diseases

Cardiac edema is different from that associated with thyroid or kidney disease. Their localization occurs first in the lower part of the legs and then rises higher. The swelling is painless, when pressed, a hole remains for some time, the color may be slightly purple, the temperature at the site of the swelling is reduced, swelling occurs in the evening and goes away in the morning.

Swelling can be associated with a number of heart diseases, including cardiomyopathy, defects, cardiosclerosis, arrhythmia and others.

In heart disease, myocardial contractility decreases, arterial blood pumping occurs in a smaller volume, vasoconstriction and fluid retention occur. To eliminate swelling, it is necessary to improve the functioning of the heart. A cardiologist can prescribe the correct treatment.

In addition to medications prescribed by your doctor, you should limit your intake of foods that cause fluid retention:

Alcohol and tobacco products are excluded from the diet. You should follow a sleep schedule and avoid stress.

Metabolic disorders

Metabolic processes occur in the human body every second. You can highlight the exchange of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, energy and water. Swelling can occur as a result of protein metabolism disorders. Proteins perform many functions: transport, immune, protective, creative, decongestant, release energy, stop bleeding, and others.

Excess protein can be indicated by: poor appetite, changes in stool (diarrhea or diarrhea), kidney and bone diseases.

The following symptoms also indicate a protein metabolism disorder:

  1. Weakness;
  2. Dramatic weight loss;
  3. Drowsiness;
  4. Decreased immunity.

If swelling and accompanying manifestations of protein metabolism disorders occur, it is necessary to take a biochemical test and consult a doctor.


Facial swelling can occur as a result of cardiovascular pathologies, including hypertension. Hypertension is characterized by increased blood pressure. There is a narrowing of the arteries and an increase in pressure. Initially, spasms can lead to hypertension, and then thickening of the walls of blood vessels occurs, the heart works more intensely, throws more blood into the vessels - hypertension develops.


Hypertension can be caused by excess weight, smoking, drinking alcohol, stress and other negative factors. Hypertension can be a concomitant disease to the main one: diseases of the thyroid gland, kidneys and others. Swelling is accompanied by shortness of breath, headaches and pain in the heart. You can alleviate the condition with diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Inflammation in the facial area

With various inflammations, swelling of the face in women is possible.

The reasons for this manifestation lie in the following diseases:

  1. Boils and carbuncles in different parts of the face. Accumulations of pus may be accompanied by high fever. Treatment is carried out with antibiotics and sometimes mini-surgeries.
  2. Osteomyelitis associated with dental inflammation. Characterized by a rise in temperature, problems with appetite and sleep. Treatment requires removal of the tooth and abscess.
  3. Acute mumps or inflammation of the gland located near the ear. The parotid gland swells, it is difficult to open the mouth, and the temperature rises. The condition is life-threatening and requires antibiotics and medical supervision.
  4. Erysipelas – inflammation of the mucous membranes and skin. It most often occurs on the lower extremities, but may appear on the face. Treatment is carried out using droppers, antihistamines and antibiotics.


Facial swelling may result from facial thrombosis. Squeezing pimples or damaging teeth can lead to inflammation of the walls of the veins. The most dangerous localization is considered to be on the nose, upper lip, chin and eyelids. In this case, the infection may spread to the cerebral veins.


The disease spreads quickly. It begins with an increase in temperature, fever, inflammation and swelling appear under the skin. A competent doctor will make a diagnosis based on symptoms, but in order to understand which area is involved in the inflammatory process, CT and MRI are prescribed.

To treat such conditions, surgical intervention is possible to remove foci of infection.. Additionally, antibacterial therapy is included for a long period (about 2 months). To prevent thrombosis, hygiene should be observed.

Decreased immunity

Decreased immunity can cause many serious diseases: inflammatory processes, kidney and liver diseases, heart diseases and others, one of the manifestations of which is facial swelling.

To maintain a strong immune system, it is important to follow several rules:

  1. Lead an active lifestyle, play sports, walk a lot;
  2. Go to bed no later than 23.00, sleep duration should be at least 8 hours. But it’s also important not to oversleep;
  3. Positive attitude, no stress;
  4. Proper split meals: at least 3 times, medium portions. The diet should include vegetables, fruits and herbs.
  5. Contrast shower or hardening and dousing with cold water.

Following simple rules will help maintain health and youth for a long time.

Postoperative period

Facial swelling may appear in the postoperative period for a number of reasons:

  1. Lymph accumulated in the area of ​​tissue damaged by surgery. During surgery, a decrease in immunity occurs; in an effort to recover, the immune system produces a large amount of lymph, which accumulates at the site of the operated tissue.
  2. Inflammatory process. It may appear during an exacerbation of a chronic disease and cause an increase in body temperature.

Recovery after surgery proceeds differently for each person depending on the state of the immune system, the presence of chronic diseases, lifestyle and other factors. Under normal circumstances, swelling goes away quickly. If swelling does not disappear after a week, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

“First aid” for swelling on the face

Systematically, edema is a reason to think about examination and treatment by a doctor. If swelling appears due to excess fluid at night, drinking alcohol, eating the wrong food, You can help in the following ways:

  1. Contrast face wash;
  2. Light massage of eyelids and face;
  3. Cool compress on the eye area with green tea or herbs (chamomile, mint);


  4. Drink diuretics: tablets - "Canephron", herbs - brewed parsley or lingonberry leaf, bay leaf;
  5. Avoid consumption of foods that retain fluid: salty, sweet, smoked.

Facial swelling in women is associated with various reasons. In order not to worsen the situation, you need to monitor your health and take timely measures.

Video: facial swelling in women. Causes

Find out how to deal with facial swelling in the video:

Facial swelling due to poor diet: