Sample C Actg


General characteristics of the disease The ACTH test is used to determine the function of the thyroid and adrenal glands by detecting their secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). This hormone stimulates the synthesis and release of hormones from the adrenal glands (pituitary hormones), which in turn stimulate the functioning of certain organs and tissues.

The ACTH test is carried out through a special test strip containing a glucocorticoid component, which, when interacting with ACTH, produces a visible result indicating the release of the hormone from the endocrine glands. This method determines the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. If the gland functions normally, then normal production of ACTH occurs, that is, the level of glucose in the blood does not change.

Deviations from the norm, in which the concentration of ACTG may be increased/decreased, may indicate problems with the thyroid gland or adrenal glands. The results of the ACTG test can also be used to diagnose tumor diseases associated with hormonal disorders.

The main indication for the ACTGH test is to determine thyroid function; In some cases, screening for parathyroid hormones (PTH) is possible. Another indication may be identified disturbances in its functioning, as well as suspicion of a disorder or tumor that may affect the secretion of the hormone. Indications will also include unfavorable or contraindications for the use of this hormonal test. Methodology for performing the test The process of conducting a TSH test includes conducting a basic blood test and an additional blood test after the introduction of hormonal components into the test person’s body. Below is an algorithm for preparing for analysis with ACTg: * The study is carried out on an empty stomach, preferably before breakfast. The day before it is prohibited to consume alcohol, tobacco and drugs. * 4 hours before the test you can only drink clean water. *The ACTg test was performed 90 minutes after the patient was given the appropriate hormonal component. Typically, the procedure takes place on an outpatient basis - for this purpose, venous blood is taken from the patient. The patient then receives an injection of the GSS stimulator, after which ACTH concentrations are monitored for 3–8 minutes. At the end of the study, calculations are carried out and the results are analyzed by endocrinologists. If there is no change in testosterone concentration by less than 25% of the initial values, the study is repeated, but if the data from repeated tests indicate a marginal increase in the results, additional measures are taken.