Keratosis Plantar Sulcata

Plantar keratosis is a skin disease manifested by impaired keratinization and formation of horny plates on the soles of the feet. There are several types of keratoses, including plantar keratosis. The disease does not pose a threat to health, but causes cosmetic discomfort to the patient. Depending on the severity and complications, it can cause physical discomfort and pain to the patient.

Among the main reasons for the development of this disease may be: * Poor nutrition and lack of vitamins; * Problems with the nervous system; *Elderly age. Keratosis plantar occurs in people of all ages. This disease can be either congenital or acquired.

Plantar verrucous keratosis is a chronic skin disease from the group of keratomas, affecting the interdigital folds and the sole of the foot, characterized by hyperkeratosis and the formation of a large number of filiform warts. Plantar keratosis is divided into three forms: superficial, core, hypertrophic (according to the shape of the lesion during examination). It is often localized to areas with significant roughening of the skin or callus formation. Plantar verrucous keratoma is more often diffuse - up to 70% of cases, less often - dysmorphic: with palmoplantar localization - up to 30%, with follicular localization - up to 5%.