
It happens that you meet a person and cannot resist asking: who are you? Or so, at random you will say something like that about him... He will laugh in response. It seems that the name is some kind of famous, but I don’t remember what to do. Who is this man, maybe I confused someone with him...

And then you will see more and more such people.... But what is it, most of us sometimes encounter such people. More precisely, not with people, but with the behavior, with the characters of those whose names and faces you don’t know. And they talk disapprovingly about this man himself behind his back, and look at him with condemnation: it is not for nothing that he became such a person. Most often, he is blamed either for certain weaknesses or for great opportunities, which he may lose due to his supposedly very spoiled character. People do not believe in the naturalness of nature and are inclined to find a pattern. And, often, they can even come up with an explanation for the image themselves.