
Dyzenzymosis is a condition in which the human body stops properly digesting certain nutrients. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetic disorders, autoimmune diseases and environmental influences.

The main symptom of dysenzymosis is poor tolerance to certain foods that are usually well digested by a healthy person. Some people may have trouble digesting lactose, gluten, nuts, tomatoes, citrus fruits and other foods. Some people may have allergic reactions to various foods.

Dyzenzymosis can lead to digestive and metabolic disorders. This can cause excess weight, bowel dysfunction, heartburn, nausea, bloating and other health problems. In some cases, people with this disease may develop intolerance to certain foods and even anaphylactic shock after eating them.

One of the reasons for the appearance of dysenzymoses is the presence of certain hereditary defects. This reason is due to the presence of genes responsible for the digestion of certain nutrients in the human body. One example of an inherited disorder is lactose intolerance. This condition is caused by the body lacking the enzyme lactase, which is necessary to digest lactose found in dairy products. Also, among other hereditary causes of dysenzymoses, celiac disease can be distinguished - this is a disease that is associated with gluten intolerance